Hello, how do I remove the shadow from tooltips, generated by the VerticalSliceModifier?
Hey Michael, there is a property on IThemeProvider (passed into SciChartSurface.create({ theme: … }) called shadowEffectColor however this seems to be ignored for the VerticalSliceModifier. I’ll create a bug and we will investigate next week. Best regards, Andrew
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This fix/feature is done and released in v3.2.525. If you set shadowEffectColor
to “transparent” it will remove the drop shadow on all tooltips.
sciChartSurface.create("div-id", {
theme: { ...new SciChartJSLightTheme(), shadowEffectColor: "Transparent" }
If you want to be a bit more specific, then for VerticalSliceModifier
you must first add the modifier, then for each renderableSeries to
verticalSliceModifier.getRolloverProps(renderableSeries).shadowColor = "transparent".
Again, you have to do this after the modifier and series have been added to the chart, otherwise the RolloverProps will not exist.
- David Burleigh answered 11 months ago
- last edited 11 months ago
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