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How to chart special data set for Surface Mesh Floor And Ceiling 3D in android studio.

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Hello there. I am very novice compared to you. As soon as I press a button in the main activty, what should I do to see the data set that I have determined before on the screen?

Thank you from now.

MainActivity code part:

        btn1.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View view) {
            mdata = new double[][]{
                    {3, 2, -1.97, -2.81, -0.33, 1.53, 2.04, 2-.08, -1.94, -1.42, -1.58},
                    {-1.77, -1.76, 1.1, 0.26, -0.72, -0.64, -3.26, -3.2, -3.1, -1.94, -1.54},
                    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.7, -3.7, -3.7, -3.7, 0.48, 0.48},
                    {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

            final Camera3D camera = sciChart3DBuilder.newCamera3D().withPosition(-1300, 1300, -1300).build();

            final NumericAxis3D xAxis = sciChart3DBuilder.newNumericAxis3D().withMaxAutoTicks(7).build();
            final NumericAxis3D yAxis = sciChart3DBuilder.newNumericAxis3D().withVisibleRange(-4d, 4d).build();
            final NumericAxis3D zAxis = sciChart3DBuilder.newNumericAxis3D().build();
            final int xSize = 11;
            final int zSize = 4;

            final UniformGridDataSeries3D<Double, Double, Double> ds = new UniformGridDataSeries3D<>(Double.class, Double.class, Double.class, xSize, zSize);

            for (int z = 0; z < zSize; z++) {
                for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++) {
                    ds.updateYAt(x, z, mdata[z][x]);
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Hi Mustafa,

Well you also need to create SurfaceMeshRenderableSeries3D to display data from data series. Also you need to set all parts of chart that you create (axes, camera, renderable series ) for 3D chart View. I would recommend to take a look on our tutorials for 3D chart for more information.

Best regards,

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Hi Yura,

Thank you very much for your interest. I am doing research in line with your advice.

Best regards.

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