Gets or sets the capacity of the data series. This is the amount of memory reserved for the data. For a normal dataSeries this will grow as data is appended. You can avoid memory fragmentation by creating your series with a larger capacity if you know it will grow to that.
Gets or sets whether the Y data contains NaN values.
When true, the Data is evenly spaced in X.
When true, the Data is sorted in X. Same as isSorted.
The DataSeries name, used in legends, tooltips to identify the chart series
Set the maximum size of the dataSeries in FIFO (First In First Out) mode. This can only be set in the constructor options. If set, the dataSeries does not support insert/insertRange or remove/removeRange. Any data that is appended once the dataSeries has reached fifoCapacity will cause the oldest data to be discarded. This is much more efficient than appending and removing for achieving scrolling data. Spline series and Stacked series currently do not support fifo mode. To get the scrolling effect, you need to consider the behaviour of your X Axis. You can either Use a CategoryAxis Use a NumericAxis with increasing x values, and update the visibleRange (or use zoomExtents)
Sets the starting index of data for fifo mode.
If true, data in fifo mode will not be "unwrapped" before drawing, giving ecg style sweeping mode. To get the sweeping effect, you need to consider the behaviour of your X Axis. You can either Use a CategoryAxis Use a NumericAxis and make your x values an offset from the first value, eg by doing x % fifoCapcity
In fifo sweeping mode, the number of earliest points to skip to create a gap between the latest and earliest data
The function to apply to each y value in the original series
A unique Id for the IDataSeries
When true, the Data is sorted in X. Same as dataIsSortedInX.
The Metadata values of type IPointMetadata to pre-populate the XyDataSeries If a single metadata value is supplied, this will be used as a template for all data values. If type is specified, it should refer to a registered metadataGenerator IMetadataGenerator, which can provide all metadata, based on the data provided, or a single object that will be used when adding data if no metadata is provided.
The X-values array to pre-populate the XyyDataSeries
The Y2-values array to pre-populate the XyyDataSeries
The function to apply to each y1 value in the original series. If this is not set, the filterFunction will be applied to both.
The Y1-values array to pre-populate the XyyDataSeries
Generated using TypeDoc
Options for the XyyCustomFilter