Is there a way to just change the values of the pie segments so it get updated on the donut chart.
If I remove and add the pie segments again it works, is this the correct way?
Also I can’t find any documentation around the donut for android/xamarin
- robin grönlund asked 7 years ago
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Well I have no problem adding the PieSegments with values at start. But if I try to update the values in the pieSegements that I already created the chart isn’t updated even though I Invalidated the chart.
Is there something I’m doing wrong? Not really an expert on android only on C# and WPF
- persvensson answered 7 years ago
- It looks like you’re right and it’s a bug in our code. I’ve created a task to investigate why this happens – https://abtsoftware.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/SC_DROID-522
- OK, It should be fixed in latest nighty build which is available in NuGet ( v2.1.0.769 ). Can you try it? You can find instructions how to reference SciChart libraries from NuGet here – https://www.scichart.com/documentation/android/v2.x/webframe.html#Xamarin%20Tutorial%2001%20-%20Adding%20SciChart%20libraries%20as%20dependencies.html
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I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.
In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”
However, there is only asp.net sample code on the provided github.
I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.
Can you provide c++ sample code?
Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?
- persvensson answered 7 years ago
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Hi Robin,
Thanks for your inquiry.
Yes, it looks like that we didn’t update documentation after v2.1 release in which we’ve added donut and pie charts. I’ve created a task in our bug tracker for this issue.
Regarding updating PieSegment’s value – you can do this this with next code:
Is this suitable for your needs?
Best regards,
- Yura Khariton answered 7 years ago
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I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.
In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”
However, there is only asp.net sample code on the provided github.
I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.
Can you provide c++ sample code?
Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?
- persvensson answered 7 years ago
- Hi Per. Well it should be there. Are you sure that you use PieSegment class provided by SciChart ( com.scichart.charting.visuals.renderableSeries.PieSegment )?
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Maybe I wasn’t clear enough.
I’m doing this in C# and Xamarin.
Using the nuget package SciChart.Android with version on the android project
Looking in the object browser on PieSegment class I can’t find any setValue
- persvensson answered 7 years ago
- Have you tried to set Value property? Xamarin binding generator wraps setValue() and getValue() and creates C# property from these two methods with appropriate getter and setter.
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Can’t get it to update by just changing the Value property on the PieSegment.
- persvensson answered 7 years ago
- Well as I know it should work – we use Value property in our demo application for Xamarin. So can you send a project which reproduces this issue to us and we’ll take a look on it.
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Which demo code is that? have downloaded the example code “SciChart_Xamarin_v2.1.0.639_SDK” but can’t see that there is any update of the values in that example
- persvensson answered 7 years ago
- Well for example we use Value property in this example – https://github.com/ABTSoftware/SciChart.Xamarin.Examples/blob/master/src/Xamarin.Examples.Demo.Droid/Fragments/Examples/PieChartFragment.cs
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