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XyySeriesInfo ToolTip Point marker colors and tooltip placements

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Is it possible to display distinct labels for Y, and Y1 on BandRenderableSeriesViewModel using RollerOverModifier?

I have tried using following code snippet for RolloverModifier.TooltipTemplate, additionally tried using TooltipContainerStyle with a custom template. With these, same tooltip appears on both the lines. Is it possible to
1- Either display tooltip on only one line (e.g. on the red line), and point markers on both lines.
2- Or display a single label with current point markers’s value on each line i.e. Y on Red, and Y1 on green?
3- Set point marker colors to same as line’s as circled on the screenshot?

<DataTemplate x:Key="BandTooltipTemplate" DataType="s:XyySeriesInfo">
    <StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
        <TextBlock Foreground="White">
            <Run Text="Series: "/>
            <Run Text="{Binding SeriesName, StringFormat='{}{0}:', Mode=OneWay}"/>
        <TextBlock Foreground="White">
            <Run Text="Top: "/>
            <Run Text="{Binding FormattedYValue, Mode=OneWay}"/>
        <TextBlock Foreground="White">
            <Run Text="Bottom: "/>
            <Run Text="{Binding FormattedY1Value, Mode=OneWay}"/>

Existing result screenshot attached.

Thanks, Roger.

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Hi Roger,

Are you asking how to combine the two Band Series tooltips into one? I don’t believe that is possible out of the box, but we do have some novel solutions for displaying legends in financial applications.

For example this one:

This is described over at

What we do is use the RolloverModifier as a datasource and create a custom ItemsControl to display the info:

<!-- Note, datatemplates have been omitted for brevity -->
<!-- but notice you can bind to RolloverModifier.SeriesData.SeriesInfo --> 
<!-- to create custom legends -->
<ItemsControl Grid.Row="0"
              DataContext="{Binding Source={x:Reference Name=PriceChart}, Path=ChartModifier}"
              ItemTemplateSelector="{StaticResource ChartDataTemplateSelector}"
              ItemsSource="{Binding Path=[RolloverModifier].SeriesData.SeriesInfo}"
              Visibility="{Binding Path=[RolloverModifier].IsEnabled,
                                       Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}">
            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" />

Is something like this what you want?

Best regards,

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Hi Roger,

Are you asking how to combine the two Band Series tooltips into one? I don’t believe that is possible out of the box, but we do have some novel solutions for displaying legends in financial applications.

For example this one:

This is described over at

What we do is use the RolloverModifier as a datasource and create a custom ItemsControl to display the info:

<!-- Note, datatemplates have been omitted for brevity -->
<!-- but notice you can bind to RolloverModifier.SeriesData.SeriesInfo --> 
<!-- to create custom legends -->
<ItemsControl Grid.Row="0"
              DataContext="{Binding Source={x:Reference Name=PriceChart}, Path=ChartModifier}"
              ItemTemplateSelector="{StaticResource ChartDataTemplateSelector}"
              ItemsSource="{Binding Path=[RolloverModifier].SeriesData.SeriesInfo}"
              Visibility="{Binding Path=[RolloverModifier].IsEnabled,
                                       Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}">
            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" />

Is something like this what you want?

Best regards,

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