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Comments for "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError crash report"

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  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Hi Primoz, some things to check. Do simple examples (such as our own examples) crash on Android 6.0? If not, could you please provide code or steps to reproduce? Best regards, Andrew
  • Primoz
    I would say it’s vendor specific issue as it’s not crashing on all phones with Android 6.0. The examples are working fine on Android 6.0 on the devices which we have and on emulators. I am not sure I can reproduce this without this specific phone model.
  • Primoz
    We got another report from another user (Android 9, Huawei P20). Will try to reproduce. ** Edit: Couldn’t get my hands on this specific model. Will try to test the app on all available physical phones on Firebase Test Lab and report back. **Edit: Tested the app on 12 physical devices, including Android 6 and 9, without a crash. Seems this will be hard to catch.
  • Yura Khariton
    Do you use ProGuard to reduce size of application or maybe you publish it as Android App Bundle or maybe you do something else which potentially could remove or change name of native *.so library in the final apk file?
  • Primoz
    We don’t use ProGuard but we did (first time now) release an update with App Bundle instead of APK (Google prefers them now over APKs). Any way to solve this without going back to APKs?
  • Mike Liu
    +1, seeing this crash on Moto G (5) Plus, Android 8.1.0. It’s 100% repro for one of my users who reached out to me via e-mail. Is there some way to catch this exception to suppress it so they can continue using the app? I do not use App Bundle, but I do use ProGuard.
  • Yura Khariton
    Can you provide a project which reproduces this issue? It’s a very tricky issue and you can’t just catch and supress it because it’s thrown when some C++ library can’t be loaded for some reason and you’ll see other exceptions every time Java code will try to call native C++ code. This exception could be caused by changing of string with library name on Java side so loadLibrary() can’t find file with C++ library in application resources or it could be changed by changing name or removing of C++ library from resources. That’s why I asked about ProGuard, which can obfuscate Java code and remove ‘unused’ resources ( which in your case are actually used ) during minification of application, and App Bundle which, as I know, allows to shrink APK size by downloading only required parts of application ( based on information that this issue occurs only on some devices I guess on those devices something goes wrong during this process – maybe device requests C++ library for wrong CPU architecture or it doesn’t request it at all). Also it could be caused by something else so without solution which allows us to reproduce this issue it would be very hard to fix it because we won’t know what causes it and as result we won’t be able to determine when the issue is fixed.
  • Mike Liu
    This only repros on a few devices for me, out of hundreds of thousands, so it’s not possible to provide a consistent repro with a sample project, only through crash analysis. It is the biggest crasher in my app. What are the steps to mitigate / work around this issue? Could you provide steps to disable SciChart on devices where it crashes?
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Above code looks like call to Licensing which is a C++ module. Might give some clues.
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Mike Liu see my answer I just added to this forum question. Best regards, Andrew