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All Answers » Re: Sync two chart Android » Comments for "Re: Sync two chart Android"
  • vasim simform
    As I found in stock chart if i will do scrolling,touch,zoom in/out at top part it was same things occurred with bottom chart,But what we are looking that we do scorlling only top chart based on that bottom chart only expand/shrink which kind of feature, i couldn’t found which we’re actually looking. Please help me more for this.
  • Yura Khariton
    Well I understand that this isn’t exactly behavior that you’re trying to achieve. Example from link just a demonstration of how VisibleRangeListener API can be used to track changes in VisibleRange in one chart and based on this change update other chart. So in your case you’ll need need to add listener to xAxis of chart that you zoom, pan, and based on values received in listener update second chart
  • vasim simform
    Thank you for quick response I would request to you help me to provide more code which works for visible range listener code, As of now i can see only snippet code but couldn’t see actual implementation like passing touched (x,y) coordinate to next chart for panning and zooming
  • Yura Khariton
    OK, I probably misunderstood what you’re trying to achieve. I thought that one chart should be changed based on X range which is displayed by other chart. Could you provide more detailed description of how chart should react when something happens ( e.g. on gesture or adding new data )? It looks like you’re trying to achieve some complex behavior and in this case I can only give you links on documentation or examples which can be useful. If you need touch coordinates you’ll need to use ChartModifier API ( ), which is responsible for interaction with chart and override its onTouch() method to receive touch events from chart. Also here some useful links if you need to convert pixel coordinates to data coordinates ( or find data point from specific series ( ).
  • vasim simform
    Hello Yura ,Thanks for quick response As you showed different ways to implementation for expected output but by doing this which takes enormous time to us which impacting to our business ,Although I couldn’t see your example with advance implementation , if we have to do this way then what’s benefits to purchase SciChart plan. Please I would request provide to more simple implementation technique Thanks
  • vasim simform
    Hello Yura Could you provide any other solution for above question?