I managed to come up with a solution which turned out to be a great exercise in what it truly possible with the ChartModifierBase class. The full source for XABCDModifier is attached but I want to highlight a few points for readers. The code snippets below are not all of the class but merely the high points. I’ve documented the attached code really well for clarity.
1. General Requirements
– Quick to create for the user.
– Fully utilize SciChart’s surface calculations for panning, zooming, etc.
– Move with the data series.
– Be placed anywhere on the visible chart.
– Serve as a template for other annotations which I may want to “link” in the future.
– Support dynamic creation.
– Click-driven.
– Point must be editable without breaking the pattern (lines stay connected or “linked”).
2. Solution Overview
– Custom chart modifier inheriting from ChartModifierBase
– Uses double click to activate and deactivate (primarily for testing, needs to be data bound in production so something which won’t interfere with other modifiers).
– Uses a temporary storage of Dictionary<string, AnnotationBase> for easy access.
– Uses the Tag property for distinguishing these annotations from independent annotations created later.
– Uses data binding in code
There’s definitely nothing Earth-shattering here and this is not how I’d do this in production. Enabling and disabling here is achieved by a simple double click which is very convenient for testing and keeping the modifier free from external dependencies.
/// <summary>
/// Called when a Mouse DoubleClick occurs on the parent <see cref="T:SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartSurface" />
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This overridden method is only used to activate/deactive the modifer for testing purposes.
/// In a production setting, this modifier will need to be activated via a view model based on appropriate criteria.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="e">Arguments detailing the mouse button operation</param>
public override void OnModifierDoubleClick(ModifierMouseArgs e)
if (_isInDrawMode)
_isCreationActive = false;
_currentAnnotation.IsEditable = true;
// turn on and off via double click
_isInDrawMode = !_isInDrawMode;
Handling Key Inputs
In my opinion, a complete user experience can’t be achieved without handling key presses so I implemented a few. The escape key was originally used to serve as a short circuit during testing and should probably remove the entire pattern but here it just stops drawing. The rest of the code here is pretty self-explanatory.
/// <summary>
/// Called when the KeyDown event is fired for the Master of the current <see cref="P:SciChart.Charting.ChartModifiers.ChartModifierBase.MouseEventGroup" />.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Used during testing environment to stop creation without a mouse action.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="e">Arguments detailing the key event</param>
public override void OnModifierKeyDown(ModifierKeyArgs e)
if (e.Key == Key.Delete)
if (e.Key == Key.Escape)
_currentAnnotation.IsEditable = true;
_isInDrawMode = false;
_isCreationActive = false;
if (!_isInDrawMode) return;
if (e.Key != Key.LeftCtrl) return;
_currentAnnotation.IsEditable = true;
_isInDrawMode = false;
_isCreationActive = false;
if (_linkedLines.Count > 1)
Pattern Creation
Here is the meat and potatoes of my solution. I’ll go over the helper methods below. Here’s the full OnModifierMouseDown override. First, I make sure I’m in draw mode which is set in the OnModifierDoubleClick. Once I’m drawing, there are 2 cases with a XABCD pattern. The first is just drawing the simple lines which are XA, AB, BC, and CD. Once those have been drawn, I now have a line count of 5. It’s 5, not 4, because I’ve already started drawing the 5th line but just haven’t place it yet. Once I’m at this point, I don’t want to try to precision click the DB and BX lines since I can easily get the B and X points from previously drawn lines (this is why I store them in _linkedLlines). Therefore, I just create the next line which is BX then start placing and binding the remaining points.
/// <summary>
/// Called when a Mouse Button is pressed on the parent <see cref="T:SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartSurface" />
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This is the primary method for utilizing this modifier.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="e">Arguments detailing the mouse button operation</param>
public override void OnModifierMouseDown(ModifierMouseArgs e)
if (!_isInDrawMode) return;
if (_isInDrawMode)
// handle subsequent clicks on an existing annotation
if (_isCreationActive)
LinkAnnotations(_currentAnnotation, _previousAnnotation);
if (_linkedLines.Count == 5)
LinkAnnotations(_currentAnnotation, _previousAnnotation);
_previousAnnotation.X2 = _linkedLines["BC"].X1;
_previousAnnotation.Y2 = _linkedLines["BC"].Y1;
_currentAnnotation.X1 = _linkedLines["DB"].X2;
_currentAnnotation.Y1 = _linkedLines["DB"].Y2;
_currentAnnotation.X2 = _linkedLines["XA"].X1;
_currentAnnotation.Y2 = _linkedLines["XA"].Y1;
// need to bind BX X1Y1 to DB X2Y2
LinkAnnotations(_linkedLines["BX"], _linkedLines["DB"]);
LinkAnnotations(_linkedLines["BC"], _linkedLines["DB"]);
LinkAnnotations(_linkedLines["BX"], _linkedLines["AB"]);
LinkAnnotations(_linkedLines["XA"], _linkedLines["BX"]);
CreateDataBinding(_linkedLines["BX"], AnnotationBase.X1Property, _linkedLines["BC"], "X1");
CreateDataBinding(_linkedLines["BX"], AnnotationBase.Y1Property, _linkedLines["BC"], "Y1");
CreateDataBinding(_linkedLines["DB"], AnnotationBase.X2Property, _linkedLines["AB"], "X2");
CreateDataBinding(_linkedLines["DB"], AnnotationBase.Y2Property, _linkedLines["AB"], "Y2");
_previousAnnotation.IsSelected = false;
_currentAnnotation.IsEditable = true;
_currentAnnotation.IsSelected = false;
_isInDrawMode = false;
_isCreationActive = false;
// handle initially creating an annotation
_isCreationActive = !_isCreationActive;
The general creation is
CompletePatternLeg(e); // we've already started drawing so complete that line on mouse click
CreatePatternLeg(e); // now create a new line
LinkAnnotations(_currentAnnotation, _previousAnnotation); // link the just completed line X2Y2 to the newly created X1Y1
Update X2Y2 with OnModifierMouseMove
Of note here is if (_linkedLines.Count == 5)
since this allows me to finish the XABCD pattern programmatically instead of trying to precision click. The data binding of the points for the last 2 lines is a little different so I handled those individually.
Helper Methods
These are what make everything “just work”
Adding a new line. Self explanatory but important if you want to see your work.
/// <summary>
/// Adds the annotation.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The _linkedLines dictionary is used to allow connecting non-consecutive annotations in a group or pattern.
/// _linkedLines dictionary is cleared after the XABCDModifier is deactivated.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="legName">Name of the leg.</param>
/// <param name="annotation">The annotation.</param>
private void AddAnnotation(string legName, AnnotationBase annotation)
ParentSurface.Annotations.Add(annotation); // required for annotation to be rendered on SciChartSurface
_linkedLines.Add(legName, annotation); // used internally for advanced/custom annotation linking
Data Binding Line Points
This is by far the most crucial piece of making this work with annotations. This method works for the XA, AB, BC, CD lines then I manually handle the DB and BX lines in the Count == 5 case. This method is best thought of as reading the parameters from left to right. Bind TARGET’s TARGETPROPERTY to SOURCE’s SOURCEPROPERTY. I tried using BindingMode.TwoWay but it didn’t work as expected so below is what did work.
/// <summary>
/// Creates the data binding.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// To prevent annotations from separating, call this function once for each annotation's properties, i.e. line1's X2Y2 and line2's X1Y1.
/// This will allow either annotation itself, or adorner handles to be selected and still keep the annotations connected.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="target">The target.</param>
/// <param name="targetProperty">The source property. This must be a DependencyProperty.</param>
/// <param name="source">The source.</param>
/// <param name="sourceProperty">The string representation of the property to be data bound.</param>
private void CreateDataBinding(AnnotationBase target, DependencyProperty targetProperty, AnnotationBase source, string sourceProperty)
Binding binding = new Binding();
binding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay;
binding.Source = source;
binding.Path = new PropertyPath(sourceProperty);
target.SetBinding(targetProperty, binding);
Creating and completing pattern legs is fairly straightforward but it has some built in “gotchas” that I encountered. When creating an annotation, you must set all coordinate properties ****before**** it may be added to the ParentSurface.Annotations collection. In a slight of hand, I just set both sets of X and Y to the current mouse point position since I’ll just turn right around and update X2Y2 in OnModifierMouseMove. This allow me to create the annotation and receive the real time visual feedback when placing the end of the line.
private void CompletePatternLeg(ModifierMouseArgs e)
_previousAnnotation = _currentAnnotation;
_previousAnnotation.IsEditable = true; // can't be set while placing (interferes with mouse clicks), must be after placed
_previousAnnotation.IsSelected = false;
private void CreatePatternLeg(ModifierMouseArgs e)
_currentAnnotation = CreateNewLine();
SetAllCoordinates(_currentAnnotation, e.MousePoint);
AddAnnotation(GetXABCDLegName(), _currentAnnotation);
Creating the line itself is about as simple as it gets. The X/YAxisId must be set though, ask me how I know…
Naming the lines is a simple switch statement that is hard coded.
/// <summary>
/// Creates the new line.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// The Tag property is specifically set so these annotations may be differentiated
/// from other annotations in <see cref="T:SciChart.Charting.Visuals.SciChartSurface.Annotations"/>.
/// When utilizing from another class or resource, the Tag property must be explicitly casted to a string.
/// This function could be easily extended to support other annotation types by switching on a DependencyProperty
/// that specifies the type of annotations this modifier should create.
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>AnnotationBase.</returns>
private AnnotationBase CreateNewLine()
/*var gb = new LinearGradientBrush();
gb.MappingMode = BrushMappingMode.RelativeToBoundingBox;
gb.StartPoint = new Point(0, 0);
gb.EndPoint = new Point(1, 1);
gb.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.Blue, 0.0));
gb.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(Colors.LawnGreen, 1.0));*/
var line = new LineAnnotation
Tag = GetXABCDLegName(),
StrokeThickness = 2,
Stroke = Brushes.LawnGreen,
XAxisId = ParentSurface.XAxis.Id,
YAxisId = ParentSurface.XAxis.Id
line.Selected += OnLineSelected;
return line;
Hopefully this will help the SciChart community as much as it has helped me. This was an awesome experience and really forced me to understand the SciChart API. Also, a big thanks to @Andrew for helping me avoid going down the rabbit hole of trying to do this with a RenderableSeries since I’m using CategoryDateTimeAxis (CDTA requires a 1:1 point count for any additional series even XyDataSeries).
End result:
- Jason Neeley answered 8 years ago
- last active 8 years ago
Hi Jose,
Sorry to interrupt Yuriy’s excellent support handling! There is a little known (and not documented) feature which we included to provide users with a workaround in cases like this.
There is a property called SciChartSurface.ViewportManager (expects IViewportManager) which is queried on render to get the X and Y axis VisibleRange.
See below the implementation of DefaultViewportManager:
using System.Diagnostics; /// <summary> /// The DefaultViewportManager performs a naive calculation for X and Y Axis VisibleRange. /// On each render of the parent SciChartSurface, either autorange to fit the data (depending on the Axis.AutoRange property value), /// or return the original axis range (no change) /// </summary> public class DefaultViewportManager : ViewportManagerBase { /// <summary> /// Called when the <see cref="IAxis.VisibleRange"/> changes for an axis. Override in derived types to get a notification of this occurring /// </summary> /// <param name="axis">The <see cref="IAxis"/>instance</param> public override void OnVisibleRangeChanged(IAxis axis) { } /// <summary> /// Called when the <see cref="ISciChartSurface" /> is rendered. /// </summary> /// <param name="sciChartSurface">The SciChartSurface instance</param> public override void OnParentSurfaceRendered(ISciChartSurface sciChartSurface) { } /// <summary> /// Overridden by derived types, called when the parent <see cref="SciChartSurface" /> requests the XAxis VisibleRange. /// The Range returned by this method will be applied to the chart on render /// </summary> /// <param name="xAxis">The XAxis</param> /// <returns> /// The new VisibleRange for the XAxis /// </returns> protected override IRange OnCalculateNewXRange(IAxis xAxis) { // Calculate the VisibleRange of X Axis, depending on AutoRange property if (xAxis.AutoRange) { var newXRange = xAxis.GetMaximumRange(); if (newXRange != null && newXRange.IsDefined) return newXRange; } return xAxis.VisibleRange; } /// <summary> /// Overridden by derived types, called when the parent <see cref="SciChartSurface" /> requests a YAxis VisibleRange. /// The Range returned by this method will be applied to the chart on render /// </summary> /// <param name="yAxis">The YAxis</param> /// <param name="renderPassInfo"></param> /// <returns> /// The new VisibleRange for the YAxis /// </returns> protected override IRange OnCalculateNewYRange(IAxis yAxis, RenderPassInfo renderPassInfo) { if (yAxis.AutoRange && renderPassInfo.PointSeries != null && renderPassInfo.RenderableSeries != null) { var newYRange = yAxis.CalculateYRange(renderPassInfo); if (newYRange != null && newYRange.IsDefined) { return newYRange; } } return yAxis.VisibleRange; } }
If you create a class like the above and change the behaviour of OnCalculateNewYRange to return a VisibleRange including your threshold level then you can effectively override the AutoRanging of the chart.
Try this method and let me know how it works
Best regards,
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 12 years ago
NOTE: RubberBandXyZoomModifier, ZoomPanModifier, MouseWheelZoomModifier, XAxisDragModifier are not compatible with AutoRange.Always. To use AutoRange.Always as well as manual zooming, you will need to temporarily disable AutoRange as you zoom, e.g. on mouse-down disable AutoRange and on mouse double-click re-enable it.
Two ways you could do this:
- Handle MouseDown/MouseDoubleClick on the parent SciChartSurface
- Do this by creating a class which inherits RubberBandXyZoomModifier and overriding OnModifierMouseDown, OnModifierMouseDoubleClick
For example
public class RubberBandXyZoomModifierEx : RubberBandXyZoomModifier
/// <summary>
/// When the user does mouse drag & mouse up, stop AutoRange and perform the zoom
/// </summary>
public override void OnModifierMouseUp(ModifierMouseArgs e)
// Disable AutoRange on all axis!
foreach (var axis in ParentSurface.YAxes)
axis.AutoRange = AutoRange.Never;
foreach (var axis in ParentSurface.XAxes)
axis.AutoRange = AutoRange.Never;
// Now do the zoom
/// <summary>
/// When the user double clicks, re-enable zoom and zoom to extents
/// </summary>
public override void OnModifierDoubleClick(ModifierMouseArgs e)
// Reset AutoRange on all axis
foreach (var axis in ParentSurface.YAxes)
axis.AutoRange = AutoRange.Always;
foreach (var axis in ParentSurface.XAxes)
axis.AutoRange = AutoRange.Always;
// Now zoom to extents!
Update Oct 2014
We now have an documented workaround in the Knowledgebase showing how to mix Zoom, Pan modifiers with AutoRange. This is the technique we use in the Real Time Ticking Stock Charts example to automatically scroll the latest N points, but allow zooming and panning as well.
Best regards,
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 11 years ago
- last active 10 years ago
You know I have another idea for you, and it might just work.
Try using our XyzDataSeries. If you bind this to a RenderableSeries (e.g. a line or scatter series) it will by default using the XY values for drawing. The Z values are superfluous.
On Hit-Test you could show the Z-values as well as X and Y.
If you wanted just a time value, then store this in the Z. If however you wanted a more complex object (e.g. Metadata or ViewModel) you could store an index in here and have a separate array or list of ViewModels that you index.
In fact, I seem to remember this being asked before. So we have a sample in our TestSuite which does both storing Z-States in metadata and RolloverLabel Templating. Please see the attached.
If you have any questions please let us know!
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 11 years ago
Hello there,
I’m investigating this now.
I can confirm if I run the application on my pc, while it doesn’t lock up by 16,000 points, it is certainly slower. What hardware do you have out of interest? It shouldn’t make much difference (unless its really slow). Mine is quad-core i7. 2.4GHz, so nothing stellar, but no sluggard either.
(BTW I’m really impressed with the SciChart application you’ve written in such a short period of time as in the trial. Nice application & really impressive job!)
Now, I ran your test application through DotTrace. The results are attached.
They make interesting reading! Basically the SciChartOverview is responsible for 40% of the time spent on the main thread. Particularly where the overview control is zooming itself to extents on each point added (on each redraw). We haven’t really optimized the overview for performance as it never raised itself as a bottleneck – it has now!
So, my first piece of advice is, remove the overview
The next interesting thing is that the axis drawing takes 10% of the time. In particular, Axis tick-drawing takes 6.4%. Remember if we remove overview all these figures double, so the tick drawing alone is quite significant.
My second recommendation is to Set AxisBase.DrawMinorTicks = false on all XAxes and YAxes
This will reduce the number of lines these are adding to the screen per frame. Axis ticks and labels are drawn using WPF canvases which are far slower than bitmap renderered series, so we want to minimise these if at all possible. If you can handle it setting AxisBase.DrawMinorGridLines = false will further improve performance since it will reduce the number of elements on the screen, however, there is only one set of gridlines for N axes and there are N sets of minor ticks, so minor ticks are the low hanging fruit here.
My third recommendation is to set SciChartSurface.RenderPriority = RenderPriority.Low
What does this do? It puts the priority of the render thread below the priority of mouse and keyboard input. This is really important as once the UI thread approaches saturation you will lose keyboard and mouse interactivity. This will really annoy your users and give you the impression that the application is ‘locked up’. By using priority low for rendering you give control back to the message loop to process mouse and key events and make your application a lot happier. The trade off is the chart rendering may appear more stuttery but it is because redraws are postponed slightly while the WPF message loop is flushed, resulting in a more fluid application experience.
If you want you can go one further and set RenderPriority.Manual. Then you are responsible for calling SciChartSurface.InvalidateElement() after appending points. For instance, you could set a timer and call InvalidateElement() every 1/10th of a second, rather than for each point appended.
My final recommendation is to throttle data appended to the chart, using the DataSeries.Append(IEnumerable<TX> xValues, IEnumerable<TY> yValues) API
The chart dataseries already do a good job of throttling data. For instance, there is not necessarily 1 redraw for each point appended. However, on each point appended some calculations are performed, such as Min Max calculations of the DataSeries, and checking internal state of the chart before pushing a redraw message onto a stack for the renderer thread to pick up. This is a small overhead but if you are calling DataSeries.Append in a tight loop it will soon add up. You can buffer or throttle appends but using the DataSeries.Append(IEnumerable<TX> xValues, IEnumerable<TY> yValues) method. Passing in arrays here of even size 10 or 100 points at a time can significantly improve throughput.
I’ve just tried the above (except for buffering Appends since that would require bigger changes to the code than I can do here) and I’m seeing task manager report a more healthy 7% CPU at ~16k points rather than the 29% I was seeing before. Can you try these and see if you get the same?
Regarding the overview, we’ll work on that. I suggest leaving it out for now and replacing with a scrollbar, calculating the offset based on XAxis.VisibleRange vs. the known DataSeries.XValues
Best regards,
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 11 years ago
Update June 2014: The Short Answer
We’ve now integrated the X and Y Values to the Rollovermodifier natively, and this is demonstrated in our examples. Please see the Realtime Cursors Example which demonstrates a Rollover with X and Y Values in the Legend area.
The Long Answer
The way it works is like this. The RolloverModifier and LegendModifier are simply data-sources, which give you an ObservableCollection<SeriesInfo> to bind to in XAML.
The Series Info classes are defined in the API documentation here:
- SeriesInfo Members
- XySeriesInfo Members
- XyzSeriesInfo Members
- OhlcSeriesInfo Members
- BoxPlotSeriesInfo Members
- BandSeriesInfo Members
Each Series has its own SeriesInfo type. All of them inherit from SeriesInfo, which is the base type. So given you are binding to a collection of SeriesInfo when you use the RolloverModifier or LegendModifier, it becomes possible to expose almost any info about the underlying RenderableSeries or DataSeries.
As a starting point please see our RolloverModifier demo, in particular the source code where we create the ItemsControl to consume SeriesInfo objects:
<!-- Binds to SeriesInfo, outputs Y-Values only -->
<!-- By modifying this and using knowledge of SeriesInfo class definition above, -->
<!-- you can theoretically do anything! -->
<Border Grid.Row="1" Margin="23,23" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Background="#77FFFFFF" BorderBrush="#55000000" BorderThickness="2" Padding="5">
<ItemsControl DataContext="{Binding ElementName=rolloverModifier}" ItemsSource="{Binding RolloverData.SeriesInfo}">
<TextBlock Grid.Column="0"
Foreground="{Binding SeriesColor,
Converter={StaticResource ColorToBrushConverter}}"
Text="{Binding SeriesName}" />
<TextBlock Grid.Column="1"
Foreground="{Binding SeriesColor,
Converter={StaticResource ColorToBrushConverter}}"
Text="{Binding Value}" />
Note that when you bind to XValue / YValue which are of type IComparable, you will need a converter or a StringFormat to convert from IComparable to the display value. Yes believe it or not, in XAML if you bind an IComparable which is actually a double to a TextBlock it won’t display! Please use an IComparable converter if you get blank values when binding to these properties.
In the RealTimeCursors example we see this code to convert the XValue, YValue to doubles:
<!-- When binding to XValue, YValue of type IComparable, StringFormat is mandatory due to a -->
<!-- XAML bug that cannot convert IComparable to text, even though underlying type is double -->
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Grid.Column="2">
<TextBlock Text="X: " Style="{StaticResource tbStyle}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding XValue, StringFormat=\{0:0.00\}}" Style="{StaticResource tbStyle}"/>
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Grid.Column="3">
<TextBlock Text="Y: " Margin="3" Style="{StaticResource tbStyle}"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding YValue, StringFormat=\{0:0.00\}}" Style="{StaticResource tbStyle}"/>
Advanced SeriesInfo Binding
Finally, many people ask us how to bind to a specific property on the RenderableSeries or DataSeries. Well, the SeriesInfo exposes the RenderableSeries too so its possible to expose any property from the RenderableSeries. Don’t forget RenderableSeries.DataSeries also allows access from SeriesInfo right back to the original DataSeries.
- Andrew
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 10 years ago
- last active 10 years ago
Hello Catalin,
Yes there is. All of our documentation is now online. Please see this related question: Where is the Documentation.
We also have a demo on Xaml styling in the examples suite, Please see our WPF Chart Xaml Styling Example
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 12 years ago
- last active 9 years ago
I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.
In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”
However, there is only asp.net sample code on the provided github.
I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.
Can you provide c++ sample code?
Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 12 years ago
Hello Joerg,
Axis Label styling was introduced in SciChart v3.0. You can now set a Style for a label including margins, LayoutTransforms etc…
Please see the answer on Styling Axis Labels for more information.
Best regards,
- Yuriy Zadereckiy answered 12 years ago
Sure, you can either use a TextAnnotation for an axis label on top of the axis. Just give the position for the Y axis, 0, yaxisMax + font height. You can also use regular Labels on top of the graph if you want to do that. I think you can also make your own custom NumericAxis to be able to do this.
The second part is easier, just make two textboxes and bind them to a property called YAxisMin YAxisMax, XAxisMin, XAxisMax. You can also bind them to your axis like this.
xAxis.SetBinding(NumericAxis.MinRange, new Binding(“XAxisMin”));
good luck.
- kewur answered 10 years ago
Hello Joerg,
As part of SciChart v3.0 all axis types now show labels at VisibleRange.Max and Min, so long as VisibleRange.Max, Min fall at ‘nice’ values, e.g. 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 etc… By default the chart will choose these nice values when first showing or autoranging.
When you scroll however, the labels scroll too – you lose the labels at the edges of the axis. In this case you might want to use our new StaticAxis Feature, which fixes axis labels at fixed intervals and updates the label value instead.
Best regards,
- Yuriy Zadereckiy answered 12 years ago
- last active 8 years ago
Hi George,
This is a problem we’re trying to solve (MVVM in general) and there’s no good answer at the moment! Just a note, there may be some changes in the SeriesSource API in the next major release (quite a while off though) to make this easier.
The problem is we need to separate view & viewmodel, yet retain control over series-type, colors, point-markers from the viewmodel which are much better defined in the XAML.
If you wanted to apply the same RolloverMarker to all series, you could use an unnamed style, e.g.
<!-- Define in UserControl.Resources, or Application resources, with no key --> <Style TargetType="{x:Type SciChart:FastLineRenderableSeries}"> <Setter Property="RolloverMarkerTemplate"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate> <Ellipse Width="7" Height="7" Fill="SlateGray" Stroke="SlateGray" StrokeThickness="1" /> </ControlTemplate> </Setter.Value> </Setter> </Style>
This will apply the same Rollover Marker to all FastLineRenderableSeries’ in that scope.
Perhaps another solution is to define a ResourceDictionary which contains your styles (this time keyed) and set them using an attached property? E.g. if a resource dictionary was added to the App.xaml you can retrieve styles and templates from it by calling Application.Current.Resources[“key”]. Rather than getting application resources in your viewmodel sometime’s it’s better to define a property in your viewmodel of type string, and use attached properties to apply the style.
For example:
<!-- TODO: ControlTemplates can be defined in resource dictionaries and added to App.Xaml --> <ControlTemplate x:Key="GrayMarkerTemplate"> <Ellipse Width="7" Height="7" Fill="SlateGray" Stroke="SlateGray" StrokeThickness="1" /> </ControlTemplate> <ControlTemplate x:Key="BlueMarkerTemplate"> <Ellipse Width="7" Height="7" Fill="SteelBlue" Stroke="SteelBlue" StrokeThickness="1" /> </ControlTemplate>
// Create attached properties and attached behaviours to assist and work around MVVM's limitations public class RolloverMarkerHelper : DependencyObject { public static readonly DependencyProperty RolloverTemplateKeyProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("StyleKey", typeof (string), typeof (RolloverMarkerHelper), new PropertyMetadata(default(string), OnRolloverTemplateKeyChanged)); public static void SetRolloverTemplateKey(UIElement element, string value) { element.SetValue(RolloverTemplateKeyProperty, value); } public static string GetRolloverTemplateKey(UIElement element) { return (string) element.GetValue(RolloverTemplateKeyProperty); } private static void OnRolloverTemplateKeyChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { var element = d as BaseRenderableSeries; if (element == null) return; if (e.NewValue == null) { element.RolloverMarkerTemplate = null; return; } if (Application.Current != null) { var resource = Application.Current.TryFindResource(e.NewValue) as ControlTemplate; element.RolloverMarkerTemplate = resource; } } }
Then the template can be applied like this
_chartSeries = new ObservableCollection<IChartSeriesViewModel>(); var rSeries0 = new FastLineRenderableSeries(); RolloverMarkerHelper.SetRolloverTemplateKey(rSeries0, "GrayMarkerTemplate"); _chartSeries.Add(new ChartSeriesViewModel(ds0, rSeries0)); var rSeries1 = new FastLineRenderableSeries(); RolloverMarkerHelper.SetRolloverTemplateKey(rSeries1, "BlueMarkerTemplate"); _chartSeries.Add(new ChartSeriesViewModel(ds1, rSeries1));
I’ve attached a full example to this post. It’s not the most elegant of solutions but it does show how you can work around some of these issues by using attached properties or attached behaviours.
Hope this helps!
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 12 years ago
Got it working! I ended up using some different code to get the job done, which I’ll share here:
// Custom mouse wheel usage public override void OnModifierMouseWheel(ModifierMouseArgs e) { // Get region of axis Rect XAxisBounds = XAxis.GetBoundsRelativeTo(RootGrid); Rect YAxisBounds = YAxis.GetBoundsRelativeTo(RootGrid); // Only zoom in that axis if mouse over axis if (XAxisBounds.Contains(e.MousePoint)) { // If zooming in if (e.Delta > 0) XAxis.ZoomBy(-0.1, -0.1); // If zooming out else if (e.Delta < 0) XAxis.ZoomBy( 0.1, 0.1); // Now don't do anything else e.Handled = true; return; } else if (YAxisBounds.Contains(e.MousePoint)) { if (e.Delta > 0) YAxis.ZoomBy(-0.1, -0.1); else if (e.Delta < 0) YAxis.ZoomBy( 0.1, 0.1); e.Handled = true; return; } // Otherwise, operate normally base.OnModifierMouseWheel(e); }
Your initial points and several key methods helped out a lot! I also simplified some parts I didn’t need. Thanks!
- boss1000 answered 11 years ago
I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.
In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”
However, there is only asp.net sample code on the provided github.
I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.
Can you provide c++ sample code?
Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?
- hhd2002 answered 11 years ago
Hi Egbert,
We have added the ability to show Min Max ticks on an axis, as well as many other axis enhancements such as the TickProvider API in v3.0 of SciChart. Please see this related post on CategoryDateTimeAxis Grid Lines.
Using the TickProvider API
In SciChart v3.0 and above, there is now a way to override the exact Tick Intervals.
See this KB article on Advanced Tick Frequency Overriding which introduces the TickProvider API. This allows exact calculation of ticks (Axis Major, Minor gridlines and labels) as the axis is drawn.
Best regards,
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 11 years ago
Update: June 2014
We have gone through all the tutorials on Screenshots, Printing to XPS, Export to Bitmap and updated them. Please see the updated links below below.
- Export chart from screen to bitmap
- Exporting chart with legend to bitmap
- Rendering chart to bitmap in memory
- Screenshots, XPS Printing, X-Axis Text Labels
The Screenshots, XPS Printing, X-Axis Text Labels article now has an updated sample which compiles against SciChart v3.0 so you can download it and get started.
Hope this helps!
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 10 years ago
Seems like you are trying to take a screenshot without rendering just like me. I have asked a question about it here: https://www.scichart.com/questions/question/taking-a-screenshot-of-the-graph-after-launch-does-not-display-the-data-points
you can download the sample project and see how you can do this. You need to give it a size, measure and arrange the chart and call UpdateLayout.
hope this helps.
- kewur answered 10 years ago
Hello there,
The Annotations feature in v1.5 uses UIElements. These are very flexible (as they are WPF elements) but are also very slow compared to the bitmap rendering that we employ in SciChart.
We did have a user once who added 50,000 annotations to a WPF SciChart. It did take a few seconds to redraw but it did perform. We got his performance down from minutes (like you) to a few seconds by using the following code:
using (sciChartSurface.SuspendUpdates()) { // Create temporary AnnotationCollection var myAnnotations = new AnnotationCollection(); double minx = double.MaxValue; double maxx = double.MinValue; foreach (var c in cmdList) { if (c.X < minx) minx = c.X; if (c.X > maxx) maxx = c.X; var a = new BoxAnnotation { // Assign X1,Y1, Background etc... }; myAnnotations.Add(a); } // Reassign annotation collection sciChartSurface.Annotations = myAnnotations; sciChartSurface.ZoomExtents(); }
Assigning the annotation collection in one go will prevent internal updates/redraws occurring on each add. Please try this and let me know if it helps.
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 11 years ago
Hello lovely SciChart people,
An update for you. SciChart v3.0 now supports templating of Axis Titles natively. Please see the SciChart v3.0 Release Notes.
5. Axis Styling improvements
- Chart Titles, Axis Titles and Labels can now be styled
- Can set font size, font style, font weight on Axis labels
- Now supports optional rotation of axis tick labels (e.g. 90 degrees)
<!-- Styling Tick Labels with rotation and custom font-size and foreground -->
<Style TargetType="s:DefaultTickLabel">
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Blue" />
<Setter Property="FontSize" Value="25" />
<Setter Property="LayoutTransform">
<RotateTransform Angle="45" />
<!-- Styling Numeric Axis Tick Labels -->
<Style TargetType="s:NumericTickLabel">
<Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Blue" />
<Setter Property="FontSize" Value="25" />
<!-- Declare an Axis Title Template -->
<Style x:Key="BottomAxisTitleStyle" TargetType="s:AxisTitle">
<Setter Property="ContentTemplate">
<TextBlock Margin="0,3,0,0"
Style="{StaticResource TitleTextStyle}"
Text="Showing time on"/>
<TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center"
Text="{Binding}" />
<TextBlock Margin="0,0,0,3"
Style="{StaticResource TitleTextStyle}"
Text="(daily Timeframe)"/>
<!-- Apply an Axis Title Template -->
<s:DateTimeAxis AxisTitle="Time Axis Title" TitleStyle="{StaticResource BottomAxisTitleStyle}" Style="{StaticResource AxisStyle}"/>
<!-- Apply an Axis Title Template -->
<s:DateTimeAxis AxisTitle="Time Axis Title" TitleStyle="{StaticResource BottomAxisTitleStyle}" Style="{StaticResource AxisStyle}"/>
Also the XAML Styling application demonstrates this.
Best regards,
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 10 years ago
- last active 10 years ago
Hi Miles,
This is because all mouse clicks are relative to the parent SciChartsurface. If you want to get the coordinates relative to the ModifierSurface itself, you have to perform a simple translation operation.
public override void OnModifierMouseMove(ModifierMouseArgs e) { // gets the bounds of the ModifierSurface with respect to the RootGrid // which hosts the SciChartSurface var modifierRect = ModifierSurface.GetBoundsRelativeTo(RootGrid); // Translates the mouse point (from root grid coords) to ModifierSurface coords var mousePoint = base.GetPointRelativeTo(e.MousePoint, ModifierSurface); }
Can you try the above translation and let me know if it works?
- Andrew Burnett-Thompson answered 12 years ago