SciChart.Charting Assembly : SciChart.Charting.Visuals.RenderableSeries Namespace
SciChart.Charting.Visuals.RenderableSeries Namespace
ClassProvides information on an axis hit test operation, see SciChart.Charting.Visuals.Axes.AxisBase.HitTest for more information
ClassAn abstract base class which factors out many properties from the and StackedColumnRenderableSeries types.
ClassAn abstract base class which factors out many properties from the and StackedMountainRenderableSeries types.
Class Defines the Base class for all RenderableSeries within SciChart.
Class Defines the Base class for all RenderableSeries within SciChart.
ClassDefines a class that represents a single contour line of a FastUniformContourRenderableSeries.
Class Defines a Custom Renderable Series - override Draw() to define what is drawn to the screen at render time
ClassBase class to define a SeriesInfoProvider, which may be set or data-bound to the BaseRenderableSeries.SeriesInfoProvider property
ClassDefines histogram rendering strategy for a FastHistoBarRenderableSeries.
ClassProvides Scatter series rendering via the BaseRenderableSeries.PointMarker property which supports IExtremePointMarkerPaletteProvider.
ClassDefines a class which extends the original ExtremeScatterRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
ClassA raster RenderableSeries type which displays two lines and shaded bands between them, where band-colors depend on whether one line is greater than the other For usage, bind to an SciChart.Charting.Model.DataSeries.XyyDataSeries<TX,TY> and set the BaseRenderableSeries.Stroke, StrokeY1, FillY1 and Fill properties
ClassDefines a class which extends the original FastBandRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
Class Defines a Box Plot renderable series, supporting rendering of Lowest, Lower Quartile, Median, Upper Quartile, Maximum statistical data onto a wicked (stroked-outline) box with solid color or gradient filled body.
ClassDefines a class which extends the original FastBoxPlotRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
ClassDefines a Bubble-chart renderable series, supporting rendering of bubbles using Z data, positioned using X-Y data. Bubbles are defined using the BubbleColor property, but rendered as a soft-edged circle which fades to transparent in the centre.
ClassDefines a class which extends the original FastBubbleRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
Class Provides Fast Candlestick series rendering, however makes the assumption that all X-Data is evenly spaced. Gaps in the data are collapsed
ClassDefines a class which extends the original FastCandlestickRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
Class Provides Fast Column (Bar) series rendering
ClassDefines a class which extends the original FastColumnRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
ClassDefines an Error Bars renderable series, supporting solid, stroked error bars and optional Point-markers .
ClassDefines a class which extends the original FastErrorBarsRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios.
ClassProvides rendering of OHLC data as candlesticks. Requires SciChart.Charting.Model.DataSeries.CandlestickMetaData metadata to render a volume histogram to the side of every candle.
ClassDefines a class which extends the original FastHistoBarRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
Class Provides Impulse series rendering, which draws a vertical line from zero to with an optional point-marker at the end of the line
ClassDefines a class which extends the original FastImpulseRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
ClassDefines a Line renderable series, supporting solid, stroked (thickness 1+) lines, dashed lines and optional Point-markers
ClassDefines a class which extends the original FastLineRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
ClassProvides rendering of OHLC data as stacked columns of Bid and Ask volumes at prices. Requires SciChart.Charting.Model.DataSeries.CandlestickMetaData metadata to render the histogram.
ClassDefines a class which extends the original FastMarketProfileRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
Class Provides Fast Mountain (Area) series rendering, however makes the assumption that all X-Data is evenly spaced. Gaps in the data are collapsed
ClassDefines a class which extends the original FastMountainRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
ClassDefines a class which extends the original FastNonUniformHeatmapRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
Class Provides Fast Candlestick series rendering, however makes the assumption that all X-Data is evenly spaced. Gaps in the data are collapsed
ClassDefines a class which extends the original FastOhlcRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
Class Defines a Stripe renderable series
ClassDefines a class which extends the original FastStripeRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
ClassDefines a class which extends the original FastUniformContourRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
Class Defines a UniformHeatmap renderable series to display 2D arrays of data with real values.
ClassDefines a class which extends the original FastUniformHeatmapRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
Class Provides rendering of OHLC data as candlesticks, showing differences between OHLC values relative to the maximal one. Bars are always pinned to the zero line.
ClassDefines a class which extends the original FastVolumeCandlestickRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
ClassA class that defines a color map which can be used for BaseHeatmapRenderableSeries.ColorMap.
ClassAllows to specify styling for a histogram bar in a FastHistoBarRenderableSeries.
ClassUsed as a helper class to place a Legend inside. Used by LegendModifier3D.
ClassUsed as a helper class to place a Legend inside. Used by SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.LegendModifier.
Class Represents a generic data item implementation.
Class Represents a special case when data item values are strings
Class Data source for the Parallel Coordinate chart
Class Placeholder class for a PointMarker. Should be styled via control template
ClassUsed as a helper class to place a Legend inside. Used by SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.RadarLegendModifier.
ClassDefines a Polygon renderable series, supporting solid or gradient fill, stroked (thickness 1+) lines and optional point-markers .
ClassDefines a class which extends the original RadarPolygonRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRadarPolygonRenderableSeriesViewModel in MVVM scenarios.
ClassProvides data used in a single render pass by BaseRenderableSeries derived types
ClassUsed as a root element for SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartScrollbar resizing grip.
ClassUsed as a root element for SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartScrollbar viewport which shows currently selected area.
Class Defines a Stacked-Column renderable series, supporting rendering of column bars which have accumulated Y-values for multiple series in a group.
ClassDefines a class which extends the original StackedColumnRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
Class Defines a Stacked-Mountain renderable series, supporting rendering of mountain areas which have accumulated Y-values for multiple series in a group.
ClassDefines a class which extends the original StackedMountainRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
Class Placeholder class for an empty control. Should be styled via control template
ClassDefines an Error Bars renderable series, supporting solid, stroked error bars and optional Point-markers .
ClassUsed as a helper class to place a Legend inside. Used by SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.TernaryLegendModifier.
Class Defines an Polygon renderable series.
ClassProvides data used in a single render pass by BaseTernaryRenderableSeries derived types.
ClassProvides Scatter series rendering via the BaseRenderableSeries.PointMarker property.
ClassDefines a common interface for Uniform IDataPointWidthProvider. It can be used to find a common width for all bars in a IRenderableSeries.
ClassDefines a common interface for Uniform IDataPointWidthProvider. It can be used to find a common width for all bars in a IRenderableSeries.
ClassProvides Scatter series rendering via the BaseRenderableSeries.PointMarker property.
ClassDefines a class which extends the original XyScatterRenderableSeries and is created internally per every SciChart.Charting.Model.ChartSeries.IRenderableSeriesViewModel of appropriate type in MVVM scenarios
Interface Represents axis label used by Parallel Coordinate plot.
Interface Interface for RenderableSeries types that render Bars
InterfaceDefines a common interface that is used by some IRenderableSeries types to find size of a single bar.
InterfaceDefines the interface to a PaletteProvider which is used by ExtremeScatterRenderableSeries. By implementing this interface, you can override the Fill and Stroke color of BaseRenderableSeries.PointMarker by setting or binding to the BaseRenderableSeries.PaletteProvider property.
InterfaceProvides an interface for FastColumnRenderableSeries
InterfaceDefines an interface to a PaletteProvider for volume bars (histogram bars) of FastHistoBarRenderableSeries.
Interface Represents one of the central axes used by Parallel Coordinate plot.
Interface Represents generic Parallel Coordinate data item (vertical slice)
Interface Represents typed Parallel Coordinate data item (vertical slice)
Interface Represents a Parallel Coordinate data source
InterfaceDefines the interface to RadarPolygonRenderableSeries, which can be rendered on SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartRadarSurface.
InterfaceDefines the interface to all RenderableSeries within SciChart. A RenderableSeries is a Line series, or Scatter series or Candlestick series and provides the visual element in pair of BaseRenderableSeries and SciChart.Charting.Model.DataSeries.IDataSeries
Interface Defines common properties to 2D and 3D RenderableSeries throughout the SciChart SDK
InterfaceDefines the interface to RenderPassData, the data used in a single render pass by BaseRenderableSeries derived types
Interface Defines the interface to a SeriesInfoProvider
InterfaceDefines the interface to StackedColumnRenderableSeries
InterfaceDefines interface for StackedColumnsWrapper
InterfaceDefines the interface to StackedMountainRenderableSeries
InterfaceDefines common properties to stacked series wrappers, such as StackedColumnsWrapper and StackedMountainsWrapper
InterfaceDefines the interface that Objects which act as DataContext for individual Stripes of FastStripeRenderableSeries must implement.
InterfaceDefines the interface to all SciChartTernarySurface RenderableSeries. A RenderableSeries is a Line series, or Scatter series or Polygons series and provides the visual element in pair of BaseRenderableSeries and SciChart.Charting.Model.DataSeries.IDataSeries
InterfaceDefines a common interface for Uniform IDataPointWidthProvider. It can be used to find a common width for all bars in a IRenderableSeries.
StructureProvides information on a series hit test operation, see BaseRenderableSeries HitTest method for more information.
Structure Represents single Parallel Coordinate plot item. Visual equivalent to a single chart line.
Delegate Delegate to draw histogram bars depending on the selected rendering mode.
EnumerationDefines constants for X, Y or Z direction, used by TernaryErrorBarRenderableSeries to specify error direction of X, Y or Z axis
EnumerationDefines constants for Error type, used by TernaryErrorBarRenderableSeries to specify error type
EnumerationDefines histogram rendering modes for a FastHistoBarRenderableSeries.
EnumerationEnumeration Constants to define how double.NaN is treated in the
EnumerationDefines the mode of setting spacing between StackedColumnRenderableSeries groups
See Also