SciChart.Charting3D Assembly : SciChart.Charting3D.RenderableSeries Namespace
SciChart.Charting3D.RenderableSeries Namespace
ClassA base class for a ISceneEntityHelper<TRenderableSeries,TPoint3DData> which uses SciChart.Charting3D.Model.UniformGridDataSeries3D<TX,TY,TZ> data as input, and transforms into scene geometry
Class Defines the Base class for all BaseRenderableSeries3D within SciChart3D.

Defines an entity for BaseRenderableSeries3D to draw the series in the 3D Scene.

All types inheriting from BaseRenderableSeries3D have the ability to be positioned and rendered using geometry and primitives defined in the 3D engine

ClassA base class for a ISceneEntityHelper<TRenderableSeries,TPoint3DData> which uses SciChart.Charting.Model.DataSeries.XyzDataSeries<TAllPoints> data as input, and transforms into scene geometry
ClassThe BrushColorPalette provides a color palette converted from System.Windows.Media.Brush. The palette is to be applied to a SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D e.g. to give a height-map at runtime.
ClassColorUtil converts to and from System.Windows.Media.Color structs and System.UInt32 for use in the 3D renderer
Class Provides 3D Columns series rendering
ClassA SceneEntity added to the 3D Scene which draws a Column Chart. See also the ColumnRenderableSeries3D
ClassDefines the interface to a Columns ISceneEntityHelper<TRenderableSeries,TPoint3DData>, which is basically a strategy for dealing with 3D Geometry in ColumnRenderableSeries3D for different data schemas
ClassDefines the interface to a Columns ISceneEntityHelper<TRenderableSeries,TPoint3DData>, which is basically a strategy for dealing with 3D Geometry in ColumnRenderableSeries3D for different data schemas
Class Provides Surface series rendering
ClassA SceneEntity added to the 3D Scene which draws a Surface Chart. See also the SciChart.Charting3D.Model.FreeSurfaceDataSeries3D<TX,TY,TZ>
ClassA base class for a ISceneEntityHelper<TRenderableSeries,TPoint3DData> which uses SciChart.Charting3D.Model.FreeSurfaceDataSeries3D<TX,TY,TZ> data as input, and transforms into scene geometry

The BrushColorPalette provides a color palette converted from System.Windows.Media.GradientStop collection.

The palette is to be applied to a SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D e.g. to give a height-map at runtime.

This allows you to switch between stepped and linear interpolated palettes by changing the IsStepped property

Also, you can change Contour Stroke with the ContourColor and ContourStrokeThickness properties

Class Provides 3D Impulse series rendering
ClassA SceneEntity added to the 3D Scene which draws a 3D Impulse (Stem) Chart. See also the ImpulseRenderableSeries3D
ClassA MeshColorPalette is the base class for palettes for the SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D type.
Class Provides 3D Pie Series rendering.
Class Provides 3D Line series rendering
ClassA SceneEntity added to the 3D Scene which draws a 3D Impulse (Stem) Chart. See also the PointLineRenderableSeries3D
ClassA SceneEntity added to the 3D Scene which draws a Scatter or Point Cloud from SciChart.Charting3D.Model.IXyzPointSeries3D data. See also the ScatterRenderableSeries3D
Class Provides 3D Scatter series rendering
ClassDefines the interface to a Point 3D ISceneEntityHelper<TRenderableSeries,TPoint3DData>, which is basically a strategy for dealing with 3D Geometry in ScatterRenderableSeries3D or PointLineRenderableSeries3D for different data schema
ClassThe SolidColorBrushPalette provides a color palette converted from System.Windows.Media.Color. The palette is to be applied to a SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D e.g. to color the entire mesh a single color at runtime.
Class Provides SurfaceMesh series rendering
ClassA SceneEntity added to the 3D Scene which draws a Surface Mesh Chart. See also the SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D
Class Provides a series type for Waterfall chart rendering.

Defines an entity for IBaseRenderableSeriesSceneEntity3D to draw the series in the 3D Scene.

All types inheriting from IBaseRenderableSeriesSceneEntity3D have the ability to be positioned and rendered using geometry and primitives defined in the 3D engine

InterfaceDefines the interface to a Columns ISceneEntityHelper<TRenderableSeries,TPoint3DData>, which is basically a strategy for dealing with 3D Geometry in ColumnRenderableSeries3D for different data schemas
InterfaceDefines the interface to a PaletteProvider. By implementing this interface, you can override the stroke color on a BaseRenderableSeries3D by setting or binding to the BaseRenderableSeries3D.PaletteProvider property.
InterfaceA placeholder interface for paletteproviders in SciChart3D, which allow colouring of BaseRenderableSeries3D vertices or geometry depending on data values
InterfaceDefines the interface to a PaletteProvider. By implementing this interface, you can override the Fill color of BaseRenderableSeries3D.PointMarker by setting or binding to the BaseRenderableSeries3D.PaletteProvider property.
InterfaceDefines the interface to a SciChart.Charting.Visuals.RenderableSeries.BaseRenderableSeries, which is visual element of the RenderSeries - DataSeries pair in the SciChart.Charting3D.SciChart3DSurface
Interface Defines the interface to a Scene Entity Helper, which is basically a strategy for dealing with 3D Geometry in the scene for different data schemas
InterfaceDefines the interface to a PaletteProvider. By implementing this interface, you can override the stroke color on a BaseRenderableSeries3D by setting or binding to the BaseRenderableSeries3D.PaletteProvider property.
StructureSpecifies a point in a LinearColorMap
StructureProvides information on a series hit test operation, see BaseRenderableSeries3D HitTest method for more information.
Structure Specifies a Linear Gradient color map
EnumerationDefines an enumeration of possible clipping modes for data points in a WaterfallRenderableSeries3D.
Enumeration Specifies a Color Map mode
Enumeration Enumerates possible column spacing modes.
EnumerationEnumeration constants which define how to draw a SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D
Enumeration Enumerates possible mode of a palette of the Free Surface.
Enumeration Enumeration constants that define mesh triangulation modes
EnumerationEnumerable constants which define the Mesh Palette mode. See the SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D.MeshPaletteMode property for more information
Enumeration Enumeration constants for oversampling the mesh
See Also