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Axis length different than graph size (non-uniform graph)

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I’m trying to have a non-uniform graph where one of the axes size is different than the actual graph size. a couple of examples to this is in the screenshots attached to the post. Is this currently supported?


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Hi Kewur,

Yes I think so, but its not easy. You will have to re-template the SciChartSurface.

In WPF everything is templatable. We have simply extracted the structure of the SciChartSurface into a template. However, the control template for a SciChartSurface is huge, and I would not recommend re-templating it without a source-code license to see what we have done.

Possibly there is a way to use our central axis feature:;component/Examples/IWantTo/ModifyAxisBehaviour/ShiftedAxes/ShiftedAxes.xaml

If you check out this example, it shows how to place axes on a canvas that overlays the chart. Take a look at this above and see if you can tweak it to get what you want.

Best regards,

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