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Is there an example available that can detect if a data point has been tapped on (ignoring drags)?

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Nevernmind I created this OnTouchListener that when applied to the surface works:

private class DataPointTapDetector(
    private val context: Context,
    private val renderableSeries: XyRenderableSeriesBase,
    private val data: Pair<List<Date>, List<Double>>,
    private val onDataPointTapped: (date: Date, value: Double) -> Unit
) : OnTouchListener {

    private var downX = 0f
    private var downY = 0f
    private val tapThreshold = 10

    override fun onTouch(v: View, event: MotionEvent): Boolean {
        when (event.action) {
            MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN -> {
                downX = event.x
                downY = event.y

            MotionEvent.ACTION_UP -> {
                val upX = event.x
                val upY = event.y
                val deltaX = abs(downX - upX)
                val deltaY = abs(downY - upY)

                if (deltaX < tapThreshold && deltaY < tapThreshold) {
                    val hitTestInfo = HitTestInfo()
                    val hitTestRadius =
                        context.resources.getDimension(R.dimen.min_button_size) / 2
                    if (hitTestInfo.isHit) {
                        val index = hitTestInfo.dataSeriesIndex
                        val date = data.first[index]
                        val value = data.second[index]
                        onDataPointTapped(date, value)
        return false
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