SciChart.Charting3D Assembly : SciChart.Charting3D.Modifiers Namespace
SciChart.Charting3D.Modifiers Namespace
ClassBase class to expose properties and methods for ChartModifierBase3D derived types
ClassDefines the base class to a Chart Modifier, which can be used to extend the interactivity or rendering of the SciChart.Charting3D.SciChart3DSurface

The FreeLookModifier3D provides the behaviour of free look (free rotation of camera, plus movement) by dragging the mouse and via keyboard shortcuts

It can be enabled by setting an FreeLookModifier3D on the ChartModifier property, or as part of a ModifierGroup3D

ClassAn abstract base class which factors out handling of Tooltips and Axis Labels which are shared in the SciChart.Charting3D.Modifiers.Tooltip3D.TooltipModifier3D and derived types
ClassDefines a custom chart modifier which provides a Legend control on the SciChart.Charting3D.SciChart3DSurface.
ClassAllows a collection of modifiers to be set on the ChartModifier property. Child modifiers are stored in the SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.ModifierGroup.ChildModifiers collection, which is backed by a DependencyProperty so may be bound to in Xaml.

The MouseWheelZoomModifier3D provides the behaviour of zoom (changing camera radius to target) by spinning the mouse-wheel

It can be enabled by setting an MouseWheelZoomModifier3D on the ChartModifier property, or as part of a ModifierGroup3D


The OrbitModifier3D provides the behaviour of orbit (rotation around camera target) by dragging the mouse

It can be enabled by setting an OrbitModifier3D on the ChartModifier property, or as part of a ModifierGroup3D

ClassThe PinchZoomModifier3D provides zooming of the SciChart.Charting3D.SciChart3DSurface with the pinch gesture

The VertexSelectionModifier3D provides the behaviour of mouse selection of vertices on a 3D chart

It can be enabled by setting an VertexSelectionModifier3D on the ChartModifier property

Class WORK IN PROGRESS: Intended to display the XYZ Axis gizmo in the bottom left of the screen.

The ZoomExtentsModifier3D provides the behaviour of zoom camera to fit on mouse double click on a 3D chart

It can be enabled by setting an ZoomExtentsModifier3D on the ChartModifier property

InterfaceDefines the interface to a ChartModifierBase3D, which can be used to extend the interactivity or rendering of the SciChart.Charting3D.ISciChart3DSurface
See Also