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Options passed to a SciChartPieSurface in the SciChartPieSurface.create function




Optional animate

animate: boolean

Optional - Whether to animate the chart as it is drawn. Default true

Optional animateLegend

animateLegend: boolean

Optional - whether to animate the appearance of the legend. Default true

Optional animationFrames

animationFrames: number

Optional - The number of frames for the animation. Default 30. A frame will be trigged every 20ms.

Optional canvasBorder

canvasBorder: TBorder

Optional - adds the border to the view area

Optional disableAspect

disableAspect: boolean

Optional - the option of disabling / enabling scaling of the SciChartSurfaceBase. If false - the SciChartSurfaceBase will take the height and width of parent div without scaling.

Optional heightAspect

heightAspect: number

Optional - the height aspect ratio of the SciChartPieSurface. By default SciChart will scale to fit the parent Div. However if height of the div is not provided it will use width/height aspect ratio to calculate the height. The default ratio is 3/2.

Optional holeRadius

holeRadius: number

Optional - the radius of the hole for a donut chart.

Optional holeRadiusSizingMode

holeRadiusSizingMode: ESizingMode

Optional - how the hole radius is interpreted, either absolute, or relative to the total radius

Optional id

id: string

Allows you to set custom Id for the surface;


If skipped the Id will be auto-generated

Optional labelProvider

Sets a LabelProvider - a class which is responsible for formatting axis labels and cursor labels from numeric values

Optional labelRadiusAdjustment

labelRadiusAdjustment: number

Use this to adjust the position of the labels. 1 is the default. Larger values will shift the labels outwards. For Pie charts, 1.7 will place the labels outside the pie. If you want more detailed control you can override calcTitlePosition.

Optional loader

loader: ISciChartLoader | { options?: any; type: string }

Allows you to customize the loading elements or animation as part of the HTML page / DOM when a SciChartSurface or SciChart3DSurface is loading WebAssembly

Optional padding

padding: Thickness

Optional - adds the spacings / padding around the view area

Optional pieType

pieType: EPieType

Optional - whether this is a pie or donut chart. Default Pie.

Optional seriesSpacing

seriesSpacing: number

Optional - addes spacing between the segments

Optional showLegend

showLegend: boolean

Optional - whether to show the legend. Default true

Optional showLegendCheckBoxes

showLegendCheckBoxes: boolean

Optional - whether to show checkboxes on the legend. Default false

Optional showLegendSeriesMarkers

showLegendSeriesMarkers: boolean

Optional - whether to show series markers on the legend. Default true

Optional theme

theme: IThemeProvider | ({ type: string | EThemeProviderType } & IThemePartial)

Optional - The theme applied to the SciChartSurfaceBase on startup


see IThemeProvider for properties which can affect SciChart theme. Two default themes are included out of the box SciChartJSLightTheme and SciChartJSDarkTheme. Custom themes may be created by implementing IThemeProvider

Optional touchAction

touchAction: string

Sets a touch-action property to the canvas style. Useful if touch interactions in browser should be configured. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/touch-action


By default a chart will use touch-action: none to prevent the default browser behavior.

Optional valueMode

valueMode: EPieValueMode

Whether to show labels as percentages, or raw values. Default to percentages

Optional widthAspect

widthAspect: number

Optional - the width aspect ratio of the SciChartPieSurface. By default SciChart will scale to fit the parent Div. However if height of the div is not provided it will use width/height aspect ratio to calculate the height. The default ratio is 3/2.

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