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Area fill on mountain series

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Hi, I am trying to make a graph using the mountain series and I have allocated some padding to the y axis using the growBy and have the series filled using areaStyle but the issue is the area bellow the padding doesn’t get filled and it looks weird where the graph looks half filled because of the padding. Is there a way to fill the area of the padding using the areaStyle or something similar ignoring the growBy padding.

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Hi Vidya.

Have you tried to set ZeroLineY property for your mountain series?


By default it has 0 value so mountain series is filled from 0 line to to values which are provided by data serise. But if you want you can set it to negative value to extend filled area for mountain series.

Is this suitable for your needs?

Best regards,

  • Vidya Sagar Mohanraj
    This does not work as this does not go beyond the padding set by the growby. I want to make sure that the padding area is also filled in the same way as the area under the curve.
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Hi Vidya,

Well you can set VisibleRangeChangeListener for your yAxis and update ZeroLineY there to ensure that mountain series fully fills chart:

  yAxis.setVisibleRangeChangeListener(new VisibleRangeChangeListener() {
        public void onVisibleRangeChanged(IAxisCore axis, IRange oldRange, IRange newRange, boolean isAnimating) {

Best regards,

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