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Set XAxis to static time frames (Customize android tick provider?)

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Hi all,

Upfront apologies – I suspect this is a bit of a complicated set of information I’m looking for, as the UI specs are rather strict on what we’re looking for.

I’m getting to the last few functionalities I need to test, and I believe I’ve proof of concepted nearly everything I need. and I suspect I know what needs to be customized for my requirements. I wasn’t exactly sure how to implement some parts though, and the documentation for the android tick provider suggested that I look for assistance.

My remaining goals are to have an X-axis that is…

  1. X-axis is above and below the top and bottom charts. I figure I can handle this dynamically by setting the axis visibility to true depending on which charts are visible – should be easy.

  2. X-axis needs to be on 1 hour ticks (on the hour). The zoom range will go from 3 hours to 72 hours, and I will limit the pan to the nearest hour prior and after the current data. I assume I need to override tick provider. The x axis should look like 12:00 AM, 1:00 AM, 2:00 AM, 3:00 AM, and so forth. If the zoom is at 72 hours, it’ll show something like 12:00AM, 3:00AM, etc. I don’t think this part needs to be customized, and will automatically be handled by the default delta provider (Unless I’m mistaken, I can just specify max number of ticks on screen somewhere, and it’ll handle accordingly). – This one seems rather complicated.

  3. I’d like to display the date on the 12:00AM entries of the x axis. As such, each “12:00 AM” tick will have “Jan 1” below it or the like. -Not sure how feasible this one is, and may push back on this requirement and skip it if it’s not doable.

Do you have an example of how to implement a custom tick provider/have any suggestions (also – please let me know if I’m barking up the wrong tree and I should be taking an entirely different approach).


  • Andrew Chin
    Attached image is where I’m currently at. I’d like to get the 14:14, 23:23, etc. to be something like 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00, etc.
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Hi Andrew,

  1. Yeah this should be easy to do, just need to disable drawing of labels and axis ticks for desired axes. Alternative approach is to vertically stack yAxes in single chart.
  2. Have you tried to use Major/MinorDelta properties and set them to one day? Also you can take a look on this question which has small example of custom Delta and TickProvider
  3. You’ll need to customize LabelProvider to implement this part and format label based on dataValue (e.g. if it’s 12:00 AM return one string otherwise another string )

Best regards,

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Hi Yura,

Thanks for the quick response!

I’m happy to hear 1 will be easy. I think I’m going to keep the charts separate, so that I can implement on press interactions for each of the charts (probably to expand them full screen).

For 2, I’ve tried setting major and minor deltas, and it’s always end up a bit funky for me.

My function for generating xAxis looks like

private fun generateXAxes(context: Context): CategoryDateAxis {

    var temp = CategoryDateAxis(context).apply {
        visibleRange = sharedRange
        autoRange = AutoRange.Never
        autoTicks = false
        drawMajorTicks = true
        drawMinorTicks = true
        drawMinorGridLines = true
        drawMajorBands = true

        visibility = View.VISIBLE
    return temp

A bit odd is I only see the initial data point, instead of each of the intervals. I suspect something I’m doing here is off, and I plan to poke around at this a bit more. The dummy data I’m giving it also spans several hours, so I would expect to see at least a few points. That said, the further complication is that the single point I see is at 13:57 – the labels need to be on the hour, rather than representative of the scope of the data. Attached is a screenshot of what I currently have, given the parameters above. Maybe I can put a dummy entry at the hour prior with all 0s, and that might make the starting value 13:00 instead of 13:57. Definitely a bit more investigation for me to do here, though it still sounds like I might need to customize the tick provider as per the example you’ve provided.

For 3, that sounds awesome. I thought the x-axis requirements are a bit of an edge case, and I’m happy that I can customize it.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction – I’ll poke around a bit more at major/minor delta and label providers, and see where I can get. If that doesn’t pan out, I’ll try customizing the tick, according to the example you provided.

Thanks again for the help!

  • Yura Khariton
    I noticed that code which you posted isn’t correct. You use CategoryDateAxis which is index based and operates with indices of data points instead of Date values ( when you set VisibleRange = (0, 10) on category axis it will display range of points which have indicies from 0 to 10 ). So for this type of axis MaximumZoomConstrain, Minor/MajorDelta values are interpreted as indices as well. For examples when you set MinorDelta DateIntervalUtil will return 3600000L for 1 hour which will be interpreted by axis as command to generate tick every 3600000 data points. That’s why you don’t see other ticks except one which is placed at 0 index, next tick will be generated at 3600000 point, after that at 7200000 point and so on.
  • Andrew Chin
    Whoops. Thanks – I suspect that’s core to 99% of the difficulties I’m working through. I’m switching over to DateAxis – I suspect life will be much easier now, thanks again :)
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