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zoomExtentsModifier Y direction broken in w/ SCILogarithmicNumericAxis

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I don’t know if this affects any earlier versions; but the version my app is using is the 5098.

I created a surface with the following modifiers:
– SCIZoomPanModifier
– SCIZoomExtentsModifier
– SCIPinchZoomModifier

On the SCIZoomExtentsModifier I have **SCIDirection2D_XyDirection ** (also tried YDirection alone)
And when you double tap on the display; only the X direction resizes back down to the proper size. The Y direction is 100% ignored.

Seems to have to do with using a SCILogarithmicNumericAxis on the Y axis. I have tried commenting out all settings applied to the SCILogarithmicNumericAxis; and no change in the ability to re-zoom back to normal size. If I use a SCINumericAxis instead; the Y zooms back out properly…

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Hello Nathanael,

Thank you for reporting this. We’ve successfully located and fixed this issue, and it’s now available in the latest nightly build, which is v3.0.1-nightly.5114, and which is available through the CocoaPods.

Please try it out and let us know if it works on your side as well.

Best Regards,
Nazar Rudnyk
Lead SciChart iOS Developer

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