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Bug: When using LogarithmicNumericAxis (Y axis) with FastMountainRenderableSeries (X axis), the mountain series displays as a line series

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If you change the logarithmic Y axis to a regular NumericalAxis, the mountain series displays properly (with fill color).

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Hi Mike,

I believe this is happening because by default gradient in mountain series is drawn from 0 and for log axis log(0) is undefined so gradient can’t be drawn in this case. You can workaround this limitation by assigning ZeroLine which is greater than 0:

 final FastMountainRenderableSeries rSeries = sciChartBuilder.newMountainSeries()
            .withStrokeStyle(0xAAFFC9A8, 1f, true)
            .withAreaFillLinearGradientColors(0xAAFF8D42, 0x88090E11)
            .withZeroLine(0.001) // set zero line = 0.01 so fill can be drawn correctly for log Y axis

Can you try it?

Hope this will help you

Best regards,

  • Mike Liu
    Hi Yura, I worked around this issue by implementing my own logarithmic axis for now. Hope the issue can be fixed in an upcoming release. Thanks.
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