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q1. How do I change the rollovermodifier’s vertical line to a dotted line?rolloverModifier.getVerticalLinePaint().setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE);This source doesn’t seem to work

q2. I wonder how to display markers only on the last data of the line chart.

q3. I am wondering how to make the background transparent, how to make the grid transparent on the background.

This version was downloaded on October 19, 2021. It seems to be the latest version.
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Hi there.

q1. I’m not sure what Stroke style has to do with dotted pattern. I believe you should set DashPathEffect on Paint to make it dotted, isn’t it?

q2. By default it isn’t possible and would require customization of RolloverModifier. To suggest something specific I would need more information about what you’re trying to implement ( description of desired behavior, some screenshots or videos that demonstrate desired output )

q3. To do this I would suggest to create custom theme for chart. It has sciChartBackground attribute which allows to say background drawable for chart.

Best regards,

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