Creates an instance of a AxisRenderer
The SciChart 2D WebAssembly Context containing native methods and access to our WebGL2 Engine and WebAssembly numerical methods
The viewRect of the axis for ticks and labels. Does not include the axis Title.
Gets or sets axis label area thickness, by default the size is calculated to have enough space for labels. However, this property allows to set minimal width/height for vertical/horizontal axes. Useful to align seriesViewRects for different charts
Gets or sets axis label area thickness, by default the size is calculated to have enough space for labels. However, this property allows to set minimal width/height for vertical/horizontal axes. Useful to align seriesViewRects for different charts
Called internally - Gets or sets desired height during the layout process
Called internally - Gets or sets desired height during the layout process
Called internally - Gets or sets desired width during the layout process
Called internally - Gets or sets desired width during the layout process
Gets or sets hideOverlappingLabels property. Default (true) is to not show labels that would overlap. When using rotation you may want to set this false, as the bounding box of rotated text may overlap even if the text itself does not.
Gets or sets hideOverlappingLabels property. Default (true) is to not show labels that would overlap. When using rotation you may want to set this false, as the bounding box of rotated text may overlap even if the text itself does not.
Gets or sets keepLabelsWithinAxis property. When true (default), first and last labels will be shifted to stay within axis bounds. If set to false, these labels will stay aligned to their ticks
Gets or sets keepLabelsWithinAxis property. When true (default), first and last labels will be shifted to stay within axis bounds. If set to false, these labels will stay aligned to their ticks
Called internally - adjusts labels for label alignment
Called when the AxisRenderer is attached to an Axis
The Axis we are attached to.
Called internally - calculates desired labels size
Called internally
Called internally - used for AxisMarkerAnnotation
Called internally - used for custom AxisMarkerAnnotation
Deletes native (WebAssembly) memory used by this type, after which it cannot be used.
Called internally - draws labels
Called internally - draws axis labels when needed, for example for line annotations
Called internally
Called internally as a part of the layout process
Called internally
Called internally - measures the axis label area as part of the layout phase
Generated using TypeDoc
Draws an axis using our WebGL Rendering engine