The chart has a Y-axis on both the right and left sides, representing price and volume respectively. I would like both labels with the current values (HorizontalLineAnnotation) to be on the right Y-axis. When using yAxisId and horizontalAnchorPoint: “Right,” the volume label (left axis) appears inside the chart. Is there any way to move it to the right Y-axis? I tried using TextAnnotation instead of HorizontalLineAnnotation, and the only way to get the label to appear above the Y-axis on the right side was by using xCoordinateMode: ‘Pixel,’ but I don’t know if there’s any way to get the height in pixels for the current volume value from the left axis.
Best regards,
- Kamil Macura asked 1 month ago
Hello, if I understood the idea correctly, you may need to create 2 horizontal annotations. Otherwise, to get more profound assistance, please provide us with a reproducible example of what you have got so far via CodeSandbox/CodePen, and probably some mockups of how exactly the expected result should look like
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currently, we have this: https://ibb.co/0cmMkcq. We would like to have this blue annotation on the right side and the axes in the places where they are. The data is updated every 1s.
const yAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
autoRange: EAutoRange.Always,
growBy: new NumberRange(0.1, 0.1),
drawMajorBands: false,
drawMajorTickLines: false,
drawMinorGridLines: false,
drawMinorTickLines: false,
maxAutoTicks: 7,
axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Right,
labelProvider: this.getDynamicValueLabelProvider(),
isVisible: false
const lopYAxis = new NumericAxis(wasmContext, {
autoRange: EAutoRange.Always,
growBy: new NumberRange(0.1, 0.1),
drawMajorBands: false,
drawMajorTickLines: false,
drawMinorGridLines: false,
drawMinorTickLines: false,
axisAlignment: EAxisAlignment.Left,
isVisible: true
// Price annotation
setCurrentPriceAnnotation() {
try {
this.priceAnnotation = new HorizontalLineAnnotation({
labelPlacement: ELabelPlacement.Axis,
strokeDashArray: [2, 2],
showLabel: true,
labelValue: this.closeValues[this.closeValues.length - 1],
stroke: "transparent",
y1: this.closeValues[this.closeValues.length - 1],
axisLabelFill: "#c8c8c8",
axisFontSize: 11,
axisLabelStroke: '#000000',
axisFontFamily: 'Open Sans, sans-serif',
} catch (err) {
console.log('setCurrentPriceAnnotation:', err);
throw err;
// Lop annotation
setLopAnnotation() {
try {
this.lopAnnotation = new HorizontalLineAnnotation({
labelPlacement: ELabelPlacement.Axis,
strokeDashArray: [2, 2],
showLabel: true,
labelValue: this.lopValues[this.lopValues.length - 1],
stroke: "transparent",
y1: this.lopValues[this.lopValues.length - 1],
axisLabelFill: this.theme.lopChartColor,
axisFontSize: 11,
axisLabelStroke: '#000000',
axisFontFamily: 'Open Sans, sans-serif',
} catch (err) {
console.log('setLopAnnotation:', err);
throw err;
enter code here
- Kamil Macura answered 4 weeks ago
You probably need to set yAxisId: USER_CHART.Y_AXIS_LOP_ID on both of the annotations if you want the annotations to be placed on one side.
Then you can dynamically update the annotation position in Ecoordinate.Pixel based on the relevant axis visible range. Or, I believe, you can extend the annotation class to do this automatically.
Another approach, probably an easier one, is drawing a NatvieTextAnnotation and a BoxAnnotation over the axis. Currently this also requires some extra setup. Check the example here https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/bold-architecture-k2spm9?file=%2Fsrc%2FdrawExample.ts
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