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Scrolling behavior on x-axis of Stacked Column Chart

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I have a list of 12 items, but at the start I only want to see the last 6 items on the chart (stacked column chart). I want to be able to scroll / drag to reveal the first part of the list. I use the index of the list for the x-axis, so the list has indexes with range from [0, 11]

I’m having some weird behaviour implementing this.
When the data is loaded, i see the complete bars:

creenshot 2020-09-18 at 11.04.14.png

but when I start to scroll, i’m never able to reveal the complete bars anymore:
![Screenshot 2020-09-18 at 11.04.40.png][2]
![Screenshot 2020-09-18 at 11.04.59.png][3]

When i start scrolling to the end (although the chart is already at the end), the UI jumps and only shows half a bar. Also when i scroll to the beginning, it only shows half a bar.

How can I make sure I always see the complete bars?

This is the code, specific to the x axis & the scrolling:

val xAxis = sciChartBuilder.newNumericAxis()
            .withVisibleRange(5.5, 11.5)

using half values for the range seems to be the only way I can see the full bars. Once I start scrolling I only see half bars at the start & end

val surfaceChartModifiers: ChartModifierCollection = chart.chartModifiers
val dragModifier = XAxisDragModifier()
dragModifier.dragMode = AxisDragModifierBase.AxisDragMode.Pan

val zoomPanModifier = ZoomPanModifier()
zoomPanModifier.clipModeX = ClipMode.ClipAtExtents
zoomPanModifier.direction = Direction2D.XDirection
zoomPanModifier.zoomExtentsY = false
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Hi Wesley,

Have you tried to use AutoRange.Always for YAxis? Also if you need you can add some spacing by using GrowBy

Best regards,

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Hi Yura,

Thanks for your feedback! I’ve solved the issue by using GrowBy, now it’s scrolling smooth & correct and I can see the full bars with the following settings:

withVisibleRange(6, 11.5)
withGrowBy(1.0 / 24, 1.0 / 24)

Kind regards,

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