SciChart.Charting3D Assembly : SciChart.Charting3D.Primitives Namespace
SciChart.Charting3D.Primitives Namespace
Class The AxisCubeDescriptpr passes information from WPF about the 3D Axis Cube to the 3D Engine
Class A class which passes information from WPF to the 3D Engine about how to render a 3D Axis
ClassDefines an Entity in the 3D Scene. All types inheriting from BaseSceneEntity<T> have the ability to be positioned and rendered using geometry and primitives defined in the 3D engine
Class Provides Blend State options to the 3D renderer

An IEntityIdProvider encodes into a single System.UInt32 a unique ID to identify a mesh and a vertex.

This means there is a maximum count of 4 Billion vertices in the scene, but the UInt32 must be split into two parts System.UInt32 VertexID and System.UInt32 Entity (Mesh ID).

The EntityIdprovider accepts integer entity/vertex ID and encodes into a single VertexId struct. It can also decode from VertexId back into Mesh and Vertex ID.

The DefaultEntityIdProvider encodes with a schema of 10-bits for EntityId and 22-bits for VertexId. This means the 3D scene can have a maximum of 1024 meshes, and each mesh can have a maximum of 4 million vertices

Class Provides Depth Stencil options to the 3D renderer
Class Structure which contains the Z,X Index of a heightmap
Class Defines a drawing context which draws dynamic lines in 3D space
Class Defines a Drawing Context which draws 3D Meshes dynamically on the fly
Class Defines a Drawing Context which draws 3D Meshes dynamically on the fly
Class Defines a re-usable 3D model consisting of lines which may be dynamically created, frozen, and repeatedly drawn
Class A class which passes Line Style information from WPF to the 3D Engine
Class Defines a re-usable 3D model consisting of Instance based (3D mesh) points which may be dynamically created, frozen, and repeatedly drawn
Class Defines a re-usable 3D model consisting of Texture based (flat) points which may be dynamically created, frozen, and repeatedly drawn
Class Defines a re-usable 3D model consisting of pixel points which may be dynamically created, frozen, and repeatedly drawn
Class Provides Blend State options to the 3D renderer
Class Defines constants and parameters for the current render pass
Class The SceneDescriptor passes information from WPF about the scene to the 3D Engine
Class Facade type for the SCRTObservableCollection^ IBaseSceneEntity* ^ native type. Type is designed for ease of use of the Children collection property of a XXXSceneEntity type in the WPF environment. Note, this type is thread unsafe and it doesn't collation modification during iterations ( doesn't throw InvalidOperationException: Collection Was Modified )
Class A class which passes Text Style information from WPF to the 3D Engine
Interface The AxisCubeDescriptor passes information from WPF about the 3D Axis Cube to the 3D Engine
InterfaceDefines the interface to an AxisDescriptor, a class which passes information from WPF to the 3D Engine about how to render a 3D Axis
Interface Defines the interface to an Entity in the 3D Scene.

An EntityIdProvider encodes into a single System.UInt32 a unique ID to identify a mesh and a vertex.

This means there is a maximum count of 4 Billion vertices in the scene, but the UInt32 must be split into two parts System.UInt32 VertexID and System.UInt32 Entity (Mesh ID).

The EntityIdprovider accepts integer entity/vertex ID and encodes into a single VertexId struct. It can also decode from VertexId back into Mesh and Vertex ID.

Interface Defines the interface to a Draw Context in 3D
Interface Defines a drawing context which draws dynamic lines in 3D space
Interface Defines the interface to a Drawing Context which draws 3D Meshes dynamically on the fly
Interface Defines the interface to a Drawing Context which draws 3D Meshes dynamically on the fly
Interface Defines the interface to a LinesMesh, a re-usable 3D model consisting of lines which may be dynamically created, frozen, and repeatedly drawn
Interface Defines the interface to a class which passes Line Style information from WPF to the 3D Engine
Interface Defines the interface to a Mesh, a re-usable 3D model which may be dynamically created, frozen, and repeatedly drawn
Interface Defines the interface to a PointsMesh, a re-usable 3D model consisting of points which may be dynamically created, frozen, and repeatedly drawn
Interface Defines constants and parameters for the current render pass
Interface The SceneDescriptor passes information from WPF about the scene to the 3D Engine
Interface Defines the interface to a class which passes Text Style information from WPF to the 3D Engine
Structure EntityVertexId is a 64-bit struct to store decoded vertex and entity IDs
Structure VertexId is a single 32-bit struct to store encoded vertex and entity IDs
Enumeration Enumarates possible types of text alignment.
Enumeration Mapping enumeration constants for the DirectX Primitive Type
See Also