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Any data virtualization examples?

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I have line charts with up to 8 series, each series having almost a million points. The data comes from a server and requires some pre-processing after requesting it so it does take some seconds for the data to arrive. Data is retrieved from the server in small chunks of around 10,000 points so that the user can quickly see the initial data. As the user scrolls around on the X axis I will, in the background, load additional chunks. I think I can work through implementing this but if you have any examples or tips that would be great!

For example, I know how many data points there are in total and how many there are in the first chunk. I can render the first chunk and use Double.Nan to “fill in” the reset of them until they can be loaded in the background. It will be pretty cool to see the chart fill in as new chunks arrive.


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Hi David,

Not from us, but there is a user provided example on Virtualization here. It may be a bit out of date as it was posted a while ago but should give the idea.

In addition to this, I would strongly suggest looking at our series of examples on Custom Chart Modifiers, which show how you can create powerful zoom, pan and data-manipulation modifiers.

Some other threads which might be useful (are related) can be seen here.

If you do get a sample working, do feel free to feed it back to us as we would love to turn it into a tutorial.

Best regards,

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