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Certain themes hide axis features such as minor tick marks

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I was trying to figure out why I couldn’t get minor tick marks to appear on my axes and then I realized it’s because of the theme I was using (BrightSpark). Just a heads up to anyone else who may run into this.

IMO themes should not hide chart features such as tick marks.

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Yes that’s true, the BrightSpark theme has the MinorGridLines brush set to Transparent. Which is a bit of a caveat. However, if we re-enable it now, we may get support requests for gridlines suddenly appearing.

To enable minor gridlines in BrightSpark theme, please use the technique in the Example for implementing IThemeProvider thread to override just one theme property.

Alternatively, to create completely new themes, we now have a KB Article How to Create a Custom Theme for SciChart and a Silverlight Demo Create a Custom Theme.

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