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ZoomPanModifier stretches at left edge of chart

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I want the chart to scroll from right to left and stop at left side. Don’t automatically scale, don’t move right.

I have a modifier:

ZoomPanModifier zoomModifier = new ZoomPanModifier() { ... };
// zoomModifier.setClipModeX(ClipMode.ClipAtMin);

When I scroll a chart left to the beginning, it scales the chart to one screen. So, all points are visible, proportions are broken.
When I replace “ClipMode.ClipAtExtents” to “ClipMode.ClipAtMin”, it sometimes stops at left side (as desired), but if I swipe too fast, it shows a right part of the chart and continues to scroll left.
Currently a first version of the SciChart library is installed.
As written in both “ClipAtExtents” and “ClipAtMin” have another behaviour.
My question is similar to, but for Android.

Answer, please, is it a bug? Has it been already fixed or expected to be fixed?

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Hi Alex,

Unfortunately I’m not aware of such bug and I’ve just to tried ClipAtExtents mode in one of examples from our demo application and everything worked as expected :

protected void initExample() {
    final IAxis xAxis = sciChartBuilder.newNumericAxis().withVisibleRange(1.1, 2.7).build();
    final IAxis yAxis = sciChartBuilder.newNumericAxis().withGrowBy(0.1d, 0.1d).build();

    final DoubleSeries fourierSeries = DataManager.getInstance().getFourierSeries(1.0, 0.1, 5000);
    final IXyDataSeries<Double, Double> dataSeries = sciChartBuilder.newXyDataSeries(Double.class, Double.class).build();
    dataSeries.append(fourierSeries.xValues, fourierSeries.yValues);

    final FastLineRenderableSeries rSeries = sciChartBuilder.newLineSeries().withDataSeries(dataSeries).withStrokeStyle(0xFF279B27).build();

    UpdateSuspender.using(surface, new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
            Collections.addAll(surface.getXAxes(), xAxis);
            Collections.addAll(surface.getYAxes(), yAxis);
            Collections.addAll(surface.getRenderableSeries(), rSeries);
            Collections.addAll(surface.getChartModifiers(), sciChartBuilder.newModifierGroup()

Do you use some other modifiers except ZoomPanModifier in your application? Maybe they interfere with each other in some way? If no, then can you provide a code which reproduces this issue?

Best regards,

  • Alex N
    Thanks, Yura, for a fast answer. I will check this. Yes, I have some other modifiers: PinchZoomModifier, ZoomExtentsModifier. You are right, it’s better for me to understand whether they interfere with each other.
  • Alex N
    I removed other modifiers, but nothing changed. Probably will try to reproduce the issue in another project.
  • Alex N
    Yes, your code works as expected. A shake is experienced near left and right ends, but in whole it works.
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