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RolloverModifier not working as I'd expect...

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I’m using the out of the box RolloverModifier :

                    <s:RolloverModifier x:Name="myRolloverModifier" ShowTooltipOn="Always" />
  1. Setting RolloverModifier.Visibility to hidden has no apparent effect. How do I hide it (especially the vertical bar)?

  2. When my code behind sets myRolloverModifier.ShowAxisLabels = false, the behavior is as expected with the exception that the last shown x-value is left hanging on the chart until user moves the mouse off the plot. Is this a bug? Is there a workaround?


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Hi Dave,

All you need an more can be found in the article Adding TimeSeries Tooltips with the RolloverModifier

  • Visibility is not used, as the Rollovermodifier itself is not in the visual tree, but its children are (such as the line, tooltip etc…)
  • DrawVerticalLine property shows or hides the vertical line
  • ShowAxisLabels property shows or hides the axis label
  • Styling the rollover can be found in detail in the above linked article

Hope this helps,


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Thanks, Andrew. I also found that isEnabled functions nicely as hide/show. But I still think you have a bug:

When code behind sets myRolloverModifier.ShowAxisLabels = false the last shown x-value is left hanging on the chart until user moves the mouse off the plot.


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