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Common x-values

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Is there any way to create charts in a scichart group that will have a common x-values?
I know that exists a way to synchronize x-values by adding a Double.NaN values, but this operation take a lots of time (if charts have a 1200000 points).

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Hi there,

From your question, I’m guessing that you are using CategoryDateTimeAxis with SciChartSurface in a SciChartGroup, and you wish to create multi-pane stock charts like this example, am I right?

Create Multi-Pane Stock Charts with SciChartGroup

If you are, then you have two choices for your data

  1. Is to use CategoryDateTimeAxis (which will remove weekend and overnight gaps, but assumes that all data-series have the same number of data points

  2. Is to use DateTimeAxis (which allows different numbers of points on each series, but will plot all dates, including weekends and overnight)

I’m afraid those are the only two options at this time. Please also take a further look at the article CategoryDateTimeAxis vs DateTimeAxis which talks about the differences between the two axis types.

Best regards,

  • l1pton17
    Thanks. Actually, i need a categorydatetimeaxis where data-series have the different number of data points =) Will added this feature?
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Not possible I'm afraid. The performance hit of us calculating the X-coordinates when DataSeries have different numbers of data-points and removing weekend and overnight gaps would mean that you could not render 1.2M points. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the two options above are the best we have. Best regards, Andrew
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