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SCIVerticallyStackedColumnsCollection() not playing nicely with SCILegendModifier()

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After seeing some strange behavior in my application, I have a simple repro case where hiding a renderable series that’s in a vertically stacked columns collection causes the entire screen to go black. I’ll attach a full viewDidLoad() below, but here’s the basic setup:

    let rsLeftSingle = SCIStackedColumnRenderableSeries()
    rsLeftSingle.dataSeries = dataSeriesLeftSingle
    rsLeftSingle.yAxisId = yAxisLeft.axisId
    rsLeftSingle.fillBrushStyle = SCISolidBrushStyle(color: UIColor.yellow)
    rsLeftSingle.strokeStyle = SCISolidPenStyle(color: UIColor.yellow, thickness: 2.0)

    let rsLeftDouble = SCIStackedColumnRenderableSeries()
    rsLeftDouble.dataSeries = dataSeriesLeftDouble
    rsLeftDouble.yAxisId = yAxisLeft.axisId
    rsLeftDouble.fillBrushStyle = SCISolidBrushStyle(color:
    rsLeftDouble.strokeStyle = SCISolidPenStyle(color:, thickness: 2.0)

    let stacks = SCIVerticallyStackedColumnsCollection()

    let legendModifier = SCILegendModifier()

That code displays a stack of yellow and blue bars, with a legend and checkboxes (both checkboxes selected). When I tap a checkbox to deselect it, the SCIChartSurface() goes blank, the legend remains on screen, and I see this message in the console:

Exception raised with reason: All stacked series in on collection should have the same amount of X Values

When I reselect that checkbox, I get my plot back.

There are no changes being made to the underlying data. Hiding/showing works correctly for horizontally stacked collection and for other renderable series types.

What’s your recommended workaround?

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Hello Hal,

Thanks for reporting this.

I’m glad to let you know, that we fixed this issue, and the fix is available in our latest nightly build which is v4.2.0-nightly.5585.
It’s available through CocoaPods or SwiftPM so please try it out and let us know if the problem is gone.

Best Regards,

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