I have animated line renderable series – when new point added, whole x-axes moves to the right a little.
Everything is smooth until pinch zoom appears.
I think it’s conflict with animated viewport move and zooming.
Is there a way to know, when zooming appears?
E.g. if i know, when zoom started and finished – i can solve this.
- Kirey Vadim asked 5 years ago
- last edited 5 years ago
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Hi Vadim,
Unfortunately we don’t provide listener API for PinchZoomModifier but you can execute some code before and after zooming by creating custom modifier which extends PinchZoomModifier and overriding next methods :
class CustomPinchZoomModifier extends PinchZoomModifier {
public boolean onScaleBegin(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
// here you can add code which should be executed before processsing of pinch gesture
return super.onScaleBegin(detector);
public void onScaleEnd(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
// here you can add some code which should be executed after pinch gesture is finished
Is this suitable for your needs?
Hope this will help you!
Best regards,
- Yura Khariton answered 5 years ago
Thanks, this should help
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