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Add indicators to chart

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Answered Closed

Hi , i would like to know that if you have in built functionality to add indicators(like ema,sma,bollinger band ,etc.) as per user requirement or i have to code for calculation for series and for taking input from user

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Great Answer

Hello Nikita,

Thank you for your question!

We have an FAQ on this topic here: Does SciChart support technical indicators.

Q: Does SciChart support Technical Indicators like MACD, SMA, EMA?

A: Our charting library lets you plot any data in the formats Line, Scatter, Column, Mountain, Banded-area (plus many more). We don’t provide technical indicators to generate the data. For this, you can either write your own, or use a third-party technical indicator library such as the open source TA-Lib (C++) or Trady library (.NET).

It then becomes a simple exercise of plugging the outputs of the Technical Indicator library into SciChart’s DataSeries

Best regards,

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