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How to Skip Non-Trading Days/Times on the X-Axis in SciChart iOS

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I’m working on a chart in SciChart iOS and need to configure the X-axis to skip non-trading days and times (e.g., weekends and after-hours). I found a solution for this in the WPF version of SciChart using the DiscontinuousDateTimeAxis, as described here: Discontinuous DateTime Axis – SciChart WPF Documentation.

However, I haven’t been able to find a similar implementation or documentation for the iOS version of SciChart. Could you please guide me on how to achieve this in SciChart iOS?

I’ve attached a screenshot where the jump in the X-axis is visible to illustrate the issue.

Thank you in advance for your help!

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Hello Libor Zapletal,

Apologies for the delayed response.
For similar functionality in iOS, you can use the SCIIndexDateAxis. You can find a detailed example and implementation here:
We will be updating our documentation to include this information soon.

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