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How to handle Mouse actions triggering multiple (custom) ZoomModifiers at once?

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<sc:ModifierGroup x:Name="ChartZoom">
    <local:CustomMouseWheelZoomModifier />
    <sc:ZoomPanModifier ExecuteOn="MouseRightButton"/>
    <sc:TooltipModifier IsEnabled="True"/>

I’ve got multiple ZoomModifiers and any MouseUp will trigger the eventhandlers on many of them (e.g. the MouseUp after dragging a RubberBand zoom will also trigger a YAxisDrag MouseUp event). Is there a way to prevent this? Or to know which Modifier really took effect on the chart?


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Hi Matthew,

In our own internal modifiers, we look at whether e.Handled is true on the mouse events to prevent events form being handled more than once.

This is actually done internally to SciChart so if modifier A should STOP events from propagating, it should set e.Handled = true in the OnModifierMouseUp handler.

Try that, it should work!

If, alternatively you want a modifier to receive handled events, set ChartModifierBase.ReceiveHandledEvents = true.

Best regards,

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