Hi, I would like to update the theme at the runtime of the chart. In JS I have made a dropdown component from which I can change the theme of the chart. When this “select” component changes it calls in the following code:
function ChartThemeChanged() {
var x = document.getElementById("ChatTheme").value;
switch (x){
case "dark":
theme = new SciChart.SciChartJsNavyTheme();
case "light":
theme = new SciChart.SciChartJSLightTheme();
This works fine for the main chart area. I also have a LegendModifier which I placed on a different div with “placementDivId”. When I change the theme, as I said the main area of the chart changes but the legend does not change. How can I fix this? Is there any function I can call on the chart surface to trigger to reevaluate and redraw the legend with the correct new theme?
I have observed that if I add a new series to the chart with “emissionSmallSciChartSurface.renderableSeries.add(lineSeries);” the theme of the legend is applied. I guess it is applied because the legend is redrawn with the extra series but this is not really practical.
How can I fix this cleanly?
Thank you!
- Alexandru Neamtu asked 6 months ago
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Salut, Alex
This should be done on our part when the “.applyTheme()” method is called, but you can force this by adding this at the end of your “ChartThemeChanged” function:
// assuming your legendModifier is named “myLegend”.
Here is a small demo: https://codepen.io/vasculandrei/pen/mdZqMwE?editors=0010
Hope this helps!
Andrei Vascul
- Andrei Vascul answered 6 months ago
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Thank you Andrei! Exactly what I was looking for! invalidateLegend() did the trick.
- Alexandru Neamtu answered 6 months ago
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