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FastBandRenderableSeries hit

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Hello again!

I’m working with FastBandRenderableSeries and I’ve got some questions:
1) Is there any method to make the area between the lines of FastBandRenderableSeries not visible for hit?
2) When I’m using HitTest method , like this selectedSeries.HitTest(e.MousePoint, true), it returns true of IsHit property, when we click on the line of FastBandRenderableSeries and on the area between lines. How can I detect that hit was made only on a line, not not an area ?(Maybe this question connected to the the first question)

Thanks in advance

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Great Answer

Hi there,

If you take a look at the members on the HitTestInfo Struct (which is returned from BaseRenderableSeries.HitTest), you can see the HitTestPoint, which gives the location (in pixels) of the nearest X,Y data-point.

If your mouse point is more than say 5 pixels away from the HitTestPoint, you can safely say the user clicked the polygon, not the line.

Does it help?

Best regards,

  • Egor
    Yes, thanks, it works. But there is still one question: is there any way not to select FastBandRenderableSeries when clicking on area, because when we click on their area these series go forward?
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Selection only occurs if you are using the SeriesSelectionModifier, or if you set RenderableSeries.IsSelected = true. If you just want a hit-test (notification of mouse over area), please call BaseRenderableSeries.HitTest and check the HitTestInfo struct returned. This should not select the series. Best regards, Andrew
  • Egor
    Yes, you are right. I'm using SeriesSelectionModifier to select series. Sorry that I haven't warned you about that fact. What should I modify in the modifier to make it not selecting FastBandRenderableSeries when clicking on area?
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Hi Egor, I gave you the answer above :) You need to use the Hit-Test API:
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