SCICHART©® Release Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th Apr 2016 Patch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed - SC-3388 Fixed AutoRange change to Always issue - Fixed Obfuscator settings not allowing referencing Themes/Default.xaml from SciChart base themes - SC-3366 Support Double.Nan in FastHeatmapRenderableSeries when AllowHighPrecisionColorMap setting is true - SC-3390 TooltipModifier does not populate SeriesData. - SC-3373 Fixed appearance Licensing Warnings for polar chart - Fixed zoom history manager issue when HistoryDepth value set to more than 10 it’s continue work only for 10 history range - SC3D-311 Fixed LogarithmicNumericAxis3D.TextFormatting when behaving of it is not as expected - SC-3379 Fixed issue when Mountains and Bands doesn’t appears - Fixed XPS printing in MVVM scenarios - Fixes NullReferenceException in SciChartGroup on add-pane - SC-3348 Fixed issue when Vertical Slice tooltips are close together, the tooltips start jump slices - Fixes Binding Error for StrokeDashArray on BandRenderableSeriesViewModel “BindingExpression path error: ‘Series0StrokeDashArray’ property not found on ‘object’ ”BandRenderableSeriesViewModel'” - Fixes NullReferenceException if AxisCore.TickCoordinatesProvider is set in XAML not code - SC3D-300 UniformGridDataSeries 3D where ZSize != XSize crashes - SC3D-304 Fixes HitTest X-Z issues for non-rectangular meshes in UniformGridDataSeries3D - SC3D-301 UniformGridDataSeries3D Transposes data – fixes transposition for Uniform column, heatmap and impulse types - SC-3346 Fixed issue when SciChartGroup pane large, XAxis Drag scales, when small XAxisDrag pans - Fixed LogarithmicNumericAxis3D issue: - no labels with ScientificNotation = Normalized - SC-3362 Fixed incorrect drawing in RenderContext.DrawText - SC-3347 Fixed XAxis Drag issue when zoom it to extremes XAxis Drag stops working - SC-3347 Fixed mousewheel issue when zoom it to extremes mousewheel stops working - SC-3370 Memory leak in DirectXHelper.TryApplyDirectXRenderer - SC-3369 RolloverModifier.ShowTooltipOn = MouseOver is behaving like Always - SC-3366 Support NaN for transparent cell in Heatmap - SC-3367 RubberBandZoomModifier doens’t work property in Multi-Chart scenarios where charts are of different sizes - SC3D-298 Runtime C++ SWIG Binding error from C# in SciChart3D due to file-locks on SciChart3DNative.dll dependency - SC-3361 Fixed issue when AxisDrag works on an adjusted surface (where not supposed) - SC-3363 Fixed when stackedColumns appears as a thin lines at NaN data values - SC-3357 Fixed StackedColumnSeries zooming issue - SC-3356 Fixed XyzDataSeries crashes when TY,TZ type are not equal - SC-3355 Changed AnnotationCreationModifier.AnnotationType property to dependency property. Improved - SC-3365 Created “Export to XPS, Printing and Screenshots” Example in SciChart Demo - SC3D-297 Created specific example for OrbitModifier3D, ZoomExtentsModifier3D - Implementing Dispose in SciChart3DSurface to explicitly dispose the Viewport3D and shut down the 3D Engine if this is the last SciChart3DSurface, rather than relying on the Finalizer which is non-deterministic. - SC3D-310 Implement SciChart3DSurface.ExportToBitmapSource() / ExportToFile - Added the method UniformGridDataSeries3D.ToArray2D() (returns double[,] array) - Added the debug extension method ToStringArray2D (accepts double[,] array, formats as X Z text for visual inspection of UniformGridDataSeries3D) - Removed Rhino.Mocks from SciChart.Charting!! Why is it there? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23rd Feb 2016 Patch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed - SC3D-295 NullReferenceException in Viewport3D after export of a 3D Example referencing SciChart.Charting3D - SC-3337 Fixed when AnnotationLabel.RotationAngle gets overriden in VerticalLineAnnotation.ApplyOrientation - SC-3119 Fixed scrollbar flickers if you click on the central area - SC-3258 Set hit-test data convert to data values from world coordinates to data in 3D Tooltips - SC-3353 Fixed HeatMap isn’t redrawn when ColorMap gets changed - SC-3352 Fixed BaseRenderableSeriesViewModel.StyleKey change does not show up in app - SC-3313 Candlesticks: drawing artifacts on the right edge (Merged from v3.6 branch) - Fixed ShowTooltipOn.MouseLeftButtonDown option in VerticalSliceModifier Improved - SC3D-294 Warn if SciChart3D Run without Visual Cpp 2013 Runtime - SC3D-285 Implemented new PixelPointMarker3D which can be used in combination with ScatterRenderableSeries3D to render millions or tens of millions of points Point-Cloud charts as single pixels. Dynamically changing 10,000,000 points scatter 3d now takes 300ms. Static point-clouds with 10M points render at over 60 FPS. - SC-3354 Better error message if you don’t enter a complete key in licensingWizard - Added Fill property to SeriesInfo3D - Supporting better exception handling and reporting in Exported code solutions from the WPF Examples Suite. - Ensure exported project from WPF Chart Examples Suite uses .NET4.0 not .NET4.5 for best compatibility - Enabled SciChart.Examples.Demo logging to text file in user\AppData\Local\SciChart directory ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15th Feb 2016 Patch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed - Added exception / warning if setting ColumnRenderableSeries3D.DataPointWidth outside of bounds 0.0-1.0 - Fixed a bug where changing DataSeries.YValues or XValues and Invalidating SciChartSurface did not redraw the chart. This occurred because of the new Caching feature in DataSeries, which did not know about data-values being changed via the YValues list. - Fixed rounding error issue which prevented ColumnRenderableSeries3D from displaying in some conditions - Fixed NullReferenceException in ColumnRenderableSeries3D when opacity used - Merged fixes from v3.6 Branch: Fixed the crash during panning CategoryAxis Improved - SC-3343 Allow disabling all DropShadowEffects (used by tooltips, legends) via the EffectManager.Instance.EnableDropShadows property - SC3D-290 Allow hide 3D XYZ Orientation Gizmo and FPS Counter in SciChart3D via SciChart3DSurface.IsFpsVisible and IsXyzGizmoVisible properties - SC3D-287 Allow hide entire AxisCube via SciChart3DSurface.IsAxisCubeVisible - Added option to SciChart WPF Examples Suite -> Settings -> Use Alternative Fill Source (to enable compatibilty mode for DirectX on older GPUs) - Added option to SciChart WPF Examples Suite -> Settings -> Enable/Disable DropShadows (to allow better performance on older hardware) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th Feb 2016 Patch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed - Fixed an issue where the SciChart SDK Installer did not install the Visual C++ 2013 Runtime, meaning 3D Charts failed to load on computers without Visual Studio 2013 with MSVCP.dll not found error - Fixed an issue where SciChart.Charting3D did not correctly load D3DCompiler_47.dll dependency when in DirectX 9 mode, causing a crash in 3D Charts on DirectX 9 only PCs. - Fixed an issue where several 3D Chart Types crashed when the target computer had .NET4.0 only (not .NET 4.5 or 4.6). - Fixed an issue where SciChart 3D Surface Mesh wireframe did not match the surface size/shape of the mesh in some cases. - Fixed VerticalLineAnnotation incorrect position at startup - Fixed a bug with MountainSeries not skipping NaN data values and drawing gaps incorrectly Improved - The SciChart.UpdaterTool is now packaged as a VSIX Visual Studio Extension. You can download it now in the Visual Studio 2012, 2013, 2015 gallery by following steps from our Migration Guide. - Also the SciChart.UpdaterTool several issues are fixed such as blank / not working updater tool on some computers. - The WPF Examples Suite now has a proper exception handling dialog with full stack trace, which you can send to us on error (hopefully these don’t occur!) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd Feb 2016 Patch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed - Fixed crash in SciChart3D if D3DCompiler_43.dll is not present on target machine - Fixed intermitted AccessViolationException crash in SciChart3D which occurs on switching example. - Fixed a bug in SciChart3D where SurfaceMesh was occassionally drawn incorrectly on first draw only - Fixed PointLine 3D and Column 3D Chart examples still crash on fast switching of example - Fixed a bug where SciChart.UpdaterTool wouldn’t work in some cases - Fixed a bug where SciChart.UpdaterTool hit the wrong NuGet server, not getting latest DLLs. - Fixed several licensing & activation issues, including: - Chart showing Trial Watermark even after developer license is activated. - Chart showing incorrectly warnings such as mismatch in Runtime Key when SC-WPF-PRO or SC-SRC runtime key used. - Now possible to have a Trial Extension for a 3D or SDK product when already activated as a 2D product - Fixed several SciChart v4 Examples not compiling after export - Fixed SciChart v4 Examples Source-code doesn’t compile in the installer - Fixed the mismatch between File and Assembly Version info e.g. Assembly Version 4.0.1 was File Version 4.01, now 4.0.1. Improved - Added a property to SciChartSurface.ShowLicensingWarnings. Set to false to hide red licensing warnings in the top right of the SciChartSurface. - Improved behaviour and usability of the DataPointSelectionModifier - Added a row to the SciChart Licensing Wizard to show you the underlying Trial Status if you are activated on a 2D product. This can assist with understanding Activated on 2D, Trialing 3D combinations. - Added new example ‘Waterfall Chart’ to the SciChart WPF v4 Examples Suite - Added Version/Build information to Examples Suite Settings page. - Added tooltips all over the Licensing Wizard to explain what the various bits mean! - [Internal to our Build] Added 75 end-to-end Integration Tests to cover all SciChart Licensing & Activation cases. Hopefully those pesky licensing issues will never rear their head again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13th Jan 2016 Major Update (BETA) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The BETA Version of SciChart v4 WPF and SciChart 3D WPF! New / Improved - PointMetadata API - Tooltips API Improvements - Data-point Selection API - MVVM SeriesBinding API - Composite Annotations API - Undo/Redo of Zoom - Performance Improvements & Caching - Styles & Theme Improvements - 3D Chart Types! - New Examples Suite - New 300+ page Documentation - New SciChart.UpdaterTool to assist migrating from v3.x to v4.x ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13th Jan 2016 Minor Update (MSI Installer) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed - [SC-3222] TextAnnotation gets pinned to X2 after being moved - [SC-3225] PaletteProvider causes invisible line segments to be drawn - [SC-3223] HeatMap strange vertical lines - [SC-3226] Polar chart Y axis ticks and labels are missing - [SC-3217] Fixed a bug in HsRenderer: 2, 3px big PointMarkers appeared 1px big ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th Dec 2015 Minor Update (MSI Installer) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New / Improved - Added High Quality Vector (XPS) Export functionality to SciChart WPF. This is licensed to the SciChart Source-code customers only - Added a new RenderSurface plugin: XamlRenderSurface. This allows rendering all SciChart WPF to XAML / Canvas and enables high-quality scalable vector export - Added ExportToXps Extension method for XamlRenderSurface - Derived DataSeries types (XyyDataSeries, HlcDataSeries, OhlcDataSeries, BoxPlotDataSeries) Append, Insert, Update methods have all been made virtual - Added a property called AllowsHighPrecisionColormap to FastHeatMapRenderableSeries, which fixed the issue with high-precision numbers as offsets in ColorMap. However it comes at the expense of performance - Digitally signed the SciChart v3.x Installer with MS Authenticode Code Signing Certificate - SC-3079 Added XIndex, YIndex to HeatmapSeriesInfo and HitTestInfo for Heatmap2DArrayDataSeries Fixed - SC-3092 Fixed the 1px long lines drawing issue for HQ renderer - SC-3122 Fixed small ellipses aren't rendered when width or height < 2 - SC-3092 Added ability to switch Antialiasing on\off, fixed binding to StrokeThickness - SC-3092 Fixed bad rendering of short lines for HS renderer, small red dots when 1 StrokeThickness & AntiAliasing turned on, blinking series when drawing short, 1px lines & StrokeThickness > 1 - SC-3118 CursorModifier with ShowTooltip=True causes a fast memory leak on mouse-move. Fixes a long running memory leak in CursorModifier, TooltipModifier and Rollovermodifier where SeriesInfoTemplateSelector had an event handler leak - SC-3102 Heatmap2DArrayDataSeries does not implement InvalidateParentSurface - SC-3103 Multiple IDataSeries APIs in Heatmap2DArrayDataSeries not implemented! - SC-3085 Fixed the bug when MinZoomConstrain wouldn't work with LogarithmicAxi - SC-3087 Fixed memory leak on resize of a chart containing Direct3D10RenderSurface - SC-3073 Fixed Direct3D10RenderSurface memory leak after last SciChartSurface is removed, one Direct3D10RenderSurface instance remains - SC-3080 DirectX Static memory (VertexBuffers etc..) is never reclaimed when the last SciChartSurface is garbage collected - SC-3078 Fixed Heatmap goes beyond the viewport when zoomed to the data extents - SC-3077 Fixed SciChartOverview stopped showing the background when bound to an ItemTemplate - Fixed a bug when HeatMap recreated cached resources every time MappingSettings was get ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st Oct 2015 Minor Update (MSI Installer) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New / Improved - We now package and distribute .NET 4.6, 4.5 and 4.0 Assemblies with the installer and with NuGet - SC-2950 Added ability to customize SciChartOverview via RenderableSeriesType, RenderableSeriesStyle properties - SC-2923 Enabled SciChartScrollBar to work on the XAxis or YAxis where FastHeatmapRenderableSeries is used - SC-2875 Enabled SciChartOverview to work with FastHeatmapRenderableSeries - SC-2912 FastHeatmapRenderableSeries tooltip always interpolates X and Y value. Added the abilty to obey UseInterpolation flag from RolloverModifier and Hit-Test API - SC-2047 Added Direct3D10RenderSurface.UseAlternativeFillSource. When true, uses the Direct3D10Image.FillSourceRDP method always (usually used only when Remote Desktop enabled) This resolves some compatibility issues with the DirectX renderer on certain hardware - SC-2922 Added property TextAlignment to TextAnnotation serialization - SC-2921 Added properties BorderThickness, FontWeight, FontStyle to AnnotationBase serialization - SC-3030 Improved installer theme and usability, outputting one .exe instead of two MSI's (one of which failed to work) Fixed - SC-3040 Fixed regression issue introduced in nightly build where Direct3D10RenderSurface could not be instantiated. - SC-3036 Fixed a large semi-transparent gray rectangle on the polar chart in some instances - SC-3047 SciChartSurface that was never Loaded in the Visual Tree causes a memory leak - SC-3041 Fixed an exception in Heatmap series Hit Test (used by rollovermodifier) in some instances - SC-3043 Fixed an OutOfMemoryException which occurred when using LogarithmicNumericAxis for the YAxis and several series types, including FastColumnRenderableSeries , FastImpulseRenderableSeries, StackedColumnRenderableSeries, StackedMountainRenderableSeries - SC-2992 IndexOutOfRangeException in DataSeries.get_YRange when scrollbar, empty fifo series used, caused by ArrayOperations.MinMax throwing if array length is zero - SC-2980 Forcing InvariantCulture in parsing of all X1,X2,Y1,Y2 annotations from XAML - SC-2980 Annotations with RelativeCoordinates do not display when machine locale has numbers in 123.456,00 format - SC-2954 Fixed the issue with shifted annotation labels when axes are stacked. Also fixes the issue when Vertical/HorizontalLineAnnotation throws if AxisId isn't set. - SC-2773 Fixed the bug with ticks on PolarChart turned inwards - SC-2944 Added ability to format SeriesValueModifier AxisMarkers by overriding SeriesValueModifier.FormatMarkerText method - SC-2935 MouseManager.MouseEventGroup binding fails if DataContext set after SciChartSurface.Loaded - SC-2927 AxisBase.DefaultAxisId constant is lost during obfuscation/deployment of scichart, leading to multiple issues related to AxisID not found etc... - SC-2926 Incorrect startup range when XyDataSeries.TX=Int, Float (not double) and FastColumnRenderableSeries is used - SC-2919 Memory leak when changing DataSeries on FastHeatmapRenderableSeries / and using SciChartOverview or Scrollbar - SC-2920 Heatmap Series repeatedly throws exceptions in a loop when Scrollbar/Overview added, causing a performance problem when rendering - SC-2918 Setting multiple YAxes before Annotations causes a NullReferenceException in AnnotationBase - SC-2915 WPF Designer crashes when LineAnnotation is added with AxisId - SC-2910 BorderThickness is not serialized in Annotations - SC-2788 Further check for ParentSurface.IsVisible in ChartModifierBase.CanReceiveMouseEvents() to prevent crashes when scrolling or zooming charts linked by MouseEventGroup that are not visible - SC-2906 AxisBase.Scroll crashes if chart surface is linked via MouseEventGroup to another chart but not shown - SC-2904 Performance severely degraded in v3.2, 3.3, 3.4 vs. v3.1 when adding thousands of RenderableSeries to a SciChartSurface - Small change to EEGChannelsDemo to reduce FPS dropouts and stutter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th Aug 2015 Minor Update (MSI Installer) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed - SC-2840 Added a temporary workaround for the issue where RenderSurface size was constantly growing. - This was the root cause of several issues including annotations in the wrong location, tooltips clipped at the right side of the viewport - SC-2838 ExportToBitmapSource() is not on ISciChartSurface interface - SC-2823 Unable to format FastHeatmapRenderableSeries cell labels (Workaround – via FormatLabel method override) - SC-2821 MouseWheelZoomModifier Scroll doesn’t work if axis is collapsed - SC-2820 Minor Improvements to Scatter Chart performance in High Speed renderer. - Small change to IPointMarker, now has a Begin() and End() method which signifies the start and end of a batch. - BasePointMarker.AntiAliasing property added, default binds to XyScatterRenderableSeries.AntiAliasing. - XyScatterRenderableSeries.AntiAlisiasing default FALSE - Result: EllipsePointMarker = 50% faster, CrossPointMarker = 50% faster, Triangle, Square = 100% faster - SC-2816 Fixed an issue with a crash during tick labels rendering because of inherited DataContext - SC-2797 Fixed a bug with too large RenderSurface if under some surface’s configurations - SC-2814 NullReferenceException in XAML designer if LabelProvider is null - SC-2812 Fixed the issue when modifiers throw if there were several X axes with IsPrimaryAxis=”True” - SC-2808 Cannot bind to MouseWheelZoomModifier.XyDirection due to DependencyProperty Precedence issue - SC-2807 Fixed the annotation label binding when AxisId gets changed on the parent annotation - SC-2792 Polar Chart wrong ranges with collapsed axes - SC-2804 Add polygon clipping for BandSeries (incorrect rendering when polygon was partially outside of the viewport) - SC-2801 Fixed first PointMarker is not drawn after one or more NaN - SC-2798 When AnnotationBase.XAxisId or YAxisId is invalid, an exception is thrown which prevents all rendering. - Instead, we have added RenderPassInfo.Warnings which is a List which can be populated at any time during rendering and will be displayed in the output window when SciChartSurface.DebugWhyDoesntSciChartRender = true - SC-2788 Fixed the issue with NullReferenceException thrown if MouseEventGroup used on Collapsed surfaces. - SC-2789 Fixed the issue with incorrect behaviour of Horizontal/VerticalLineAnnotations in case of a vertical chart. - SC-2785 The TickCoordinates structure has been made public with all its members - SC-2768 Fixed animation interference e.g. when Zooming then Zooming to Extents immediately after, animations conflict - SC-2781 Fixed the issue where minor grid lines had not been shown with MajorDelta set and zoomed in between two major ticks - SC-2775 Fixed the bug with the ThemeManager.ThemeApplied event constantly firing during redraw. - SC-2774 Fixed Regression bug: Log(0) incorrect drawing with LogarithmicAxis - SC-2770 Small change to Heatmap2DArrayDataSeries to ensure all implementations of XValues, YValues return the same results - SC-2714 Bug in SciChartScrollbar: restored deleted fix – viewport overlaps left resizing grip - SC-2770 Heatmap2DArrayDataSeries does not correctly implementing IDataSeries.YValues - SC-2769 Fixed the initialization of TickProvider, added unit tests - SC-2764 Prevented rendering of a surface is not visible; prevented drawing of axis if not visible - Added DirectXHelper.cs class which uses an attached property to create directx renderer or fallback to software (HQ). - This is also referenced in the article - SC-2761 Fixed StackedColumnsSeries doesn’t work with a logarithmic YAxis - SC-2760 Fixed regression bug VerticalLineAnnotation isn’t displayed if axis is collapsed - SC-2750 Fixed tiny 1-pixel gaps in line series when using the DirectX Renderer plugin - SC-2740 Fixed StackedColumns throw during rendering when some series are outside the viewport ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29th May 2015 Minor Update (MSI Installer) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed - SC-2716 Line Clipping Algorithm fix in all three renderers (HQ, HS, DX) - SC-2718, SC-2132 Polygon clipping now implemented for Mountain area rendering Zooming until VisibleRange.Max-Min was smaller than 1E-5 causes artefacts in line and mountain rendering in DirectX, High Quality, High Speed renderers including dissappearing lines, incorrect line position, flickering lines, flickering mountain areas, dissappearing or jagged or incorrectly positioned mountain areas This is a critical fix which affects the visual output of the chart when using line or mountain series when the VisibleRange.Max-Min is small All series and renderers now support zooming to VisibleRange.Max-Min <= 1E-12, which is near the limit of precision for double (64bit) in .NET - SC-2720 Fixed inaccurate positioning of lines where StrokeThickness > 1d in the High Speed renderer, where the line segment is not centred on the X,Y coordinate - SC-2723,1974 Fixed an AntiAliasing issue when drawing artefacts appeared for vertical lines at the edges of the viewport - SC-2710 Fixed a bug with StackedColumnRenderableSeries where XAxis Labels are shifted with respect to column position - SC-2719 Fixed a bug where the size of axis ticks were considered during layout even though ticks were set not to appear - SC-2724 Fixed an issue within the BodyBrush DependencyProperty definition for FastBoxPlotRenderableSeries - SC-2722 Hit-test fix: StrokeThickness is considered during hit-test on series with bodies - SC-2721 Hit-test fix: hitTestRadius is ignored during hit-test on series with bodies - SC-2728 Fixed hit-test on rotated stacked series - SC-2731 StackedColumns aren't scaled to fit the area if the only data point - SC-2735 Fixed an exception during hit-test when unsigned data types are used - SC-2738 WPF performance demo scatter chart crash fixed - SC-2704 SciChartSurface.ZoomExtents should not apply zoom to axis which has no DataSeries - SC-2705 AxisBase.VisibleRange bindings being lost/overwritten in some cases - SC-2702 Stackoverflow Exception when adding and removing annotations - SC-2700 Fix a recursive layout bug where SciChartSurface resized continually in the Visual Studio designer - SC-2706 Fixed LabelTickToIndent Binding Error - SC-2711 Reverted breaking API change introduced in v3.4.0: ChartModifierBase.OnYAxesCollectionChanged, OnXAxesCollectionChanged function signature had changed - SC-2712 Candlestick/OHLCRenderableSeries int arithmetic overflow during drawing - SC-2714 Bug in SciChartScrollbar: viewport overlaps left resizing grip ( changed SciChartScrollbar template to prevent overlapping of resizing grips by viewport ) - SC-2717 SeriesInfo isn't initialized properly via the constructor which takes 1 param ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7th May 2015 Minor Update (MSI Installer) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New - SC-2690 Investigate preformance of adding annotations to a chart - Improved performance of attaching annotations to a SciChart Surface by almost 3x - Removed subscriptions from every annotation, and add method to call from AnnotationCollection and ChartModifier (directly from SciChartSurface) - Removed support (which was not working properly and was disabled) of YAxisDragModifier for PolarChart - Refactored throwing exceptions for unsupported PolarChart modifiers - Removed redundant tests from APIElementBase - Added ChartModifierBase, ModifierGroup and AnnotationBase tests - SC-2662 Investigate performance of showing a chart which has annotations - Discovered that annotations are attached and detacted 3x when a chart is first shown - Removed redundant recreation and re-attachment of annotation collection during template changes in the SciChartSurface - SC-2635 Added AnnotationBase.DragStarted, DragEnded, DragDelta events. - Events used to determine if annotation was dragged or moved - All events now fire if you drag the annotation OR you drag the adorner - SC-2651 Heatmap now supports transparency the heatmap color map as well as Opacity in the FastHeatmapRenderableSeries - SC-2186 Implemented gradient rotation for HighSpeed,HighQuality RenderContext (per screen) - SC-2651 Set opacity on heatmap example for testing new Heatmap Opacity support - SC-2587 Added the UserDefinedDistributionCalculator to two examples - performance demo and spectrum analyzer demo - SC-2146 Added checks inside FastLineHelper and ISeriesDrawingHelper so now lines won't draw if SeriesColor is transparent or StrokeThickness not greater than 0 Fixed - SC-2615 Fixed a slowdown issue within the StaticAxis example - SC-2687 Fixed a 1 pixel gap between Top and Right axis and the axis tick lines - SC-2692 Fixed the issue with culling of labels on LogarithmicNumericAxis - SC-2693 Fixed setting FontSize on an axis - had no impact on labels before - SC-2649 Fixed a ZoomPanModifier bug with flickering edge labels when ZoomExtentsY property was set and label size drastically changes - SC-2691 Changing DataSeries.SeriesName does not refresh series name in legend - SC-2685 DataSeries.XRange and DataSeries.YRange are not threadsafe - SC-2684 CustomAnnotation does not position itself when ContentTemplate is used - SC-2653 Fixed a bug with LabelTextFormatting not being applied when set in a style - SC-2510 Fixed a bug where Axis oscillates in size (bug in layout) - Complete re-write of AxisPanel and layout algorithms, if you have custom templated the Axis it may require re-work - SC-2694 Fixed the issue when modifier axis tooltips appeared detached from the axis - SC-2695 Fixed hit test issue while trying to hit test with interpolation = true on DataSeries with less then 2 points - SC-2636 FastBubbleRenderableSeries and PaletteProvider gives blank charts - SC-2146 Fixed Some basic properties don't work on Column Series (StrokeThickness, SeriesColor). Also fixed issue with updating OHLC and Candlestick renderable series when properties are changed. Added OnInvalidateParentSurface callback on all needed properties - SC-2621 MaxFrameRate binding error when SciChartSurface is hidden (potential fix, requires testing) - SC-2655 ResizeThrottle DispatcherPriority issue causes incorrect resize when CPU usage is high - SC-2619 Direct3D10RenderSurface throws incompatibility exception before handler attached - SC-2646 PaletteProvider with stroke thickness > 1 does not draw the line (HighSpeedRenderer) - SC-2637 Broken export to bitmap of polar chart ( changed polar panel to set panel thickness on items parent if panel wasn't loaded before (e.g when we render chart in memory) ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25th March 2015 Patch (MSI Installer) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Related to reported issues in DataDistributionCalculator (which calculates if DataSeries is sorted, or evenly spaced, required by SciChart internally for correct resampling, indexing algorithms), we have added an override where the calling code can specify the data distribution entirely. If you are sure your data will always be sorted, you can use this code: var distributionCalculator = new UserDefinedDistributionCalculator() { IsEvenlySpaced = true, // Optionally tell SciChart your data is always evenly spaced in X IsSortedAscending = true, // Optionally tell SciChart your data is always Sorted ascending in X }; var dataSeries = new XyDataSeries(); // Tells SciChart to use user-provided flags and stop calculating sorted/evenly spaced on data append // This will save about 30% of the time to append data, but MUST ONLY BE USED // if the flags specified are correct and not changing dataSeries.DataDistributionCalculator = distributionCalculator; Fixed - SC-2587 NEW DataDistribution Calculators for List (non FIFO) types now correctly calculate DataSeries.IsSorted and IsEvenlySpaced under conditions of Insert, Remove, Clear, InsertRange + many many unit tests.FIFO still uses the old Data Distribution Calcs which have some errors / crashes in *some* conditions only e.g. full replace of FIFO buffer incorrectly updates the Sorted, Unsorted data flags, but normal operation under most conditions. Known issue, should be worked on in future. - SC-2590 LogAxis calculates incorrect maximum range if series contains 0 value ( Changed previous fix to provide correct range when replace numeric axis on log axis in runtime – added GetYRange overload with getPositiveRange flag; changed tests ) - SC-2568 ActivationClient now reports client-side post-activation errors to LicensingWizard. Before they were ignored - SC-2600 Rendering chart in memory – Annotations aren’t visible(fixed regression made in r5841 – restored simulation of loaded event for annotations to place annotations on chart; added unit test) - SC-2597 Null check in one file – AnnotationCreationModifier.IsEnabledChanged - SC-2436 Fixed the bug where RenderableSeries.Clear() caused wrong rendering (series left attached) - SC-2580 Incorrect drawing of 100% series ( fixed incorrect drawing because of rounding in AccumulateYValueAtX which was added to fix) - SC-2310 removed rounding, changed calculation of yValue to prevent loss of precision when there is one column in group, removed GetScaleCoefficient method to optimize calculations a bit, added and fixed unit tests - SC-2578 GetCurrentCoordinateCalculator returns null before chart has rendered and does not update until render. Coordinate calculators are now recreated every time you call this method, so do cache them if need be. - SC-2579 OnBeginRenderPass crashes when called before chart has loaded ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th March 2015 Patch (MSI Installer) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed - SC-2575 Fixed a bug where users in some locales (e.g. Windows Region Spanish) cannot activate SciChart - SC-2568 Fixed a bug where some users cannot activate due to file-permissions on the target PC. - SC-2568 ActivationClient now reports client-side post-activation errors to LicensingWizard. Before they were ignored ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd March 2015 Minor Update (MSI Installer) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New - SC-2557 Licensing Wizard now auto-detects proxy and uses port 80 for HTTP licensing communications. Licensing Wizard also shows a licensing server heartbeat, making for much easier licensing & activation when behind a corporate proxy or firewall - SC-2562 Licensing Wizard allows entering of proxy credentials where auto-detection fails - SC-2541 Installer now installs the DirectX Runtime (D3DX9_43.dll and D3DX10_43.dll) during the SciChart install process so all developer PCs will have the correct DirectX dependencies. DirectX runtime (2.7MByte) is included in the installer so you can redistribute it with your applications in accordance with the Microsoft DirectX Runtime EULA. Updated instructions on the website for redistributing applications with DirectX - SC-2538 Direct3D10RenderSurface now works over Remote Desktop, using an alternative to D3DImage which composites the DirectX scene with WPF in a remote-desktop friendly way - SC-2552 Add support of PaletteProvider for StackedColumns ( added usage of PaletteProvider into StackedColumnsWrapper ) - SC-1908 Warning to user if data is Unsorted, as unsorted data in SciChart is detrimental to performance. Available when setting DataSeries.AcceptsUnsortedData = false. Default is true for backwards compatibility. Fixed - SC-2521 Fixed several performance issues related to FIFO Series incorrectly detecting data was unsorted when data appended and capacity exceeded. - SC-2537 Direct3D10CompatibilityHelper.HasDirectX10CompatibleGPU was reporting incorrect results when DirectX11 was installed but GPU only supported DirectX9. This version of SciChart now correctly detects if DirectX is supported and falls back to software if not - SC-2559 DirectX using alternative method to flush the device to fix dropped frames / flicker in some older computers - SC-2546 DirectX - surface doesn't render after its parent has been changed - SC-2542 NullReferenceException in LegendModifier if RenderableSeries collection == null - SC-2483 DirectX - fixed gradient direction flipped relative to software renderers when Gradient Brush used - SC-2556 VerticalLineAnnotation throws in BaseRenderableSeries.HitTest if X1 set to DateTime.MinValue - SC-2555 VerticalLineAnnotation crash after VerticalSliceModifier detached and parent surface null and VerticalLineAnnotation.X1 updated - SC-2554 Suppress NullReferenceException in AxisArea.Items.Remove when printing to bitmap in memory - SC-2549 Fixed a memory leak in CategoryIndexToDataValueConverter which occurred when annotations were added but the chart unloaded - SC-2547 Fixed the first axis tick dissappearing when XAxis.FlipCoordinates = true - SC-2545 Fixed broken IsDigital behavior for StackedMountainsSeries - SC-2544 Fixed a regression issue - Dashed Line rendering gets cut (curve is incorrectly drawn) when High Quality renderer is used and Stroke Dash Array used ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12th Feb 2015 Minor Update (MSI Installer) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New - SC-2537 Added Direct3D10CompatibilityHelper, which checks if your PC hardware/software is compatible with the SciChart Direct3D10RenderSurface - SC-2508 Added AxisBase.IsLabelCullingEnabled (default true) which allows disabling of automatic axis label culling algorithm where labels overlap - SC-1492 Logarithmic Axis Tick Calculations vastly improved. Now calculates log axis gridlines and tick labels between powers of 10 or Base (previously they would dissappear on zoom in between powers of 10) Fixed - SC-2504 Broken interaction between Rollover and other modifiers when keyboard events are involved - SC-2507 VerticalLineAnnotation line was shifted a bit to the left - SC-2511 Crash with PointMarkers in Windows XP by detaching parent when a PointMarker is shared across multiple BaseRenderableSeries - SC-2512 1 pixel offset for annotation if bind it to VisibleRange - SC-2514 DirectX crash when lock/unlock screen or after screensaver on some computers - SC-2531 FifoBuffer crash when appending greater than FifoCapacity via IEnumerable - SC-2533 Annotation with invalid XAxisId or YAxisId via binding crashes during render, and is never added to the visual tree, hence datacontext and binding are never resolved - SC-2534 VerticalSliceModifier VerticalLineAnnotations with XAxis=DateTimeAxis and null X1 values crash during render - SC-2535 VerticalSliceModifier VerticalLineAnnotations with XAxis=NumericAxis and null X1 values result in incorrect tooltips - SC-2536 RenderableSeries does not obey VerticalSliceModifier.IncludeSeries attached property for VerticalSliceModifier, but instead incorrectly uses RolloverModifier.IncludeSeries - SC-2539 Cursor Axis Tooltips incorrect values when overriding SciChart Axis Area Template (vertical stacked axis example) - SC-2540 RolloverModifier: NullReferenceException when SciChartSurface is has no XAxis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23rd Jan 2015 Minor Update (MSI Installer) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New - SC-2497 Added property to allow series to be included or excluded in Rollover, Tooltip, Cursor and VerticalSlices modifiers. Default value = True Usage Fixed - SC-2499 Fixed Overview/Scrollbar glitching on click - SC-2373 MultipaneStockCharts example - ClosePaneCommand doesn't work ( duplicated fix from 3.1 ) - SC-2493 Fixed NullReferenceException when Set theme for overview - SC-2490 Fixed XPS Printing issue related to chart printing in v3.2 - SC-2481 Oscilloscope -- Axis can be dragged out from the viewport - SC-2435 Layout issue: TextWrapping in AxisTitle breaks chart layout Added static property - SC-2503 Fixed SciChartScrollbar doesnt update itself if changing SelectedRange.Min/Max - Fixed a bug in TimeSpanLabelProvider - crashing when using negative timespans. Changed default TimeSpan formatter to have a negative sign. Handling of negative timespans in TimeSpanLabelProvider - Removed strange GrowBy setting on the YAxis of the Overview control - Fixed significant performance issue in HighQualityRasterizer 2D line drawing in v3.2 branch - Improved Ellipse geometry performance in DirectX - Fixed crash in Licensing Wizard if PC has no email client and user manually activates ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21st December 2014 Minor Update (MSI Installer) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New/Improved - NEW: Added LegendStyle property for SciStockChart - NEW: StackedColumnsWrapper, now user have an ability to bind StackedColumnRenderableSeries to different YAxes. - NEW: Added AxisBase.DataRange property changed notification Reported fixes SC-2478 Fixed performance issue with rapid DataSeries.Append() after update to 3.2 caused by DataRangeChanged event implementation SC-2474 Fixed the issue with modifiers where setting properties on modifiers affected the chart layout SC-2485 Fixed NullReferenceException if axis doesn't have LabelProvider SC-2482 Fixed issue with missing point markers when series contains NaNs SC-2402 Fixed incorrect rendering of Dashed Lines for High Speed Render Surface SC-2436 Fixed the bug where RenderableSeries.Clear() caused wrong rendering SC-2470 Fixed issue when binding IsCenterAxis property causes exception SC-2469 Fixed Bug with stacking small numbers, like 0.001 etc. SC-2450 Fixed VerticalSliceModifier doesn't update position of markers SC-2405 Fixed Polar -- Scatter series -- improve hit-test SC-2439 Fixed SC-2439 Hit-test exception SC-2406 Improved HitTest implementation for FastOhlcRenderableSeries, FastErrorBarsRenderableeries SC-2467 Fixed DirectX Crash when lines buffer overran on 1000x1000 series Unreported fixes - Fixed issue in PointMarker, where changing a property did not result in chart redrawing - Fixed Licensing Wizard, unable to activate manually if username is an email - Fixed DirectX Text Quality for text labels in stacked column series - Fixed DirectX performance improvements for Ellipse / Scatter chart - Fixed Polar Chart circular gridlines antialiasing - Fixed the Spline Line CustomeRenderableSeries when used in a vertical chart - Fixed DirectX Ellipses not all points are drawn on high point count charts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st Dec 2014 SciChart v3.2 Release (MSI Installer) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Packaged the MSI Installer with Examples and Licensing Wizard for v3.2 of SciChart Also ... - Fixed a bug with polar axis and rubber band zoom - Fixed bad quality of Ellipse border in DirectX renderer - Fixed a bug in XyScatterRenderableSeries where double.NaN was used resulted in missing points ------------------------------------------------------------------------ to Merged changes from v3.1 branch to v3.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A list of bugs fixed on the v3.1 branch (available in v3.1 Nightly NuGet Build) that have been merged to the v3.2 branch as part of the v3.2 release - SC-2357 Fixed a bug in FifoBuffer where .Any() was true when Count() was 0. Caused crash in Fifo series with empty series - Added capability to override AxisInfo in order to show custom labels on Axes - Fixed issue where static axis didnt recalculate ticks after resizing - Changed resulting type of GetMajorTickIndex to decimal to avoid int overflow - SC-2366 Fixed bubble series rollover doesn't show up - Fixed issue where LegendModifier throws if GetLegendData set before modifier gets attached to a surface - SC-2373 Multipan stock charts example ClosePaneCommand doesn't work - Fixed MouseWheelZoomModifier issue when scrolling an empty chart caused exceptions - Fixed a bug where surfaces with legends threw in apps running under WinXP - Fixed issue where ViewportManager throws in Multi Pane stock charts demo - Fixed bug with DefaultViewportManager where it throws when calling ZoomExtents() after detaching from surface - Fixed a bug in TimeSpanAxis where it threw if there were 1 or 0 data points ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26th Nov 2014 SciChart v3.2 Pre-Release Release! (Binaries only, installer to follow) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Improved Activation / Licensing Wizard - Now auto-detects proxy to send HTTP requests behind a proxy - Manual Activation now emails our licensing server for a quick (2 minute) automated response! - Improved deployment of DirectX - Included D3DX9_43.dll in the [Install Dir]/Lib/net40/ folder so DirectX works on computers without DirectX Runtime - Updated SciChar3D NuGet package to reference and include D3DX9_43.dll "" "" "" - NEW: Added Logarithmic Base feature to LogarithmicNumericAxis - NEW: Added SelectedRangechanged scroll event for SciChartScrollBar, raised after interactions with scrollbar thumbs (dragging, resizing, programmatic changes) - NEW: Added CustomRenderableSeries example - spline render series - to Examples suite - NEW: Added support for RubberBandXyZoomModifier for polar chart. Removed obsolete property FitYAxisOnZoom - NEW: Ohlc, Hlc, BoxPlotSeries tooltips to use axis formatted values - NEW: Added AnnotationBase.DragDelta event - for an event when a user drag occurs - NEW: Added HorizontalLineAnnotation.YDragStep - now supports drag with snap to step - NEW: LegendModifier.UpdateLegend, GetSeriesInfo now virtual methods, accessible by derived types - Fixed Polar chart annotations issue after MouseWheelZoom - Fixed issue with tooltip template for Heatmap Series - Fixed polar chart ticks get detached (SL only) - Fixed broken rollover in Silverlight - Fixed crash in ToggleButtonExtensions in the VS Designer in some cases (affected examples) - Fixed AnnotationLabels now obey cursor text formatting - Fixed bug in NotifyAxesDataRangeChanged where it crashed if SciChartSurface.RenderableSeries collection was null - Fixed exception in Logarithmic Axis example in the examples suite - Fixed several modifiers throwing NullReferenceException if AxisCollection is null or empty - Fixed a bug in Dashed Lines for High Quality Render Surface, where dashes resulted in large gaps in some cases - Fixed a crash in StackedMountainsWrapper when using HitTest with DateTimeAxis - Several improvements and minor enhancements to Polar Chart series - Improvements to several examples in the Examples suite ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11th Nov 2014 SciChart v3.2 Release BETA (MSI Installer) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Updated Direct3D10RenderSurface.InitializationFailed and RenderingFailedHandler to by type EventHandler so events can be registered in XAML - Added Custom Theme example to Examples suite - Fixed a bug where Realtime FIFO series throw - All tooltips now obey Axis.CursorTextFormatting - Fixed a bug where surfaces with legends threw in application running under Windows XP - Fixed a bug where Scrollbars example throws exception in Silverlight - Fixed a bug where LegendModifier throws because of being detached - Added toolbar into Simple Polar Charts example to see some available features, e.g. flip coordinates, rotation of axis - Added support for annotations in Polar Axis - Fixed incorrect series tooltip coloring if you change the position of LineAnnotations - Fixed PolarCharts issues when AxisAlignment used - Fixed incorrect position of resizing grips with AxisMarkerAnnotation on horizontal axis - Modified the XamlStyling example so the scrollbars look a little less horrible ;) - Fixed Licensing out of sync between 32bit / 64bit applications - Fixed Licensing out of sync between application and Visual Studio design mode - Fixed DirectX Lost device issue - handled IsFrontBufferAvailableChanged - Fixed a bug where DefaultViewportManager throws when call ZoomExtents() after it was detached from the chart - Created example with annotations in polar chart ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30th Oct 2014 SciChart v3.2 Release BETA (To Source Code Customers only) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Features - Performance improvements. Complete re-write to rendering core. SciChart v3.2 is significantly faster in both software and hardware renderers - New Polar Chart Types! See Dashboard Style Polar Charts example - Polar Line - Polar Mountain/Area - Polar Band - Polar Bubble - Polar Scatter chart - New Stacked Chart Types! See Dashboard Style Charts example - Now allows columns Stacked Side-by-side - Improvements to stacked column, stacked mountain logic - 100% Stacked Column - 100% Stacked Mountain - - New Scrollbars API! - Per axis scrollbars - Scrollbars are Templatable, stylable and have Start/End range of available data - Ability to fully customize image or chart behind a Scrollbar, e.g. making your own SciChartOverview - Custom themeing API - Ability to create and save custom themes. Just a handful of brushes gives SciChart a new look - Centered Axis - Ability to have axes cross over in the centre of a chart not just Top, Left, Bottom, Right - Extended PaletteProvider - Now works with Mountain Series, Bubble Series, Scatter Series New Licensing Model - SciChart v3.2 requires activation per developer, and runtime license set using SciChartSurface.SetRuntimeLicense(); NOTE: SciChartLicense.xml embedded resource is no longer read. Similarly SciChartSurface.SetLicenseKey is obsolete. - DirectX Renderer is now licensed to the Source-Code product tier - High Quality / High Speed renderers are now licensed to the Professional and Source-Code product tiers - High Speed renderer is now licensed to the all product tiers ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09th Oct 2014 Hotfix ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bug fixes SC-2355 Added virtual properties to DefaultTickLabelViewModel to prevent binding errors when using LabelProviders SC-2355 Multiple issues with Silverlight deployment - Fixed crash in WriteableBitmapPen.Dispose() when disposed via finalizer in Silverlight only - Fixed crash in Silverlight when closing the application because Dispatcher could not be found - Fixed obfuscation/deployment of Silverlight causing crashes at runtime SC-2356 Workaround when TextureCaching is running away with memory - TextureCache.MaxItemsCount and MaxMemorySize now configurable via static properties. SC-2333 Added the HlcSeriesInfo class, as the default viewmodel for HlcDataSeries tooltips SC-2331 Fixed HitTest doesn't work with unsorted data SC-2164 Fixed the bug in Heatmap2DArrayDataSeries when because of incorrect ZoomExtents calculations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 09th Oct 2014 Hotfix ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Installer improvements - Removed dependency on NuGet / Task Parallel Library when compiling WPF Examples Suite from source - Changed default install directory to User dir to resolve UAC issues when writing to the Install dir in Program Files - Changed default install directory to include version number to allow side-by-side installations Bug fixes SC-2285 Fixed exception in DataSeries and SeriesValueModifier if there are no, or only one data-point SC-2315 Fixed issue with Overview throwing in real-time when switching between code / example tabs in Examples SC-2312 Fixed a regression issue with ChartModifierBase.IsEnabled SC-???? Fixed the issue where TickProvider.Init wasn't called ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27th Sept 2014 Minor Update ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cumulative update with Features & Fixes which have already been deployed to the Nightly build, now packaged for full release for our customers SC-2120 Rollover Order of Legend Items changes in v3.1 RolloverFeedback example SC-2148 CreateMultiPaneStockCharts demo is really slow SC-2187 VerticalLineAnnotation: problem with annotation label visibility SC-2204 Fix for ToggleButtonExtensions memory leak. SC-2204 Fix for Significant D3D memory leak - Leak when switching examples. Some examples were not disposing D3DRenderSurface - Leak in BaseRenderableSeries / DataSeriesUpdated event - Better handling of Loaded/Unloaded in SciChartSurfaceBase to prevent multiple loaded events subscribing and keeping classes in memory - Improvements in memory management of WPF Examples application - Unsubscribing to Touch.FrameReported event in Main Grid - TextureBrush.Dispose() was not calling _cachedTexture.Dispose for D3D Textures - Ensure all brushes/pens are disposed in using blocks, or cached brushes using Finalizer SC-2206 VerticalStackedAxis: Wrong position of AxisMarker ( fixed wrong position of axis marker because of applying offset in coordinate calculator ) SC-2207 NullReferenceException during animation of VisibleRange ( added check if VisibleRange == null to prevent NullReferenceException during animation ) SC-2205 Fixed rollover issue: After disabling modifier tooltips remains on chart SC-2208 Wrong bands colors when a series is zoomed deeply enough SC-2178 Cursor Tooltip is shown if series is panned off the view port SC-???? Added lock statements to FindClosestPoint, FindClosestLine(used during hit-test) to prevent crashes on series with large FIFO capacity SC-2232 When resizing a chart on a window / form with many other controls, resize performance can be slow. - Added a throttle to the RenderSurfaceBase. - See RenderSurfaceBase.UseResizeThrottle, and ResizeThrottleMs properties SC-???? Fixed issue with shifted ticks on an axis (Image.Stretch is set to "Fill", but it requires some testing) SC-???? Fixed hit-test operation on Bubbles. Fixed hit-test operation in case of unsorted data SC-2252 D3D Handle when screen needs redrawing ( like after pc was in sleep mode ) or screen saver, to redraw the final source image to the front buffer again.. SC-???? Fixed the bug when a ViewportManager wasn't notified when Render occurred on the parent surface SC-???? Added missed overrides for OnSciChartSurfaceSizeChanged, OnDataContextChanged to the SciChartSurface class SC-???? Fixed incorrect label values when category axis is zoomed in deeply enough SC-???? Fixed the issue where the SeriesValueModifier threw when ParentSurface.Annotations was assigned to Null SC-???? Possible fix for a printing issue (when a chart goes out of the printable area bounds) SC-???? Added scrollbars visibility binding to the default style of the LegendModifier SC-???? Added colour alpha blending for ellipse fill ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13th July 2014 Minor Update ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cumulative update with Features & Fixes which have already been deployed to the Nightly build, now packaged for full release for our customers * SC-2126 Fixed DirectX10 Renderer Memory Leak - incorrect disposal of textures on resize of surface * SC-2134 Using DirectX Surface Sharing with D3D9, removing need for CPU to GPU copy and significantly improving DirectX renderer performance on high-res monitors * SC-2031 Fixed bad performance issue in OHLC and Column Series when DirectX10 Renderer was used * SC-2047 Fixed IsAxisMarkerEnabled has no effect in SciStockChart * SC-2135 Fixed Rollover Issue when a series only has one datapoint * SC-2136 Fixed performance demo crashing in NBody Simulation when run more than once * SC-2128 Fixed issue when exception was thrown because of using a disposed pen in OHLC Series rendering * SC-2121 Fixed Rollover Legend flickers in Silverlight * SC-2137 Fixed HorizontalLineAnnotation axis label remains after removing annotation * SC-2173 Fixed issue where trying to draw StackedMountainRenderableSeries before DataSeries was attached * SC-2106 Fixed SciChartGroup after calling Clear() on panes collection they remain on screen * SC-2161 D3D9 instance is now shared in DirectX Renderer, resolves out of memory issues with many charts * SC-2170 Fixed gradient angles for Candlestick, Column charts in DirectX renderer * Fixed the issue when removing an annotation on MouseDown and causing exception * Fixed exception when using Scientific Notation without format string * Fixed Point Marker sprite bug in DirectX - markers not appearing because of sprite caching ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20th June 2014 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Another leap forward with improved features, fixes and enhancements to the SciChart Library! New Features * NEW! Direct3D10RenderSurface - a pre-release of the long awaited DirectX Renderer for SciChart WPF See notes below for restrictions * NEW! Added new SciChart.Wpf.PerformanceDemo Solution / exe to Trial installer * Ability to Restyle Annotation Grips * New Tooltip Trigger Mode - ShowTooltipOn.MouseHover * RolloverModifier added to SciStockChart by Default * Improved LegendModifier - it can show a Legend docked inside the chart by default * Tooltip DataTemplate Selectors for RolloverModifier * VisibleRangeLimitMode - Allow clamping one side of the Axis to Zero * Legend can now be attached to a SciChartSurface * PointMarkers are rendered in the Legend by Default * Added YAxisId to SeriesValueModifier * AxisMarkers in SeriesValueModifier are bound to latest visible data-point * AxisMarkers in SeriesValueModifier have color improvements so Text is always visible despite background color * Improved TooltipModifier (now it appears under the mouse pointer) * Moved DataSeries.Clear() up to IDataSeries from IDataSeries * SeriesValueModifier hides markers when series are out of the viewport Bug Fixes * HitTest returns IsHit=False on Invisible Series * Modifiers participate in the Visual Tree, so ElementName and RelativeSource binding works now * Fixed RolloverTooltip shows values of points beyond the chart * Fixed ZoomExtents button in SciChartGroup example * Fixed Exception when SeriesValueModifier was used with no data * Fixed PaletteProvider throws in some cases or causes infinite loop * Fixed CursorModifier markers shifted * Improved Exception Messaging when FindIndex is called on unsorted collection * Fixed problem of resizing SciChartGroup panes in Silverlight * Fixed XAxes Collection throws when axes changes happen on an unloaded surface * Fixed bug reported where two subscriptions were made to PropertyChanged on ChartSeriesViewModel * Improved IsHitTest method for Mountain Series * Fixed Series Vertical Slices - Add Slice doesnt work * Fixed GetIndicesRange returning array size instead of last index * Fixed RolloverMarker is not shown over some of the datapoints when gaps in series * Fixed Exception when trying to hit-test a resampled StackedColumnSeries * Fixed bug with Hit-Test for ColumnSeries when ZeroYLine is set * Fixed Annotations Area Easy - Annotation Label Color differs in SL and WPF * Fixed LabelTextFormatting issues in VerticalLineAnnotation * Fixed examples crash caused by axis disposal when a surface gets unloaded * Fixed XAML Designer error related to IXmlSerializable on Axis * Fixed Tooltip Markers are not show if Chart is rotated * Fixed StackedMountains rendered incorrectly when rotated * Fixed PaletteProvider throws in some cases or causes infinite loop Notes: - The License for DirectX Renderer is that this will form part of SciChart 3D, not SciChart WPF. We are releasing it now as a pre-release but it won't be licensed under your SciChart WPF license. Instead, it is licensed as a non-time limited, unrestricted trial of SciChart 3D. As a result, the Source-Code package does not include the DirectX Renderer Please feel free to use it in commercial projects and give us your feedback. As we improve the SciChart 3D Product we will release more DirectX powered features! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1st May 2014: SciChart 3.0 Official Release ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Following two rounds of BETA testing we have the final release. Changelog below New Features * NOTE: We are reverting to NON-Timestamped DLL Names, e.g. = Major.Minor.Revision.Build, not Major.Minor.Timestamp as previous releases * SciStockChart API has been updated throughout with breaking changes. The example CreateMultiPaneStockCharts, RealTimeTickingStockCharts and CreateAStockChart demos the new API * New CreateMultiPaneStockCharts Example - showing how to create multi-paned stock charts with indicator panes and synchronized mouse movement / zooming / cursors * New RealtimeStaticAxis Example - showing our AxisBase.IsStaticAxis feature * New VerticallyStackedAxes example (This feature is in BETA). This example will become a true EEG chart where YAxis are stacked vertically not horizontally * New VerticalSliceModifier example (this feature is in BETA). This example shows how to place vertical line annotations which act like rollovers / showing values at specific points * Updated Vertical Charts example to show how to synchronize top Axis heights using HorizontalChartGroup helper * Disabled ContentControl TemplatePart focussing for SciChartSurface in themes Bug Fixes * #SC-1921 v3.0 Printing does not work when chart is printed from an off-screen surface * #SC-1598 Palette Provider induces incorrect line drawing (fixed incorrect drawing of lines when using PaletteProvider and points contains NaNs - added NaN checking ) * #SC-1900 Fixed the issue with annotation labels placed on axis (duplicated from 2.0 branch) * #SC-1917 Realtime Static Axis -- Out-of-Index Exception if Rollover added (WPF only) ( added check inside impulse series HitTest to prevent exception; Added unit-test ) * #SC-1910 Realtime Ticking Stock chart - Overview control is half-cut - SL only ( fixed binding to actual width; switched of drawing of grid lines in overview ) * #SC-1826 Fixed issue with TradeChartAxisLabelProvider * #SC-1912 Fixed bug within SeriesSource preventing series from updating the surface when changes occur * #SC-1899 Log(0) issue ( fixed incorrect drawing when point has infinity value - duplicated approach from 2.3 branch ) * #SC-1905 AxisMarkers - wrong FontColour is applied ( Changed default marker style for SeriesValueModifier to restore previous behavior - caused by changing bindings in SC-1896 ) * #SC-1896 AxisMarker -- No default Colour (Background/Foreground) ( Changed bindings to get same colors as annotation labels ) * #SC-1897 Annotation disappearing ( Duplicating fix from 2.3 to 3.0 branch ) * #SC-1876 AxisMarkerAnnotation: Templating and placing on X axis ( fixed marker showing on axis edges ) * #SC-1876 AxisMarkerAnnotation: Templating and placing on X axis ( more work on axis marker - fixed some bugs when rotate chart, added xml comments;added example into test suite ) * Multiple fixes to HitTest API - Fixed a crash where XAxis is CategoryDateTimeAxis - Improved HitTest where data has NaNs - Improved HitTest for Mountain Series, Impulse Series - FindClosestPoint() returns -1 if cursor is out of data * Improved the default tooltip for Heatmap Series * Fixed a crash in SciChartSurface if GrowBy is Null * Fixed a crash in BaseRenderableSeries.HitTest if CurrentRenderPassData is null * Fixed a bug when the ScrollViewer inside the SciChartLegend default template handled mouse events * Fixed issue with default menu on AnnotationLabel (made hidden by default, allowed custom menus) * Fixed FastColumnRenderableSeries drawing a single pixel when column height = 0 * Fixed the bug with the VisibleRangeChanged event where oldValue==newValue after animation changes * Fixed synchronization bug when remove chart from vertical group - caused by replacing width on margin for synchronization * Fixed AccessViolationException crash after chart is disposed via the SciChartSurface.~SciChartSurface Finalizer. * Fixed nullreference exception in axisbase.cs if surface.RenderableSeries == null * Fixed Hit Test crashes where XAxis is a DateTimeAxis * Fixed a regression bug in MinMax resampling which causes incorrect rendering in some cases * Fixed regression in Overview (grid lines) * Fixed rollover tooltips for different ShowTooltipOn modes * Fixed broken Overview * Fixed incorrect grid lines offset for vertical X axes * Removed DataContext binding in SciChartLegend Style, so that users can set their own DataContext on the legend, but still bind series info's to LegendData property * Fixed 'Realtime Series-Values' example - added AxisInfo property to use it instead of DataContext for marker annotation * Fixed exception when trying to recreate YAxes collection Improvements * SC3.0 TimeSpanDeltaCalculatorBase now uses Long natively throughout not Double for calculations * Refactored Heatmap: - renamed Heatmap2dArrayDataSeries Heatmap2DArrayDataSeries - added HeatmapSeriesInfo - added default templates (Rollover, Cursor, Tooltip) * Added vertical axes stacking feature * Added example demonstrating axes vertical stacking into the example suite ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.4167 02nd April 2014: (BETA 2 Update for SciChart 3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Improvements * Complete refactor to HitTest with some API changes. This results in a 50-100x performance improvement over HitTest from v2.2, v2.3, v2.31. It is still slower than the algorithm in v2.1 but much more accurate * Significant improvement to GC / memory management and performance (submitted by owners of SciTech Memory Profiler: * Reduced boxing/unboxing to IPoint/Point2D * Reduced object creation in the rendering pipeline * improvements to MinMax resampling using Unsafe code (WPF Only) Resulting in reduced GC load and performance improvements for line charts * Added a propery IsAnimating to VisibleRangeChangedEventArgs. * PinchZoomModifier.XyDirection property allows restricting multi-touch zoom to X or Y Axis like ZoomPanModifier * Implemented HitTest in StackedColumnRenderableSeries * Added StaticAxis Example * Added VerticalSliceModifier example * Improvements to Global Theme application. Now in WPF the themes are per-chart not global (static) as in v2.3 * Improved performance of HitTest in case of RolloverModifier * Improved ZoomExtents under multitouch - now easier to trigger * Added IsStaticAxis property to IAxis interface * Improved performance of series that use PaletteProvider, with user-suggested improvements! * Improved performance for wide-stroke lines using HighSpeed renderer, with user suggested improvements! * Improved tooltip placement code, allowing merging of tooltips API Changes * Complete refactor to HitTest APIs * Hit Test API has changed. Please see the accompanying release note for details * LabelFormatter has been renamed LabelProvider. Please see the accompanying release notes for details * The behaviour of VisibleRangeChanged event has changed to satisfy opposing requirements. - The event will always publish even during animation - During animation the VisibleRangeChangedEventArgs.IsAnimating property will be true - At the end of an animation, there will be one more VisibleRangeChangedEventArgs published with IsAnimating = False Bug Fixes * Fixed RolloverModifier for StackedMountainRenderableSeries * Fixed ECG Monitor demo flickering on axis while redrawing * Fixed NullReferenceExeption on mouse scoll (duplicating fix from v2.x) * Fixed YAxisDragModifier does not work with VisibleRangeLimit * Fixed cursor tooltips disappearance issue * Fixed a bug in SciTrader example 'Assertion Failed' * Fixed incorrect label culling when resizing chart * Fixed a regression bug where CategoryDateTimeAxis labels update strangely on scroling * Fixed CategoryDateTimeAxis/DateTimeAxis Labels disappear on maximum zoom in * Fixed an exception on mouse-wheel zoom * Fixed SizeChanged infinite render loop bug * Fixed Memory Leak in mouse-handlers (duplicated fix from v2.x branch) * Fixed Overview Memory Leak * Fixed Axis Labels are still visible on a hidden axis * Fixed Axis Culling is broken for CategoryDateTimeAxis * Fixed annotations on the BelowChart canvas visibility issue * Fixed default method implementation in PaletteProviderBase so v3.0 has same appearance as v2.x * Fixed overriding of VisibleRange binding when using VisibleRangeLimit * XML Serialization. Added missing properties for serialization, IsEnabled for chart modifiers * Removed DrawLabelsOnEdge property from AxisBase. We don't clip tick labels if they are on edges now * (Merged from v2.31) Regenerated documentation to remove 'Trial Expired' notice! * (Merged from v2.31) Fixed if BandSeries Min > Max cannot select BandSeries * (Merged from v2.31) Fixed a VisibleRange exception when using Category and Numeric XAxis on the same chart * (Merged from v2.31) Fixed SeriesSource doesn't update surface when Loading and Unloading the chart * (Merged from v2.31) Fixed a NullReferenceException crash when Annotations are added to an empty chart with CategoryDateTimeAxis * (Merged from v2.31) Fixed a double.Parse() culture crash in ValueMultiplicatorConverter in the examples suite * (Merged from v2.31) Fixed a bug in Silverlight Annotations which made it difficult to click, select and drag them * (Merged from v2.31) Fixed Annotations wrong placement when visibility restored ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.32.4147 31st March 2014: HOTFIX ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * HOTFIX: Fixed issue reported by many users where Left-Aligned axis did not render properly and caused YAxisDragModifier crashes * Fixed NullReferenceException on mouse-wheel (Checking for InteractivityHelper = null to prevent throwing) * Fixed issue with dissappearing axis labels * Fixed a ClipModeX issue reported on the forums * Fixed an IndexOutOfRangeException on CategoryDateTimeAxis if HitTest is performed when it has empty dataseries ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.31.4069 19th March 2014: Minor Update ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Improvements * Significant improvement to GC / memory management and performance (submitted by owners of SciTech Memory Profiler: Reduced boxing/unboxing to IPoint/Point2D in the rendering pipeline resulting in reduced GC load and performance improvements for line charts Bug Fixes * Regenerated documentation to remove 'Trial Expired' notice! * Fixed if BandSeries Min > Max cannot select BandSeries * Fixed a VisibleRange exception when using Category and Numeric XAxis on the same chart * Fixed SeriesSource doesn't update surface when Loading and Unloading the chart * Fixed a NullReferenceException crash when Annotations are added to an empty chart with CategoryDateTimeAxis * Fixed a double.Parse() culture crash in ValueMultiplicatorConverter in the examples suite * Fixed a bug in Silverlight Annotations which made it difficult to click, select and drag them * Fixed Annotations wrong placement when visibility restored * Fixed FastColumnRenderableSeries large negative values do not render properly * Fixed Memory leak caused by mouse-handlers * Fixed issue where GridlinesPanel covered the BelowAnnotationCanvas (making annotations there invisible) * Fixed CustomAnnotation, it can be templated using ContentTemplate and Content as a DataContext now ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0.3936 18th February 2014: BETA Major Update ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCICHART v3.0 BETA 1 New Features • ResamplingMode.MinMaxUneven - Allows resampling of unevenly spaced data - No more rendering errors when Resampling is used with unevenly spaced data • ResamplingMode.Auto (Default) - Auto-detection of data distribution (sorted, unsorted, evenly spaced, unevenly spaced) - Best selection of fastest/most accurate resampling mode for your data. - No more rendering errors due to MinMax resampling and data-distribution • UnsortedXyDataSeries is deprecated. - XyDataSeries now detects whether data is sorted or unsorted - HitTest and resampling algorithms are changed accordingly. • MultiTouch support - Zooming, panning, axis manipulations, cursors, annotation manipulations via touch screens in WPF and SL - Added new PinchZoomModifier • Axis Styling improvements - Chart Titles, Axis Titles and Labels are now templatable - Can set font size, font style, font weight on Axis labels - Now supports rotation of axis tick labels (e.g. 90 degrees) • Axis Tick Algorithm Improvements - AxisBase.TickProvider API to override in-built axis tick generation algorithms - Improved axis culling / adjaceny algorithm • Static Axis - AxisBase.IsStaticAxis fixes all tick labels at static positions, and updates the text-values instead - Perfect for static charts, or real-time charts where fixed-position labels are needed • Axis VisibleRangeLimit - Does not allow the axis to expand beyond the given AxisBase.VisibleRangeLimit - Provides a reset-point for double-click Zoom Extents, overriding the built-in auto-ranging mechanism • Xml Serialization Support. - Serialize Chart Settings to/from XML - Serialize Annotation Positions to/from XML • SciChartSurface.MaxFrameRate. - Limit frame-rate to a maximum Hertz, or leave null for default (unlimited). - Useful for strip charts (eg. CPU, Temperature monitoring) in process control • Save Chart to Bitmap - Export to BitmapSource, File built in to SciChartSurface. - Supports file export to PNG, JPEG, BMP • Heatmap Improvements - Implemented HitTest for Heatmap, allowing RolloverModifier, Cursors - GradientBrush support for Heatmap colour maps - New improved HeatmapColourMap control • API Improvements to ViewportManager - New API Functions added to ViewportManager to directly control the SciChartSurface. - ViewportManagerBase class has ZoomExtents, AnimateZoomExtents, ZoomExtentsX/Y methods • Performance Tuning - Ongoing work to reduce the load of the Garbage Collector by reducing boxing/unboxing deep inside the renderer core ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.3.3712 15th January 2014: Minor Update ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Improvements • Created an example on using TooltipModifier • Added MaxItemsCount limit to TextureCache, to cap the maximum number of textures cached (prevents memory runaway in texture intensive apps) • Added a property RubberBandXyZoomModifier.MinDragSensitivity (ignores drag smaller than N pixels). • Improved FastBandRenderableSeries rendering when y0 and y1 includes NaN. Now renders gaps correctly for both bands and lines • Added support for Collection Move action in AnnotationCollection and SeriesSource • Set UseInterpolation=True as the default behaviour in the CursorModifier • Improved SeriesSelectionModifier - it no longer selects invisible series • Improved SeriesSelectionModifier and FastBandRenderableSeries - no longer selects when clicking on NaN areas of the bands Bug Fixes • Fixed a Hit-Test issue with CategoryDateTimeAxis • Fixed undesired zoom to extents behaviour if VisibleRange is set to (0,10) explicitly • Fixed drawing of Band Series when trying to append the same point several times • Fixed CohenSutherland line clipping giving incorrect rendering when data contains infinity values • Fixed StackedColumnRenderableSeries throws if used with a non-double data type • Fixed Error Bars - column chart not rendering with 1 point • Fixed a memory leak where TextureCache would not release memory if cache size exceeded • Fixed calculation of GrowBy if range contacts zero values • Fixed incorrect drawing of StackedColumnRenderableSeries caused by overflow of casting double to Int • Fix for issue where AxisCollection = nul causes a modifier crash. • Fixed potential memory leak if RenderableSeries.Clear() is called • Fixed ToolTipLabelDataContextSelector in TooltipModifier ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.2.3441 24th November 2013: HOTFIX ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Fixed AnnotationCollection cleared on tab-change or when the old collection was detached from the surface • Fixed alpha-blending bug in Candlestick series where alpha != 0 did not blend onto the background image • Fixed a SciChart layout issue where surface infinitely grows in size after its parent container was intensively resized • Fixed a regression bug in the SciChartOverview that prevented TwoWay binding to SelectedRange inside an ItemTemplate or DataTemplate • Fixed a memory leak where ChartModifierBase derived types, or Annotations were not garbage collected after detaching from the chart • Fixed a memory leak and performance problem in SeriesValueModifier. • Added BindingOperations.ClearAllBindings to the SciChartSurface.Dispose() method. Now to clear bindings (and WPF bindings can cause memory leaks) just call .Dispose() • Fixed a bug in SeriesInfo where updating RenderableSeries.IsVisible externally did not update SeriesInfo.IsVisible ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.2.3322 2nd November 2013: HOTFIX ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Improvements • Made DateTimeAxis.GetTickCalculator() virtual so you can override ticks generated by this axis • Added ability to use OverviewControl with Logarithmic or multiple X Axis Bug Fixes • Fixed Cursor property overriding in source code (reported by users) • Fixed an exception raised during the offscreen rendering and BrightSpark theme is used • Fixed memory leak caused by _updateSuspender in SciChartSurface if disposed before Load • Fixed bug when the same RenderableSeries could be added twice via SeriesSource (caused exception with Rollover) • Fixed issue with log messages if WhyDoesNotSciChartIsRendered="False" • Fixed Labels and Ticks are mixed up on left-aligned axis if large FontSize • Fixed the issue when ticks disappeared on left-aligned axis • Fixed BandSeries issue, when first band is filled incorrectly • Fixed BandSeries issues with CategoryDateTimeAxis • Fixed StackedSeries bug with CategoryDateTimeAxis if it contains gaps • Fixed runtime failure when Overview is used for a chart with multiple X Axes • Fixed a bug in AxisBase which prevented VisibleRange binding between charts in an ItemsControl • Fixed a bug where High Quality Render Surface did not show a license expired message to users whose support subscription has run out • Fixed bug in TimeSpanRange.ToString() changed default formatting string • Fixed critical performance issue introduced since v2.2 which occurs when using RolloverModifier / CursorModifier and large datasets • Fixed an Exception where Overview Control is used with a chart with Multiple XAxis • Fixed Stacked Series bug with CategoryDateTimeAxis • Fixed Bug with SeriesSelectionModifier where it occassionally overwrote local styles on the RenderableSeries ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.2.3123 17th September 2013: MINOR UPDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Breaking Changes • SciChart DLL now named with version name, you can reference two versions of SciChart in the same solution. This will require that you update your csproj files to reference the new DLL name This feature allows you to install multiple versions of SciChart on the same machine and upgrade project by project (Previously SciChart.Wpf.Dll was overwritten by a new version in the output folder, causing FileLoadException) In order to minimise namespace pain we strongly recommend using the xmlns:s="" in your XAML files, then xml namespaces are no longer assembly filename dependent. Improvements • Improved RolloverModifier Tooltip when using Stacked Column series - shows non accumulated values and positions correctly. • Improved HitTest for Candlestick, Column Box Plot series • Improved HitTest for Mountain Series • Improved HitTest for Digital Lines on Horizontal and Vertical charts • Improved line Hit Testing, fixed Rollover/Cursor axis tooltips and rollover position for BandSeries • Improved HitTest with interpolation: now better results when X and Y values were too close • Improved HitTest accuracy for Band Series SciChart Bug Fixes • Workaround for shifted axis labels when using a large font size • Fixed XAxis ticks flicker at times during redraw • Fixed inconsistencies in viewport size that caused 1px gridline offset • Fixed a bug when exception was thrown if XValues were Ints and IAxis.ScrollBy() called • Fixed a bug in series drawing when PaletteProvider was used with Line Renderable Series • Fixed VisibleRangeChanged event fired several times during animation • Fixed bug where GridLiensPanel border properties couldn't be changed via the SciChartSurface.GridLinesPanelStyle • Fixed Rollover bug whenline and label on XAxis were drawn outside the chart bounds • Fixed Rollover issue when line isn't drawn on points where Y=NaN • Fixed NullReferenceException in AxisBase.GetMaximumRange() • Fixed Cursor Labels are drawn lower than the axis title in Z-Direction for right-aligned axis • Fixed sharing of DataSeries across SciChartSurfaces causes one surface to freeze (including when sharing on Overview chart) • Fixed executing of AutoRange (VisibleRange stuck on 0..9) if first draw is an empty chart then DataSeries are attached later • Fixed CategoryDateTimeAxis exception when BarTimeFrame is zero • Fixed VisibleRange bug in TimeSpanAxis when the TimeSpan included a negative time • Fixed incorrect band drawing for CategoryDateTimeAxis • Fixed MouseWheelZoomModifier to work properly with flipped coordinates • Changes to Default.xaml themes to ensure RenderSurface is always the same size as the axes. SciChartSurface border is now on top of the rendersurface, not outside it • Fixed moving an annotation results in a StackOverflowException in some cases • Fixed a bug where rollover marker is glitching on mouse right below/above the data-point • Fixed 'Zero Values are not rendered' where axis did not seem to be inclusive on VisibleRange • Fixed Overview isn't drawn on startup • Fixed Axis Labels remain on Axis after axis collection changed • Fixed a memory leak in ColorToBrushConverter (used by SciChartLegend) which was keeping SciChartSurface instances alive • Fixed bug when Modifier throws during Axis Labels update • Fixed ModifierGroup.ChildModifiersProperty cannot be bound to • Fixed ArithmeticOverflowException when short data type used and ChartModifier is outside of the data range • Fixed StackOverflowException when VisibleRange updated in CategoryDateTimeAxis • Fixed DigitalLine and Digital Mountain issues (incorrect placement of vertical/horizontal step) • Fixed exceptionwhen VerticalLineAnnotation is placed on a non-active Tab in a TabControl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th August 2013: MINOR UPDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ API Changes (non breaking) • All RenderableSeries are no longer sealed so they may be inherited • All RenderableSeries.InternalDraw is now Protected Virtual and may be overridden Installer Improvements • Fixed long standing bug - installer ignores custom install path • Allowed installer to install side by side with older versions • Fixed missing images in help file SciChart Bug Fixes • Fixed Modifiers throw exceptions if axis is changed • Fixed exception thrown by the Rollover when used with stacked series type • Fixed cannot change the background colour via GridLinesPanelStyle • Fixed VerticalChartGroup, Axis in the left are incorrectly aligned • Fixed VerticalChartGroup, updating YAxis VisibleRange does not resize axis • Fixed AxisAlignment does not work if property was set before axis was loaded • Fixed Modifiers inside a TabControl throws • Improved performance of SeriesValueModifier by recycling AxisMarkerAnnotations as series are rendered • Fixed clipping issue where line series dissappear if the X-Datatype is Int, Long, Short, UInt (etc) and the user zooms in close • Fixed Impulse Chart example, Point markers are not filled • Fixed HitTest not returning XyzSeriesInfo when used with an XyzDataSeries • Fixed PointMarkerTemplate property not showing when used with old PointMarker Syntax (so upgrading should require no change) • Fixed RolloverModifier throws when InterpolatedMode used • Fixed Annotations.IsHidden issue where annotations could not be shown • Fixed a bug where XyzDataSeries Z values were used when calculating AutoRange • Fixed regression bug, Rollover labels can move out of bands, labels overlap occasionally • Fixed ThemeManager - zoom on mountain series causes a colour change (High Quality Rasterizer only) • Fixed AxisLabel dissappears when cursor is over rollover marker • Fixed Drag Horizontal Threshold example - annotation line can be dragged outside the chart and not back • Fixed SciTrader example crashes on start from time to time • Fixed issue where rollover labels are sometimes left on a surface • Fixed some clipping issues with HQ and HS renderers • Fixed RolloverMarkers dissappear if the line of bandseries which is hit-tested goes out of the viewport • Fixed binding to FontSize for SciChartSurface.TitleText • Fixed line drawing when NaN is inserted and Closed Lines flag is set in high quality renderer • Fixed crash in SeriesValueModifier where RenderableSeries have no values • Fixed memory leak in SeriesValueModifier, where _myAxisMarkers collection was never cleared • Fixed issue where DataSeries.SuspendUpdates() did not lock the renderer on the parent surface, resulting in flicker if the DataSeries was cleared/refilled during the suspend/resume block • Improved FastLineRenderableSeries.StrokeDashArray behaviour, no longer dependent on number of points in the line New Examples • Added Real Time Ghosted Traces example - demonstrating series persistence with opacity fade • Added Using PointMarkers example showing new PointMarker API to Silverlight examples suite • Added Real Time Series Values example - demonstrating how to use the SeriesValueModifier • Examples suite now uses UseLayoutRounding, SnapsToDevicePixels for super-crisp chart images ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22nd July 2013: SCICHART 2.0 FULL RELEASE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Breaking Changes • Renamed AutoRange.Auto to AutoRange.Once. The three values for AutoRange are: AutoRange.Never (never autorange), AutoRange.Once (once on first render), AutoRange.Always (always autorange) Bug Fixes • Fixed zoommodifier overlay not appearing in Silverlight • Fixed drawing defects with UnsortedXyDataSeries • Fixed Shifted Cursor Axis Labels in Silverlight • Fixed Sync Multi Charts example, cannot pan the bottom chart • Fixed stacked bars and columns - intensive zoom on the laters joining the rendered objects • Fixed regression bug, when the line is out of the chart points stay on the chart borders • Fixed bug with MajorTickLineStyle setter in AxisBase • Fixed ViewportManagerBase issue, Invalidate Parent Surface with RangeMode set to ZoomToFitY ignored • Fixed chart does not render if series only has one data-point in logarithmic or linear mode • Fixed SeriesSelectionModifier does not work with MountainSeries • Fixed no pointmarkers visible in Impulse Chart example (regression issue) • Fixed Chart does not render if 1 out of N RenderableSeries does not have data • Fixed design time error Invalid XmlnsDeclaration occurs in assembly 'Abt.Controls.SciChart.Wpf' ... 'XmlnsDeclaration references a namespace Abt.Controls.SciChart.Rendering that is not in the assembly' • Fixed instability in axis layout algorithm causing axis to 'wobble' • Fixed VerticalLineAnnotation.LabelsOrientation issue • Fixed IsPointWithinBounds for VerticalLineAnnotation • Fixed CursorModifier throws if axis is changed • Fixed BoxPlot, when zoomed, series remains on the chart sides • Fixed HitTest for impulse series, which fixes TooltipModifier inconsistent behaviour on Impulse Series • Fixed heatmap crashing on panning in some circumstances • Fixed axis labels issue when Y/XAxes collections are reset • Fixed FastLineRenderableSeries not disabling the line when SeriesColor = Transparent (regression issue in v2.0) • Fixed exception when using AxisCollection.Move • Fixed Margin applied twice in SciChartSurface control template • Fixed Memory Leak when SciChartGroup.VerticalChartGroup attached behaviour is applied • Fixed Axis alignment incorrect when Axis is on the left and SciChartGroup is applied • Fixed line-clipping algorithm not drawing lines to the edge of the chart • Fixed an issue in MouseManager which caused horizontally aligned charts sharing a MouseEventGroup to receive incorrect mouse-coordinates. • Fixed PointMarkerTemplate could not be re-applied (every marker after first was ignored) • Improved toggle on/off behaviour for SciChartGroup • Added ability to show Axis Labels for RolloverModifier • Added HitTest for BoxPlot series, added default styles • Added new example 'Use High Quality Rendering'. Shows how to switch renderer per-chart • Added default style for TooltipModifier • Added Debug log to console if Axis has Invalid VisibleRange • Added how to disable debug logging in the console window (how to disable is printed to console) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27th June 2013: BETA 2 UPDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes • Release note with upgrade instructions • All API XML Comment documentation updated • SciChart Class Library.chm file updated and contains new User Manual articles • Fixed no TrianglePointMarker in dashed line example • Fixed offset PointMarkers • Fixed PointMarkers are not filled in some examples • Fixed Dissappearance of Axis Gridlines when deep zooming • Fixed significant loss of Deep-Zoom capability for SciChart v2.0 Beta vs. v1.7 • Fixed Drag Area to Zoom issues • Fixed no mountain series in overview panes • Added Opacity property to HeatMap renderable series and improved example • Added new Heatmap with Text example • Fixed Series Selection - cloning series bug • Fixed when chart is rotated chart ticks overlay on labels • Updated all tutorial solutions to compile against SciChart v2.0 • Fixed Impulse Series draws point markers on the bottom in Logarithmic Mode • Fixed mountain series dissappearence when panning to the left or right • Fixed PaletteProvider issues when panning • Added new Example - Heatmap with Text in Cells • Working on refactoring modifiers to share code & improve hit-test ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11th June 2013: MAJOR (BETA) UPDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ First BETA release of SciChart v2.0! For a breakdown of what's new, please see New Features • Box Plot • Error Bars • Bubble Chart • Fan Chart • Heatmap / Spectrogram • Stacked Column Chart • Stacked Bar Chart • Stacked Mountain Chart • Stacked Columns (side by side) • No more DataSeriesSet • Unlimited, Multiple X-Axes • Swap X-Y axis (rotate chart) • New PointMarker API • Support for more DataTypes in DataSeries (ushort, short, uint, byte, sbyte, TimeSpan) • New TimeSpanAxis • New Axis Interactivity API • Alternative, Sub-pixel (High Quality) renderer • High Performance Axis Bands • High Performance Dashed Line support (StrokeDashArray) • Gradient Brush support for Column, Candlestick, Mountain, Box Plot and Stacked Chart types • PaletteProvider now works on Line Series (Colors lines point by point) • Support for custom themes via IThemeProvider • Faster rendering in multiple axis scenarios • Plugin renderer architecture • Error handling - exceptions in rendering output to Console Window • Renderer error codes - 'Why didn't SciChart render' reason is output to Console Window ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1st JUNE 2013: HOTFIX ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes • IMPORTANT! Fixed crash when series has more than one X-Value the same value • IMPORTANT! Fixed HitTest throws exception if points have the same Y-value • Fixed MouseWheelModifier doesn't work if Axis.Visibility = Collapsed • Fixed issue with RolloverModifier + XyScatterRenderableSeries • Fixed regression bug, Setting Annotation X1 not divisible by candle width in CategoryDateTimeAxis snaps annotation to the left • Fixed 'Resource not found' warning in output window • Fixed error when adding series when Theme is bound to a ViewModel • Addressed re-using of DataSeries issue • Fixed Animated Zoom/ZoomExtents doesn't work property if both axes are collapsed • Fixed DoubleRange SetMinMax exception • Fixed exception after calling Annotation.Show() • Fixed Logarithmic Axis should draw to negative infinity when zeros are included • Fixed AxisBase.CursorTextFormatting is ignored ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th MAY 2013: MAINTENANCE UPDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Features • All zoom and pan modifiers updated to work with Logarithmic Axis, such as ZoomPanModifier, MouseWheelModifier, XAxisDragModifier, YAxisDragModifier (feature back-ported from SciChart v2.0 branch) Bug Fixes • Fixed Add Remove Series example bug where removing a series deleted all • Fixed MouseManager.MouseEventGroup bindings being overwritten with null when theme was changed • Fixed XAxisDragModifier inverting the drag when AxisBase.FlipCoordinates = true • Fixed ZoomExtentsModifier ignores all ChartSeriesViewModel items but the last • Fixed DateTimeAxis doesn't measure itself properly • Fixed SciChartOverview doesn't have binding for properties Background, Foreground by default • Fixed issue with Hit-Test on Scatter-Series. Points with the same X cannot be hit • Fixed Left-aligned axis are pushed in reverse order when added to the chart • Fixed Overview control central range does not update in some cases • Fixed Scrolling FIFO Charts example is marked as MVVM but it is not • Fixed regression bug Annotation.IsHidden is not working when databound in MVVM • Fixed regression bug setting Annotation.X1 not divisible by candle width in CategoryDateTimeAxis snaps annotation to the left • Fixed DateTimeAxis collects ticks data as doubles not DateTimes • Fixed VerticalLineAnnotation cannot be removed from the chart if X1 property is data-bound ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16th APR 2013: Hotfix ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Fixed ZoomExtentsModifier only reacting to last series when SeriesSource used • Fixed ZoomExtentsModifier issue with XyDirection ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10th APR 2013: MAINTENANCE UPDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Features • Added compilation output for x86, x64, AnyCPU for .NET4.0, 4.5 so you can now use SciChart in mixed managed/native applications without recompiling from source • Added SciChartSurface RenderPriority.Manual option, where you can call SciChartSurface.InvalidateElement() manually to redraw • Added ZoomPanModifier.ZoomExtentsY property • Added ZoomExtentsModifier.XYDirection property • Added ClipMode.ClipAtMax for ZoomPanModifier to prevent panning past the end of the dataset • Added FastColumnRenderableSeries.UniformWidth property to assist with issue of column widths on variably spaced data • Added DataSeries.InsertRange() method • Added DataSeries.RemoveRange() method • Exposed SciChartOverview.BackgroundChartSurface property to access the inner SciChartSurface • Added Abt.Controls.SciChart.Wpf.dll and Abt.Controls.SciChart.SL.dll to the registry so it appears in Visual Studio Add References dialog Bug Fixes • Fixed Numeric Precision issue where NumericAxis.VisibleRange was small, chart became blank (rendered no ticks) • Fixed FastBandRenderableSeries.IsDigitalLine band fill drawing anomaly • Added default Rollover Template for FastImpulseRenderableSeries • Fixed an issue databinding to DateTimeAxis.MinorDelta and MajorDelta • Fixed a Y=Const ZoomExtents issue • Fixed a ZoomExtents bug with DataSeries.RemoveAt() • Fixed AnnotationLabels don't react on LabelPlacement changes • Fixed Call to Annotation.Hide() hides an annotaiton but labels become visible after invalidating • Fixed VerticalLineAnnotation LabelPlacement issues • Fixed discrepancy between Rollover Line Marker in Line & Scatter Chart • Fixed Surface parts Selection through Navigation Keys • Fixed incorrect XMinPositive value on DataSeries after append range of elements • Fixed a bug in ModifyAxisProperties example where calendar update resulted in a crash • Fixed a memory leak when adding/removing/re-adding annotations • Fixed a NullReferenceException when Y=Const and we use RubberBandXyZoomModifier ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12th FEB 2013: MAINTENANCE UPDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Fixes • Fixed crash when data with NumericAxis is switched from Linear to Logarithmic when data has both positive & negative values • Fixed VerticalLineAnnotation templating issues • Fixed Annotation coordinate / X-label issues when used with DateTimeAxis • Fixed Overview control cannot scroll to edges when moving mouse quickly • Fixed memory leak associated with DefaultLabelFormatter issues on Axis • Fixed annotation placement is incorrect when left-axis is used • Fixed ZoomPanModifier in Quad-Axis example (or when left-axis used) did not pan on left part of the chart • Fixed SciChartOverview does not update X-Range when changing dataset for shorter data • Fixed NullPointerException when hit-testing a hidden series • Fixed XyScatterSeries does not update after setting Min and Max of DoubleRange so no data is on the chart • Fixed Annotation X-Coordinate is rounded up to next candle when used on CategoryDateTimeAxis • Fixed Exception when trying to add new dataseries to a SciChartGroup if Theme was changed • Fixed FastMountainRenderableSeries handling of double.NaN, now correctly shows line to zero when NaN's used • Fixed Synchronize Multi-Chart issue - bottom chart doesn't pan when rollover is used • Fixed ZoomPanModifier and CursorModifier bug in Sync Multi-Chart Mouse example when Axis is on the left • Fixed Y-Axis Drag triggers RubberBandZoom in Sync Multi-Chart Mouse example • Fixed a bug in Modify Axis Properties example • Fixed RolloverModifier with IsDigitalLine == true does not match up with UseInterpolation • Fixed RolloverModifier dissappears when outside of data-range. • Fixed Column Series with DataPointWidth = 1.0 has gap after the first column • Fixed Rollover tooltip gets stuck in position when chart zooms • Fixed OHLC bars sometimes the open wick is shorter than close • Fixed Changing theme with annotations causes exceptions • Fixed Flicker in Axis Legend Checkboxes when manipulating chart (e.g. in Quad Left/Right YAxis Example) • Fixed YAxis doesn't align ticks to left or right when MinWidth or Width is specified • Fixed SciChartGroup panes have small padding for child chart panes • Fixed LineAnnotation can get focused by keyboard causing dotted line around annotations • Fixed HorizontalLineAnnotation.LabelPlacement doesnt work when annotation is added dynamically from code • Fixed Exception when adding new DataSeries inside SciChartGroup if Theme was changed Known Issues • VS2012 Designer shows Trial expired even when a license key is applied. Workaround is to apply the license using the SciChartLicense.xml file (not using SciChartSurface.SetLicenseKey()) and ensure AnyCPU or x86 are used (not x64) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14th JAN 2013: MAINTENANCE UPDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Features & Improvements • Improved FastBandRenderableSeries.HitTest to include upper line as well as lower • RolloverModifier now works properly with BandSeries • Added UnsortedDataSeries - a new series type to allow X-Data out of order. o Does not currently support Hit-Testing, Rollover and requires ResamplingMode = None • Added StrokeThickness to all series, OHLC, Candlestick, Column now natively support StrokeThickness > 1 • Added optional Checkboxes to LegendControl to enable showing/hiding of series. See ChartLegends example for demonstration • Added CustomRenderableSeries, to allow you to create your own series types • Added AxisBase.AnimatedVisibleRange to allow you to animate to a visible range via databinding Bug Fixes Annotations • Fixed moving adorner point of HorizontalLineAnnotation close to Y-Axis caused it to dissappear • Fixed TextAnnotation difficult to get focus • Fixed TextAnnotation should focus inner textbox after create • Fixed HorizontalLineAnnotation dissappears on zooming • Fixed annotation becoming visible on redraw after calling Annotation.Hide() • Fixed rare condition where annotation drag markers lost focus during real-time updates • Fixed cannot deselect an annotation when ChartModifiers are used (as they steal focus) • Fixed AnnotationCreationModifier draws modifiers on N charts when used in a multi-pane chart Rendering • Fixed DataPointWidth = 1.0 still has gaps between columns in column chart • Fixed blurring for Candlesticks/OHLC when antialiasing is set to false. These chart types now obey AntiAliasing • Fixed TextFormatting getting shared across charts • Fixed RubberBandXyZoomModifier performs very slight zoom with ZoomExtentsY=false (it should leave YAxis alone) • Fixed regression bug - XyScatterRenderableSeries does not display first data point • Fixed Trade Markers zoom issue - line dissappears but markers remain when zooming • Fixed MouseWheelModifier doubles the zoom rate when MouseEventGroup used across charts • Fixed Cursor Labels do not update when mouse does not move but chart data changes • Fixed SciChartGroup resizing issue • Fixed Axis gridlines/text labels flickering intermittently when zooming or panning • Fixed gridlines flicker when SciChartSurface.RenderPriority=Low was used only under .NET4.5 Stability • Fixed intermittent IndexOutOfRangeException when using RolloverModifier in a real-time example • Fixed DataSeries.FindIndex bug condition when there is only one data-point in the series • Fixed ZoomExtents crashing when DataSet == null • Fixed extensive zooming leads to memory corruption crash • Fixed extremely high memory usage in RealTimePerformanceDemo o Related: Fixed examples suite showing wrong example when clicking from homepage • Fixed examples suite bug where IExampleAware.OnExampleExit was not called on any example with a viewmodel (so timers were not stopped etc) • Fixed rare race condition where XAxis.VisibleRange bindings didn't update in some circumstances • Fixed race condition where chart wouldn't update if you had a SciChartSurface.SeriesSource binding and the chart unloaded/loaded (e.g. when garbage collected in a tab control) Overview • Fixed OverviewControl doesn't autorange in Y-Axis when appending data to parent surface dataSeriesSet • Fixed OverviewControl dragging outside centre reticule induces blinking • Fixed OverviewControl central area dragging sensitive to zoom Licensing • Fixed Vs2012 designer reporting "Invalid License" when license is valid at runtime • Fixed trial license reporting invalid when compiling as x86 or x64 (not Any CPU) • Fixed issue where trial key extensions sometimes expired prematurely • Fixed license key parsing fails when Azerbaijani latin regional setting used Examples and Tutorials • Updated Oscilloscope example to be realtime, have unsorted examples (e.g. Lissajous Plot, Fourier Series) • Oscilloscope and ECG examples both use AxisBase.AnimateVisibleRange property • Examples suite now displays version number, expiry date of license • Added new Tutorial - Synchronizing Mouse across Multi Pane Charts ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7th DEC 2012: LAUNCH OF V1.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for response to Beta! Here are the results of your feedback: New Features & Improvements • Aggressive performance tuning for FIFO series o FIFO Series AddRange, Max, Min performance has been improved 400% o FIFO Series re-sampling is now double buffered. Reduced memory pressure on GC when using FIFOs o Knock on effect - Reduced or removed stuttering when FIFO Series used o Knock on effect - Reduced or removed wobbling when FIFO Series used • DataSeries.Append and Append(IEnumerable) performance improved with optimized min, max calculations o To get the most from DataSeries.Append, pass in Arrays, not IEnumerable or Lists. Array access is much faster and we use a host of optimizations to gain big speed improvements when loading array data o Knock on effect - Performance examples tuned to be as fast, if not faster than v1.3 • Performance tuning of ThemeManager. Changing or applying a first theme is much quicker o Knock on effect - reduces startup time for when showing a SciChartSurface • Added clipping of dragged annotations - now clip to viewport bounds on drag • Added animation on zoom of the chart o RubberBandXyZoomModifier.IsAnimated = true by default o ZoomPanModifier.IsAnimated = true by default • RubberBandXyZoomModifier now exposes StrokeDashArray property for dashed Rubber Band outline Bug Fixes • VerticalLineAnnotation labels show index, not DateTime when CategoryDateTimeAxis used • VerticalLineAnnotations placed incorrectly • VerticalLineAnnotation & HorizontalLineAnnotation Lines leap to primary position after scrolling to boundaries • Licensing - when trial license expires, does not show "Your trial license has expired" notice • Changing X1, Y1, X2, Y2 on annotation does not update annotaiton position until redraw • FIFO Series not double-buffering correctly • Overview control malfunctioning when CategoryDateTimeAxis used • Overview control clicking outside the central area when CategoryDateTimeAxis can cause a crash • Overvew control wierd scrolling issues • Examples search box has xaml in dropdown results • Annotations cannot be dragged or drawn if one coordinate is outside the viewport • Crash bug with Annotations X1,X2,Y1,Y2 set in Xaml when Russian Locale was used • Cannot drag an annotation correctly when CategoryDateTimeAxis is used • Drag Horizontal Threshold example (WPF) unhandled exception notice • Enabled dragging of TextAnnotations via one adorner point • Fixed HorizontalLineAnnotation label values not showing until resizing or redrawing the chart • XyScatterRenderableSeries cannot render a single data-point • TextFormatting discrepancy between v1.3 and v1.5 • Exception when showing a TextAnnotation in any theme other than Chrome • FastCandlestickRenderableSeries and FastOhlcRenderableSeries were not obeying AntiAliasing property causing blurry charts ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20th Nov 2012: MAJOR BETA UPDATE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Features & Improvements • UIElement Annotations (BETA, Premium Edition) Annotation can be added above, below the SciChartSurface either programmatically or dynamically (via point & click). Annotations added include: o TextAnnotation o LineAnnotation, LineArrowAnnotation o HorizontaLineAnnotation, VerticalLineAnnotation o PathAnnotation o AxisMarkerAnnotation o BoxAnnotation • CategoryDateTimeAxis re-write (Premium Edition) This axis can now support GrowBy, gaps to the right, consistent zooming/panning when used in real-time stock charts. • OverviewControl re-write. This control now supports DateTimeAxis, NumericAxis and CategoryDateTimeAxis. Works in a real-time context. • MVVM Series API. The property SciChartSurface.SeriesSource expects a collection of IChartSeriesViewModel. This allows you to synchronize DataSeries with RenderableSeries and control both via a parent ViewModel. No DataSeriesSet is needed, this is created automatically when you set-up the binding. It is recommended to use this API if you are dynamically adding/removing series, or changing series type in an MVVM application. • New SciStockChart Control (BETA, Premium Edition) A new control which subclasses SciChartSurface, automatically adds modifiers & correct axis types for use in real-time stock charts. • Added SciChartGroup Control (BETA, Premium Edition) A new control which enables multi-paned stock charts with tabbed or stacked indicator panes. • Added FastBandRenderableSeries (Premium Edition) A new series type which renders a shaded area between lines depending on whether Y1>Y2 or vice versa. • CursorModifier Improvements o Added default styling to CursorModifier via the Themes. Just drop it on a SciChartSurface and it works! o Added property CursorModifier.ShowCursorTooltipOn. May be used to hide cursor tooltips unless the mouse is down. o Added CursorModifier.AxisLabels. By default cursor modifier now displays labels on each axis. Labels may be hidden, or template. • Added PaletteProvider property to BaseRenderableSeries. Enables overriding of data-point colors when rendering. E.g. color individual points, candles or columns. • YAxisDragModifier may now be used when YAxis.AutoRange = true, by setting the ResizeMode=Relative/Absolute. In AbsoluteMode the YAxisDragModifier sets the VisibleRange of the axis, which is overwritten by AutoRange. In RelativeMode, the modifier sets the GrowBy, causing a margin above/below the maximum of the chart and can be used in conjunction with AutoRange. • DataSeries API Refactor Added IXyDataSeries, IxyyDataSeries and IohlcDataSeries. • Alpha Blending of MountainSeries, Column Charts. These series now alpha blend so if you have a MountainSeries or ColumnSeries over a LineSeries the underlying series show through. • Source code customers: SciChart is now a single csproj, no need to include Abt.Licensing and WriteableBitmapEx. In addition we have made a number of improvements for source code customers, such as ability to strip out licensing and deploy entirely safe code (No Unsafe) for use in partial trust environments such as Bloomberg Terminal via conditional compilation pre-processor statements and provided a VS2012 solution as well as VS2010. • Implemented 30-day Trial. SciChart’s Terms & conditions are changing. The trial duration will be 30-days and licensed per-machine. Of course, if you need more time we’d be happy to extend your trial! License keys have also changed. Contact us to upgrade your key from v1.3 to v1.5. Bug Fixes • Fixed binding errors in CursorModifier and RolloverModifier, improving performance of both cursors. • Fixed Logarithmic Y-Axis crash when switching from Linear to Logarithmic mode and back. • Fixed memory leaks when themes are changed. • Fixed memory leaks when a SciChartSurface is loaded/unloaded. • Fixed axis/label flickering when SciChart is used under .NET4.5 • Fixed Candles/OHLC bars too closely spaced in CategoryDateTimeAxis. • In WPF - Fixed MVVM binding silently failing to AxisCollection, RenderableSeries, VisibleRange when SciChartSurface is used inside an DataTemplate/ItemTemplate. In Silverlight, these issues can be resolved via workaround. Contact us if you experience them. • Fixed crash bug when zooming using RubberBandXyZoomModifier and YAxis.FlipCoordinates=true is set. • Fixed axis ticks getting shifted if BorderThickness is used • Fixed DataSeriesSet.Insert not firing SeriesUpdated event • Fixed DateTimeAxis.MaxAutoTicks doesn’t work • Fixed YAxis.AutoRange calculation when OHLC or Candlestick charts are used. Now uses the high/low of candles not the close to compute VisibleRange. • Added exception message if AxisBase.AutoTicks=false but major, minor deltas are not set • Fixed AxisBase.IsPrimaryAxis, now set correctly when multiple axes are used. The primary axis draws gridlines others don’t. • Fixed Column series rendering issues when series contains negative values. • Fixed a bug where SciChartSurface is empty when first dataseries is empty. • Fixed DataSeries.Clear crash (rare race condition) when updating the chart in a separate thread. Examples • Created eleven new examples o Band Series Chart o Impulse Chart o Create a Stock Chart o Realtime Ticking Stock Charts o Overview control o Annotations are Easy! o Create annotations dynamically o Drag Horizontal Threshold o Interaction with Annotations o Add Remove DataSeries o Change RenderSeries Type o TradeMarkers example has been updated to use the new Annotations API • All examples now have descriptions • Example homepage updated to show features via icons ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06th Sep 2012: Minor ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .Fixes - Fixed a bug when the surface is empty when first dataseries has no points - Fixed an issue which appears when removing the last series/axis in an MVVM application, where CPU goes to 100% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 28th Aug 2012: Interim Update ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .Features - Added FastImpulseRenderableSeries - a new chart type which displays a vertical line from zero with optional point marker at the tip - Add, Remove, RemateAt methods added to IDataSeriesSet - RemoveAt added to IDataSeriesSet. No need to cast when removing series - Remove, RemoveAt, Insert API added to DataSeries - Added FastMountainRenderableSeries.IsDigitalLine property - Added SciChartSurface.ClipModifierSurfaceToBounds property, to clip annotations to chart bounds - Added AxisBase.IsPrimaryAxis, to allow dictation of which axis draws gridlines in a multi-axis scenario - Added requested features to rollover modifier. When rollover markets overlay hints for all markers are shown. When hint is out of Modifiersurface, hint is placed correctly. - Added requested feature for mouse-wheel zooming around the mouse-point - Added requested feature int IDataSeries.FindIndex(TX x) .Fixes - Fixed LegendModifier control templates, now obeys FontSize, FontWeight - Fixed ChartModifierBase.IsEnabled being ignored when set to false (not via binding) in a ModifierGroup - Fixed SelectedSeries bug in SciChartSurface - Fixed race condition: NullReferenceException on clear of dataseries - Fixed Rollover line stealing mouse input when clicking on points - Fixed BaseRenderableseries.IsSelectedProperty not defined as a public dependency property - Fixed bug with missing gridlines - Improved rollover tooltip placement - Fixed bug with axis labels overlapping, added 2px space between labels - Fixed exception when drag to right for first time - Fixed setting all properties DrawLabels, DrawGridLines on axis to false resulted in some gridlines persisting - Fixed issue in ECG Example where startup visible range on the Y-Axis was incorrect - Fixed LegendModifier not clearing on DataSeriesSet.Clear via workaround, by adding public RefreshLegend() method which you can call from code-behind ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23rd Aug 2012: Interim Update ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .Features - Added FastImpulseRenderableSeries - a new chart type which displays a vertical line from zero with optional point marker at the tip - Add, Remove, RemateAt methods added to IDataSeriesSet - RemoveAt added to IDataSeriesSet. No need to cast when removing series - Remove, RemoveAt, Insert API added to DataSeries - Added FastMountainRenderableSeries.IsDigitalLine property - Added SciChartSurface.ClipModifierSurfaceToBounds property, to clip annotations to chart bounds - Added AxisBase.IsPrimaryAxis, to allow dictation of which axis draws gridlines in a multi-axis scenario - Added requested features to rollover modifier. When rollover markets overlay hints for all markers are shown. When hint is out of Modifiersurface, hint is placed correctly. - Added requested feature for mouse-wheel zooming around the mouse-point - Added requested feature int IDataSeries.FindIndex(TX x) .Fixes - Fixed LegendModifier control templates, now obeys FontSize, FontWeight - Fixed ChartModifierBase.IsEnabled being ignored when set to false (not via binding) in a ModifierGroup - Fixed SelectedSeries bug in SciChartSurface - Fixed race condition: NullReferenceException on clear of dataseries - Fixed Rollover line stealing mouse input when clicking on points - Fixed BaseRenderableseries.IsSelectedProperty not defined as a public dependency property - Fixed bug with missing gridlines - Improved rollover tooltip placement - Fixed bug with axis labels overlapping, added 2px space between labels - Fixed exception when drag to right for first time - Fixed setting all properties DrawLabels, DrawGridLines on axis to false resulted in some gridlines persisting - Fixed issue in ECG Example where startup visible range on the Y-Axis was incorrect - Fixed LegendModifier not clearing on DataSeriesSet.Clear via workaround, by adding public RefreshLegend() method which you can call from code-behind ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22nd July 2012: Minor Update ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .Fixes - Fixed a bug in RolloverModifier where template did not show in certain circumstances - Fixed a bug in RolloverModifier where selecting a series caused tooltips to remain on the screen - Fixed NumericAxis/DateTimeAxis.AutoTicks=False having no effect - Fixed Oscilloscope/Electric theme background colours which had too much transparency, showing through underlying control colour - Fixed startup logic - zooming to extents on axis only if individual axis ranges are not set .Features - Added RenderPriority flag to allow for lowering, or raising priority of render operations. This can help resolve issues where mouse interaction plus real-time locks the chart7 - Allowed Scichart to be rendered off-screen (i.e. in a server environment). To use this feature, set RenderPriority = RenderPriority.Immediate and render the SciChartsurface to a bitmap .Examples - Added two new examples: ECG Monitor and Spectrum Analyzer, you can find them under "IWantTo/ViewFeaturedApplication" - Added new tutorials: Controlling VisibleRange, where we demonstrate how to build the ECG, Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyzer style scrolling ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 26th June 2012: Hotfix ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .Fixes - Resolved a memory leak in SciChart where DataSeries were Axes were not released from memory, keeping alive DataSeries associated with the axis - Fixed crash bug in XyScatterRenderableSeries when zooming - Fixed RolloverModifier not going to left-edge when AxisBase.FlipCoordinates and AxisAlignment=Left was used - Removed spurious logging "MOUSEMOVE!!" in RolloverModifier .Features - Added XValue to SeriesInfo, allowing X,Y value reporting from RolloverModifier - Improved exception reporting for incompatible datatypes, ranges and axis - FastLineRenderableSeries.SeriesColor = Transparent can now be used to hide a series (in addition to IsVisible) - Added ZoomPanModifier.ClipModeX with options None, Stretch, Clip, to change behaviour of the zoompan modifier when reaching the X-Axis extents ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15th June 2012: Hotfix (Only install if you need this update) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .Fixes - Fixed deployment issue, Silverlight examples batch file caused a build failure on some computers - Fixed cursor not at mouse location when left axis used and axis label applied - Fixed all zeros in dataseries with Axis AutoRange causes a blank chart - Fixed a performance issue when RolloverModifier was used with multiple high-speed real-time charts - Fixed SciChart intermittent hanging when zooming repeatedly using overview control - Fixed YAxis.HorizontalAlignment can now flip the ticks/labels independent of AxisAlignment (side) - Added ability to display latest value on a legend --------------------------------------- 13th June 2012: Minor Update --------------------------------------- .Features - Added IDataSeriesSet.InvalidateParentSurface to allow programmatic zoom-extents in Y or XY direction in an MVVM application - Added RolloverModifier.UseInterpolation to provide an interpolated cursor. See Real-time with Cursors example for usage - Added NumericAxis.ScientificNotation to display text formatted as Engineering Notation, e.g. #E+0 as x10^1 with superscript - Added SciChartSurface.AutoRangeOnStartup (default true) to disable the one-time auto-ranging in MVVM scenarios - Added AxisBase.MaxAutoTicks property to constrain number of generated auto ticks - Added LegendModifier.GetLegendDataFor property to allow legends for selected series only - Added AxisBase.FlipCoordinates to reverse the axis tick labels and series on that axis - Added new Theme "BrightSpark" with white background .Fixes - Fixed YAxis AutoRange incorrect calculation when zoomed in, or when multiple Y-Axis were used - Fixed SciTrader Volume Chart not scaling to fit in Y as you pan - Fixed AutoRange incorrect calculation when series contains double.NaN - Fixed setting new Dataset always zoomed to extents - Fixed CategoryDateTimeAxis.GetCoordinate always returning double.NaN - Fixed NumericAxis/DateTimeAxis GetCoordinate/HitTest performing incorrect calculation - Fixed RolloverModifier line running away from cursor in CategoryDateTimeAxis - Fixed MouseWheelZoomModifier crashing when zooming right out and in repeatedly - Fixed scrolling overview control does not zoom to fit Y on SciTrader - Fixed Zoompan on SciTrader does not zoom to fit Y - Fixed ZoomPan sticking when zoomed right in, now scrolls smoothly - Fixed SeriesColor being ignored in FastColumnRenderableSeries in some circumstances - Fixed Logarithmic Tick / Delta generation - Fixed Tick Labels overlap when chart is resized - Fixed Examples Suite source code view spacing between attributes - Improved performance of min, max calculations on DataSeriesSet.AddSeries() - Improved performance of min, max calculations on DataSeries.Append() - SciChart now throws on licensing deserialization errors in Silverlight 5 so you can pinpoint problems ------------------------------------------- 28th May 2012: Minor (Beta) Update ------------------------------------------- .Features - Added Overview/Scrolling: SciChartOverviewControl to provides a scroll-viewer for the chart. See SciTrader example - Added Legends: SciChartLegend usercontrol and LegendModifier to provide data. See "Chart Legends" example for usage - Added Series-Selection: SeriesSelectionModifier may be used to select a series on mouse-click. See "Series Selection" example for usage - Added DateTimeAxis.SubDayTextFormatting DependencyProperty. Provides alternative text formatting for intra-day datetimes - double.NaN in the data now draws gaps in FastColumnRenderableSeries - double.NaN in the data now draws gaps or lines for FastLineRenderableSeries. See DrawNanAs property for more details - Added DataSeries.Clone() method, useful to take copies of series, .Examples - Added SeriesSelection example, click on a series to select it, re-color it and give it the highest Z-order - Added ChartLegends example. Demonstrates how to create a legend control and bind to series data .Fixes - Fixed RolloverModifier going off the right edge of the chart - Fixed Dragging XAxis to the extreme left with XAxisDragModifier caused a crash - Fixed SciChartsurface.YAxes not binding if set with new AxesCollection via MVVM - Fixed SciChartsurface.RenderableSeries property not binding if set with new ObservableCollection via MVVM - Fixed crash bug with repeated zooming of RubberBandXyZoomModifier - Fixed crash in VS2010 designer in some circumstances - Fixed dissappearing Axes when zooming in to a very small region, or zooming to an area with no data - Fixed 100% CPU when zooming in to the extreme and FastLineRenderableSeries.StrokeThickness >= 2 - Fixed X-Axis ticks not rendering if there was no data on the chart - Fixed not rendering scatter or point marker when only one data-point was added - Fixed crash bug in FIFO Series with point counts >2000 - Fixed lines where one point outside and one inside the viewport are drawn incorrectly - Fixed Designer crash for Silverlight IN PROGRESS *********** - Logarithmic axis tick generation. Use NumericAxis with AxisMode=Logarithmic on X or Y. - Full Annotation support - SciChart Grouping. VerticalChartGroup attached property is in place but so far, only aligns Y-axes -------------------------------------------- 15th May 2012: Major (Beta) Update -------------------------------------------- .Features - Added support for Multiple Left/Right Y-Axis. Current SciChartSurface.YAxis will continue to work. See new SciChartSurface.YAxes property in examples suite to set multiple axes (unlimited left/right axis) - Separated Category and Xy Axis. - DateTimeAxis and NumericAxis now both do true XY (value) measurements. - Support for GrowBy on X-Axis, unevenly spaced X-Data and X-Axis range to be larger than data range - Use CategoryDateTimeAxis for stock charts as this treats each data-point as the same width regardless of date stamp - Removed the constraint where all series had to be the same length. Now populate series with sparse X,Y values and SciChart draws. NOTE: The constraint where X-values must be sorted remains - All RenderableSeries now measure X-Coordinate according to axis mode (Xy or Category Axis). - Massive 400% performance improvement for all renderable series where large datasets (100k - 10M points) are drawn and resampling is used - Added new series types, FastOhlcRenderableSeries and FastLineRenderableSeries.IsDigitalLine to render a step-line - Added SciChartGroup.VerticalChartGroupProperty which synchronizes the widths of Y-Axes - Added RenderableSeries.DataSeriesIndex property to map renderableSeries to dataseries. The DataSeriesIndex is defaulted to the index in the parent collection if you don't enter it - Added support for Middle Mouse Button Up/Down in ChartModifiers (WPF Only) - Added ZoomPanModifier.ExecuteOn to allow panning on left or right button drag and middle button drag (WPF only) - Added ZoomPanModifier.XyDirection to specify X, Y or XY panning constraint - Added YAxisDragModifier.ExecuteOn property to allow execution on left, right, middle (WPF only) mouse drag (default is MouseLeftButton) - Added YAxisDragmodifier.AxisAlignment property to define which axis to drag (default is AxisAlignment.Right) - Added ZoomPanModifier.XyDirection property to limit panning in X or Y direction - Added ThemeManager to greatly simplify the Xaml to create high fidelity examples. - Use ThemeManager.Theme="ThemeName" attached property on SciChartSurface in Xaml, or ThemeManager.SetTheme(sciChartSurface, "ThemeName") in C# to set the theme of SciChart. - Available themes include: - ExpressionDark - ExpressionLight - Oscilloscope - Chrome - BlackSteel - Electric NOTE: Default Theme is ExpressionDark - Added ChartTitle and TitleTextBrush properties to SciChartSurface .Fixes - Fixed ModifierSurface UIElements being rendered underneath axis ticks when drawing on the axes area - Fixed DateTimeAxis XAxis ticks out of sync with candlesticks. Use CategoryDateTimeAxis now for financial charts - Fixed a bug where SciChart crashed when used in a multi-top-level UI Thread scenario - Fixed RenderableSeries.IsVisible strange behavior - Fixed a crash bug when continually zooming using RubberBandXyZoomModifier - Fixed a bug where Axis titles didn't display correctly on X or Y Axes - Fixed a bug where a chart with no data rendered with axis collapsed on the left and no gridlines - Fixed a bug where chart crashed when resized to zero .Examples - Multiple new examples. Simplified Xaml and cs of existing examples to better showcase SciChart capabilities - Examples suite now displays code snippets per-example, added search functionality .API Changes - Property RubberBandZyZoomModifier.FitYAxisOnZoom is now obsolete. This feature is always on by default - ExecuteOn.MouseRightButtonUp has been renamed to MouseRightButton as it is now used throughout SciChart modifiers - SciChartSurface.TranslatePoint, IsPointWithinBounds and GetBoundsRelativeTo all deprecated - Instead use SciChartSurface.MainGrid.TranslatePoint, SciChartSurface.MainGrid.IsPointWithinBounds, ScichartSurface.MainGrid.GetBoundsRelativeTo etc... - Removed XyLinerenderableSeries (obsolete). Please use FastLineRenderableSeries instead as this series now performs true XY (value) measurements ------------------------------------- 9th April 2012: Minor Patch ------------------------------------- .Features - Added IDataSeries.Update(x,y) method to mirror IDataSeries.Update(date, open, high, low, close) .Fixes - Fixed a bug where examples app crashed if started with European decimal point formatting - Fixed a bug in BaseRenderableSeries.HitTest() where HitTest.IsHit property incorrectly reported true sometimes - Fixed a bug where SciChart crashes if only one datapoint is appended - Fixed a bug where clicking in top-left of SciTrader example with ZoomPanModifier enabled caused the chart to jump - Fixed a bug where DataSeriesSet.GetWindowedYRange() returned incorrect results for OHLC series -------------------------------------- 3rd April 2012: Minor Update -------------------------------------- .Features - Sharing of interactivity modifiers across charts Provides linked chart support for cursors, rollover etc... Added MouseManager.MouseEventGroup Attached property. Demonstrated by SciTrader example - FastLineRenderableSeries now supports StrokeThickness property. Defaults to 1 for maximum performance, but may be set to any positive integer value - Improved rendering and data append performance 2000% performance improvement on DataSeries/DataSeriesSet append when large amounts of data or large number of series is added Rendering performance improved for all series types VisibleRange setting / XAxisDragModifier performance improved Fixed lag in X-Axis drag when scrolling a very large dataset - RubberBandXyZoomModifier when zooming in the X-Axis only, fits the data in the Y-direction on each zoom. Set the RubberBandXyZoomModifier.FitYAxisOnZoom Property to True to enable this feature Only applies when when RubberBandXyZoomModifier.IsXAxisOnly=True - Added RolloverModifier.DrawVerticalLine (default true) and RolloverModifier.VerticalLineStyle properties - Silverlight version now targets SL4 and SL5 .Fixes - Fixed poor rendering quality for WPF 1-pixel wide lines when Antialiasing was used - Fixed a bug where ResamplingMode was ignored on FastLineRenderableSeries if set in Xaml - Fixed a bug where line charts would draw a line to zero at rightmost edge for large point counts. - Fixed a bug where DateTimeAxis used with small date intervals (<1s) caused a crash - Fixed a bug where DateTimeAxis Major Ticks were calculated incorrectly. Evident when scrolling/panning the SciTrader view - Fixed a bug where PointMarkers didn't render in Silverlight under certain circumstances - Fixed a bug where DateTime Axis tick marks are 1px out of sync with grid lines - Fixed a bug where the first datapoint didn't render in FastLineRenderableSeries - Fixed a bug "Cannot draw a Point Range of (0,0)" which occurs occasionally on startup - Fixed a Xaml designer crash for SciChart WPF .Examples - Added simple Scatter Chart Example - Bundled new Examples Shell application for WPF and Silverlight with the Installer All example code now found in the VS2010 Examples Solutions under Examples/IWantTo/ .Changes to API No breaking changes --------------------------------------- 16th March 2012: MAJOR UPDATE --------------------------------------- .Features - Point Markers: Added PointMarkerTemplate property to Series, renders a custom data-point marker defined by control template on Line, Mountain and Scatter series - Scatter Series: Added XyScatterRenderableSeries, which uses PointMarkerTemplate to render a scatter plot at true X Y positions - Xy Line Series: Added XyLineRenderableSeries, which renders true X Y lines and no longer has the limitation of FastLineRenderableSeries which required that the X-Data interval was constant - Rollover Markers: Added RolloverMarkerTemplate property to Series, which is used by RolloverModifier to render UI defined by control template on mouse over - X-Zoom: RubberBandXyZoomModifier now has IsXAxisOnly property. When true, zooms in the X direction only - Styling support: RenderableSeries can now be styled properly in Xaml as creation has been moved out of the code-behind AxisBase now supports full styling of ticks, tick text, border and control template - Extensability: Improved extensibility via chart modifiers, including ability to overlay annotations and hit-test axis as well as series - API Documentation: Included control library documentation (CHM) file and XMl documentation to provide documentation in VS2010 intellisense for public SciChart types - New Modifiers: MouseWheelZoomModifier, ZoomExtentsModifier .Changes to API - MVVM Support: Improved MVVM support for SciChartSurface binding to a IDataSeriesSet in the ViewModel - The 'This' Property on SciChartSurface has been deprecated and removed. - Instead bind SciChartSurface.DataSet (in Xaml) to a IDataSeriesSet instance in your ViewModel - SciChartSurface.ZoomExtentsCommand exposed for binding a button to zoom extents - SciChartSurface.ChartModifier can now databind to an exposed IChartModifier in your viewmodel - IDataSeries.RenderAs has been depreciated. Instead populate the SciChartSurface.RenderableSeries property in Xaml - IApiDataSeries has been deprecated. Please use IDataSeries instead (provides the same interface) - AxisBase: New dependency properties include DrawMajorGridLines, DrawMinorGridLines, DrawMajorTicks, DrawMinorTicks, AutoAlignVisibleRange, MajorGridLineStyle, MinorGridLineStyle, MajorTickStyle, MinorTickStyle, AutoRange - MajorLineStroke, MinorLineStroke are marked as obsolete - HitTest, GetCoordinate methods added to convert X,Y pixel coordinate to data value and back - ModifierGroup: Now supports creation in Xaml as well as code-behind - EventAggregator: Internal eventing supported via TinyMessenger event aggregator to perform certain operations, such as zooming to extents, redrawing etc... For full details of services and events see the documentation tag on ServiceContainer .Bug Fixes - Fixed innaccuracy in RenderableSeries.HitTest, which is used by RolloverModifier to inspect values - Fixed stuck X-Axis drag and pan when zoomed in on the SciTrader example - Fixed AxisBase.AutoRange property which was not listened to in some circumstances. Now AutoRange defaults to False. You must set it on each axis if you want the axis to scale to fit new data - Fixed VisibleRange being ignored when set on startup - Fixed a crash in ZoomPanmodifier when applied to charts with FIFO series - Fixed clipping for series rendering when the chart goes out of bounds. .Examples - Added Point Markers example, uses custom ControlTemplate for point markers and shows how to inspect datapoint values with the RolloverModifier - Added MultiAxisFinancial example, which demonstrates multiple axis simulation by overlaying SciChartSurfaces - Added TradeOverlays example, which demonstrates UIElement annotations onto a live chart via a custom modifier - Added LinearRegression example, which uses the XyScatterRenderableSeries and FastLineRenderableSeries to draw a regression fitted curve - SciTrader, Oscilloscope and EEG Examples show how to use the updated MVVM Support. - Several examples now use the RubberBandXyZoomModifier.IsXAxisOnly property for zooming ----------------------------------- 1.1.0 18th February 2012 ----------------------------------- - Added hit testing to series. - Added Rollover Modifier, uses hit testing to display mouse-over values on the chart (SciTrader, Oscilloscope examples) - Styling for examples to support Rollover Modifier - Added end-user licensing support to remove watermark and trial limitations ----------------------------------- 1.0.1 Beta 31st January 2012 ----------------------------------- - Fixed a bug in EEG Sample where hitting reset caused a crash under some circumstances (Related to examples only) - Fixed a DateTime parsing issue when SciChart was run under a non GB-en culture (Related to examples only) - Fixed a bug where System.Timers.Timer was not garbage collected in performance and EEG examples (Related to examples only) ----------------------------------- 1.0.0 Beta 26th January 2012 ----------------------------------- First version released. Supports - Line, Mountain, Candlestick, Column chart types - Generic typed thread-safe dataset - High performance rendering - Rubber-band Zoom, Pan, Axis drag, Mousewheel zoom, Cursor - Static, real-time and custom styled examples