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Display equations as Axis titles

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I would like to display simple equations as axis titles. For example cm^2 (with the 2 superscript) or g / mol with the “mol” under the g.

Is there a way to do that? At least being able to superscript or subscript any letter would be a must.


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Best Answer

Hello lovely SciChart people,

An update for you. SciChart v3.0 now supports templating of Axis Titles natively. Please see the SciChart v3.0 Release Notes.

5. Axis Styling improvements

  • Chart Titles, Axis Titles and Labels can now be styled
  • Can set font size, font style, font weight on Axis labels
  • Now supports optional rotation of axis tick labels (e.g. 90 degrees)


<!-- Styling Tick Labels with rotation and custom font-size and foreground -->
        <Style TargetType="s:DefaultTickLabel">
            <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Blue" />
            <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="25" />
            <Setter Property="LayoutTransform">
                    <RotateTransform Angle="45" />

<!-- Styling Numeric Axis Tick Labels -->
        <Style TargetType="s:NumericTickLabel">
            <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Blue" />
            <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="25" />

<!-- Declare an Axis Title Template -->
<Style x:Key="BottomAxisTitleStyle" TargetType="s:AxisTitle">
    <Setter Property="ContentTemplate">
                    <TextBlock Margin="0,3,0,0"
                                Style="{StaticResource TitleTextStyle}"
                                Text="Showing time on"/>
                    <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center"
                                Text="{Binding}" />
                    <TextBlock Margin="0,0,0,3"
                                Style="{StaticResource TitleTextStyle}"
                                Text="(daily Timeframe)"/>

<!-- Apply an Axis Title Template -->
<s:DateTimeAxis AxisTitle="Time Axis Title" TitleStyle="{StaticResource BottomAxisTitleStyle}"  Style="{StaticResource AxisStyle}"/>

<!-- Apply an Axis Title Template -->
<s:DateTimeAxis AxisTitle="Time Axis Title" TitleStyle="{StaticResource BottomAxisTitleStyle}"  Style="{StaticResource AxisStyle}"/>

Also the XAML Styling application demonstrates this.

Best regards,

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