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How can I format major label and minor label differently?

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I want to format my labels after tapping a radio button. But the major labels with the “dd mm” pattern and the minor labels with the “HH:mm” pattern. If I check the radio button in the radio button group the labels will format with the others formats. It works with TradeChartAxisLabelProvider but I can’t handle it with my own formats. What I have to use?

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Hi Iliya,

If I understand correctly you want to set custom format strings for TradeChartAxisLabelProvider used by CategoryDateAxis. Under the hood it uses quite complex algorithm to provide nice looking labels and tries to avoid duplication of information on axis. To customize formatting you would need to reimplement ICalendarUnitDateFormatter interface which provides API for formatting Dates, but also it allows to pass calendar units (bitmask which specifies what units should be used to format date). Here is an example of how this interface can be implemented ( it’s simplified version of default SciChart implementation ):

    class CustomCalendarFormatter implements ICalendarUnitDateFormatter {
    private final Locale locale = Locale.getDefault();
    private final TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();

    private boolean hasDefaultFormatter;
    private final SimpleDateFormat defaultDateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("", locale);

    private final SimpleDateFormat contextualDateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("", locale);

    public Locale getLocale() {
        return locale;

    public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
        return timeZone;

    public void tryApplyDefaultFormat(String defaultFormat) {
        // force format that comes from axis instead of one based on calendar unit
        hasDefaultFormatter = !StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(defaultFormat);
        if (hasDefaultFormatter) {

    public CharSequence format(Date date, int calendarUnit) {
            return defaultDateFormatter.format(date);
        else {
            String format = "";

            if ((calendarUnit & CalendarUnit.YEAR) != 0) {
                format = format.concat(" yyyy");
            if ((calendarUnit & CalendarUnit.MONTH) != 0) {
                format = format.concat(" MMM");
            if ((calendarUnit & CalendarUnit.DAY) != 0) {
                format = format.concat(" dd");
            if ((calendarUnit & CalendarUnit.HOUR) != 0) {
                format = format.concat(" HH:mm");
            if ((calendarUnit & CalendarUnit.SECOND) != 0) {
                format = format.concat(":ss");


            return contextualDateFormatter.format(date);

Then you can use it to create LabelProvider for CategoryDateAxis:

 xAxis.setLabelProvider(new TradeChartAxisLabelProvider(new TradeChartAxisLabelFormatter<>(

           new CustomCalendarFormatter(), new CursorCalendarUnitDateFormatter() 

Hope this will help you!

Best regards,

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