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RolloverModifier question

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In your example of RolloverMoodifier on Candlestics there are only four fields in tooltip (Highest, Open, Close, Lowest).

These are all available fields? Because it’s quite useful to place on tooltip CloseTime and Volume. Of course I can see volume on VolumeChartPanel and calculate CloseTime by myself, but when there are many candlesticks on ChartPanel it’s uncomfortable to do.

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Hello Vasile,

DataContext for RolloverLabel is SeriesInfo object, and there are Value property which contains Volume value, and XValue, YValue properties which contain corresponding values from axes. You can bind to any of these ones, but XValue and YValue are both IComparable, so you need to write converter when using them.

Best regards,

  • Vasile
    Hello, thank you for reply. Maybe i uderstood something wrong, but Value of SeriesInfo is double and it contains closeValue, not the volume of candlestick... XValue works fine. Thank you.
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