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Options to pass to the StackedColumnRenderableSeries constructor




Optional animation

An animation that runs on the start, child class to SeriesAnimation

Optional dataLabelProvider

A DataLabelProvider used for creating and drawing per-point text.

Optional dataLabels

Options to pass to the DataLabelProvider. Set a style with font and size to enable per-point text for this series.

Optional dataSeries

dataSeries: IDataSeries

The DataSeries which provides a datasource for this IRenderableSeries to draw

Optional fill

fill: string

The column fill as an HTML color code

Optional id

id: string

A unique Id for the IRenderableSeries

Optional onHoveredChanged

onHoveredChanged: TSeriesHoverChangedCallback | string

Optional callback function when hovered changed. Also see IRenderableSeries.hovered event handler

Optional onIsVisibleChanged

onIsVisibleChanged: TSeriesVisibleChangedCallback | string

Optional callback function when isVisible changed. Also see IRenderableSeries.isVisibleChanged event handler

Optional onSelectedChanged

onSelectedChanged: TSeriesSelectionChangedCallback | string

Optional callback function when selected changed. Also see IRenderableSeries.selected event handler

Optional opacity

opacity: number

An Opacity factor of the Series that controls its semi-transparency level, where value 1 means the Series is opaque; 0 - transparent.

Optional spacing

spacing: number

The column spacing in pixels

Optional stackedGroupId

stackedGroupId: string

Sets the Stacked Group ID


The Stacked Group Id is used to group StackedColumnRenderableSeries inside a StackedColumnCollection into vertical or horizontal stacked groups.

For a normal stacked column chart (stacks vertically), set StackedColumnRenderableSeries.stackedGroupId inside a StackedColumnCollection to the SAME value

For a column chart (stacked side by side), set StackedColumnRenderableSeries.stackedGroupId inside a StackedColumnCollection to DIFFERENT values

Optional stroke

stroke: string

The column stroke as an HTML color code

Optional strokeThickness

strokeThickness: number

The column strokeThickness

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