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can't make AnnotationCreated event work

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I’m trying to have the user create an annotation, similar to the Create annotations Dynamically example. The problem is that when I try to attach a handler to the AnnotationCreated event, either the scichart surface won’t display, or the handler is never invoked.The things I’ve tried are:

1) creating a handler in the code behind causes the surface not to load:

               <s:ModifierGroup >
                    <s:AnnotationCreationModifier x:Name=&quot;annotationCreator&quot; 
                            AnnotationCreated=&quot;{Binding OnAnnotationCreated}&quot;                       >

2) The way I’ve been handling mouse events using cinch mvvm won’t work in this either. The chart surface loads, but the handler is never invoked:

                <s:ModifierGroup >
                    <s:AnnotationCreationModifier x:Name=&quot;annotationCreator&quot; 
                            AnnotationCreated=&quot;{Binding OnAnnotationCreated}&quot;                       >
                            <i:EventTrigger EventName=&quot;AnnotationCreated&quot;>
                                            Command =&quot;{Binding AnnotationCreatedCmd}&quot;/>

Removing the handler line in the xaml in 1) above and adding an event handler in the view model.onViewLoaded() is the only way I can make this work:

view.annotationCreator.AnnotationCreated += AnnotationCreatorOnAnnotationCreated;

I can work around the problem with the last approach, but why don’t the other approaches work for the annotation created event?


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In Xaml usually you have to create a binding to some property only. To attach event handler, simply do this:

    <s:ModifierGroup >
<!-- Attach OnAnnotationCreated handler defined in code behind -->
        <s:AnnotationCreationModifier x:Name="annotationCreator"

In MVVM you can use the EventTrigger to pass the event over to a view model, like this:

    <s:ModifierGroup >
        <!-- Attach OnAnnotationCreated handler defined in code behind -->
        <s:AnnotationCreationModifier x:Name=&quot;annotationCreator&quot;>
                <i:EventTrigger EventName="AnnotationCreated" SourceObject="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type s:AnnotationCreationModifier}}}">
                    <i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding LineAnnotationCreatedEvent}" />

Please, let us know if you get it working or need further assistance,

Best regards,

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