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Change other column colors when mouse is over a column

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I saw above but am not sure if what I want to do is possible. I would like to create an effect when mouse is over a colomn in a column chart it stays the same color it was but all others dim slightly with a semitransparent brush. Is it possible to do that?

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Hi John,

Yes it is possible to do that. We don’t have an example out of the box of this exact requirement, but you can use the following APIs to achieve what you want.

1.) The Hit Test API

This Api lets you get a notification of which data-point (or column) is under the mouse. Find an example here:

2.) The PaletteProvider API

This Api lets you set colour of individual data-points (or columns) depending on data-values

All you’d need to do is tell the PaletteProvider which data-point index the mouse was over and during draw it will do the rest.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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