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Line width of RolloverModifier

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I’m trying to update a chart from version 3.1.x of a chart. In the old chart there was a XyScatterRenderableSeries with markers width set to 8. The Rollover line had the same width as the marker and it was easy to hit a point. After update the rollover line is thin and it is hard to hit a point. Please advise if it is possible to get back the old behavior.

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Hi Andreas,

Thanks for asking a question. There is a property for changing style of Rollover’s line called LineOverlayStyle. You will need to create a style with TargetType=”Line” and set Width to any value you wish.

The relevant documentation article can be found here.

Hope this helps!

UPDATE: You should set the StrokeThickness property actually, not Width.

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Hi Yuriy,

I’m sorry but it does not work for me. As soon as I set the width property in the style, no line is shown at all. When I set the Stroke and StrokeThickness Property the line is width is good, but it is still hard to hit the point and I do not know, which Color should be used to have the same color as default. Please advise.

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Hi Andreas,

Yes, you are right. I meant the StrokeThickness property, not Width. Updated my previous post.

Concerning the default color, you can bind to it using our ThemeBinding extension:

<Setter Property="Stroke" Value="{s:ThemeBinding RolloverLineStroke}" />

As to the issue with hitting a point, I’m not sure I understand what you mean. Please attach a video or a sample where we can see the changed behavior vs old one.

Best regards,

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