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SciChart.iOS NuGet package not installing

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Trying to install SciChart.iOS NuGet package for Xamarin.iOS project results the following error:

Package SciChart.iOS is not compatible with xamarinios10 (Xamarin.iOS,Version=v1.0). Package SciChart.iOS supports: xamarinios (xamarin-ios,Version=v0.0)

Wondering what the heck is “xamarin-ios,Version=v0.0”? It must be xamarinios10. We’re considering to buy SciChart but right now our build server is stuck on this error. As a workaround, we raname xamarin-ios to xamarinios10 in the lib directory but this not an option for a cloud build server.

  • rubs00
    This forum seems dead. Is there anyone from SciChart team to address this simple issue?
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I am considering applying server-side licensing for my javerScript application.

In the document below, there is a phrase “Our server-side licensing component is written in C++.”

However, there is only sample code on the provided github.

I wonder if there is a sample code implemented in C++ for server-side licensing.

Can you provide c++ sample code?
Also, are there any examples to run on Ubuntu?

  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    I see, the plot thickens :) Let me try this.
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    I can reproduce it now. Not sure why it occurs. I will talk first to our NuGet host ( and secondly do some research into any changes of the package format.
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Success!! Can you try package We made a small change to the Nuspec file to install SciChart.iOS in the correct folder. VS2017 with PackageReference now seems to be happy.
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Also .. build v2.0.1.543 fixes the same issue for Android. We’ve updated our deployment for the examples too which failed to build during this revision range. Thanks for reporting!!! :)
  • rubs00
    Cool. It works now. Thank you, Andrew!


sorry for late reply. Could you please check out your package.config file? Does it look like the following one:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package id="SciChart.iOS" version="" targetFramework="xamarinios10" />

Also, please check your SciChart nuget feed url. It should be like this one:

Best regards,

  • rubs00
    My NuGet feed URL is the one you provided. However, as package.config is now deprecated in favor of PackageReference, I use that: <PackageReference Include=”SciChart.iOS”> <Version></Version></PackageReference>
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Hi rubs00, using VS2017? Gimme a moment I’ll try it out.
  • rubs00
    @Andrew Yep, VS2017
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