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Parameter values for Audio Analyzer Example

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I’m trying to modifying Audio Analyzer Example.

This is scenario.

  1. Read wav file
  2. Calculate FFT (for all sample data of wav file)
  3. Display FFT result to FFT & Spectrogram chart.

The point is this : read all data at once and calulate FFT for dispaly in chart.

I already have FFT result with re[] and im[] type arrays.

  1. When I setting up X,Y axis of FFT chart, following code applied.
    Q. x,y axis and value setup is correct?

                // prepare fft input (dataF is float type sample data of wav file)
                double[] re = new double[dataF.length];
                double[] im = new double[dataF.length];
                double[] mag = new double[dataF.length];
                for(int ii=0; ii<dataF.length; ii++) {
                    re[ii] = (double)dataF[ii];
                    im[ii] = 0.0d;
                FFTf.transform(re, im);  // using Bluestein DFT algorithm.
                for(int nn=0; nn < re.length; nn++) {
                    mag[nn] = Math.sqrt(re[nn] * re[nn] + im[nn] * im[nn]);
                    if(nn <= 10 || re.length - 10 <= nn)
                // setup fft and x,y values
                for(int l=0; l < re.length/20; l++) {
                    fftDS.append((1.0*l*sampleRate/re.length), Math.sqrt(re[l] * re[l] + im[l] * im[l]));
  2. When I setting up X,Y axis of Spectrogram chart, following code applied.
    Q. x,y axis and value setup is correct?

                fftCount = dataProvider.getAudioDataByteSize() / 4096;
                spectrogramDS = new UniformHeatmapDataSeries<>(Long.class, Long.class, Double.class, re.length/20, fftCount);
                fftOffsetValueCount = (re.length/20)*fftCount - (re.length/20);
                spectrogramValues = new DoubleValues((re.length/20)*fftCount);
                // update spectrogram chart data
                for(int jj=0; jj < fftCount; jj += 4096) {
                    double[] spectrogramItems = spectrogramValues.getItemsArray();
                    double[] fftItems = getFrom(mag, 4096, jj);
                    System.arraycopy(spectrogramItems, re.length/20, spectrogramItems, 0, fftOffsetValueCount);
                    System.arraycopy(fftItems, 0, spectrogramItems, fftOffsetValueCount, re.length/20);

FFT chart is working but Spectrogram is not.

Thank you for your help!

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Hi there,

I’m not 100% sure that it’s correct because you didn’t provide all code, but assuming that FFT data is correct and point count is correct as well I think that data series update code seems to be correct.

Best regards,

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