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Axes added from ViewModel, set style from XAML

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I’m using MVVM to dynamically add axes in the runtime with a binding to YAxes and XAxes from the SciChartSurface. like this,

<s:SciChartSurface XAxes="{Binding XAxes}" YAxes="{Binding YAxes}"/>

The problem is, since I’m creating and adding these from the ViewModel, my “AxisStyle” style (defined inside UserControl.Resources) does not automatically apply to my axes. Initially I had the style in my Resources file, which I can access from the ViewModel and manually apply it from the code.

The reason I’m changing the style’s location from Resources.xaml to the control itself is this;

 <Style x:Key="AxisStyle" TargetType="SciChart:AxisBase">
            <Setter Property="TickTextBrush" Value="{Binding GraphThemeOptions.LabelBrush}"/>
            <Setter Property="MinorTickLineStyle">
                    <Style TargetType="Line">
                        <Setter Property="Stroke" Value="{Binding GraphThemeOptions.LabelBrush"/>

I can use a proxy binding to pass the datacontext to the MinorTickLineStyle style, but only in the UserControl itself, not an external resource dictionary.

I was hoping to do something like this:

      <SciChartSurface.XAxes ItemsSource="{Binding XAxes"} Style="{StaticResource AxisStyle}"/>

But XAxes does not have any properties I can access from XAML.

What would be a good way to apply a style from XAML and still have dynamic Axes.

Thank you,

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Best Answer

Hi Kewur,

This question seems to be a duplicate of this one: Template items of an AxisCollection possible and this one MVVM Multiple Axis Example.

Can you take a look and let me know if the solution(s) above help you?

Best regards,

  • kewur
    Thank you Andrew, with a little edit to the YAxesBehaviour I got it working.
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