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RolloverModifier on FastImpulseRenderableSeries

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I’m having problems to get FastImpulseRenderableSeries or FastColumnRenderableSeries to behave as I need them to.

Issue 1:
FastColumnRenderableSeries doesn’t scale the column width as I need it when there’s more than one series with interdigitated columns. I need different FillColor for some of the columns, but all columns of all series should be displayed with the same width and spacing. Is there a way to achieve this? e.g. absolute column width setting?

Issue 2:
FastImpulseRenderableSeries doesn’t work with the default RolloverModifier. I’ll actually need a custom RolloverModifier, since I’ll need to display some custom properties which are not part of the IChartSeriesViewModel interface. But I thought the issue with the default RolloverModifier might be a bug, or something I haven’t quite understood yet.

I’ve written a demo application to illustrate both issues.

Best regards,

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Hi there,

Unfortunately, there isn’t any way to set absolute column width. There where several requests for that, so we are going to improve this situation. Regarding different fill color for columns, there is the PaletteProvider property, which allows you to choose color depending on X,Y values of each data point, please, take a look at Drag horizontal threshold example to see it in action.

Concerning the second question, although impulse series doesn’t have default rollover marker by design, you can easily add it. There is RolloverMarkerTemplate property defined in IRenderableSeries:

            <s:FastImpulseRenderableSeries SeriesColor="#0066FF">
                <!--  Declare an optional point marker at the tip of each line  -->
                        <Ellipse Width="5"
                                 Fill="#0066FF" />

                <!--  Declare rollover marker  -->
                        <Ellipse Width="9"
                                 StrokeThickness="2" />

Also, the DataContext for rollover marker is an instance of SeriesInfo type(not IChartSeriesViewModel), which has SeriesColor, SeriesName, IsVisible, DataSeriesType, XValue, YValue(data point), XyCoordinate, Open/High/Low/CloseValue(for Ohlc series). You can use these properties to create custom RolloverLabelTemplate for rollover.

Hope this helps! Please, ask if you need more info or have any questions!

Best regards,

  • axel
    Hi Yuriy, thank's for the fast reply. I've just tried to add the PointMarkerTemplate and the RolloverMarkerTemplate you suggest, but these do not seem to have any effect. Could it be, that specifying those on the XAML doesn't work when the actual chart series are bound to a ViewModel at runtime instead of being defined on the View at design time? Best regards, Axel.
  • Yuriy Zadereckiy
    Hi Axel, Try to add it as a default style for the FastImpulseRenderableSeries, like this:
            <Style TargetType="SciChart:FastImpulseRenderableSeries">
                <Setter Property="PointMarkerTemplate">
                            <Ellipse Width="5"
                                     Fill="#0066FF" />
                <Setter Property="RolloverMarkerTemplate">
                            <Ellipse Width="9"
                                     StrokeThickness="2" />
    Please, let us know if this helps! Best regards, Yuriy
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