I presume it works for you cause VS uses packages.config by default. If you change the package management format to PackageReference, you’ll see the problem. To do this, you need to uninstall the current NuGet packages, unload the project, go to Tools > Options > NuGet Package Manager > General. After, reload the project and try install SciChart.
I see, the plot thickens :) Let me try this.
I can reproduce it now. Not sure why it occurs. I will talk first to our NuGet host (www.myget.org) and secondly do some research into any changes of the package format.
Success!! Can you try package We made a small change to the Nuspec file to install SciChart.iOS in the correct folder. VS2017 with PackageReference now seems to be happy.
Also .. build v2.0.1.543 fixes the same issue for Android. We’ve updated our deployment for the examples too which failed to build during this revision range. Thanks for reporting!!! :)
Cool. It works now. Thank you, Andrew!