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SCIAxisMarkerAnnotation Customisation and Panning

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I have an issue regarding to SCIAxisMarkerAnnotation that I could not find. Can I customise the look of it or should I implement my own axis marker? And can I add another pan gesture to annotation pin so the user can change annotation location on that axis?


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Good day

Regarding customization:
It depends on what customization you require.
Take a look at SCIAxisMarkerAnnotationStyle (it can be accessed as property on SCIAxisMarkerAnnotation)
There are most of customization options (fonts, colors and so on)
If you need to change Label formatting there are two options:
1) Set SCIAxisCore cursor text formatting for axis to which annotation is bound. But it will influence all annotations and modifiers that use axis text format
2) You can subclass and override method “formatValue:” in SCIAxisMarkerAnnotation. It takes value as parameter and returns string that will be displayed in annotation

Regarding pan gesture
Gesture handlers are not implemented for axis marker annotation at the moment. We will consider adding it, but you can implement it with subclassing. You will need to override “onPanGesture:At:”. It can be a little complicated, so if you decide to override method I will provide further information how to do it correctly.

Best regards
SciChart iOS Developer

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Hi everyone,
(Swift 4 language)
I am trying to create a similar feature but there isn’t any straightforward way to do it.
I want to make the custom SCIAxisMarkerAnnotation tappable but I cannot
I have already overide the default class and added these functions but the code doesn’t get inside these:

override func onPanGesture(_ gesture: UIPanGestureRecognizer!, at view: UIView!) -> Bool {
return true

override func onTapGesture(_ gesture: UITapGestureRecognizer!, at view: UIView!) -> Bool {
return true

Can you please help me detect a tap and maybe a drag on SCIAxisMarkerAnnotation because I need it ASAP.
Thanks a lot for your super useful framework and your support.
Best regards

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