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Show Labels and Annotations

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How can i have axis labels and annotations to be shown on the chart all the time, even if there is no datapoint on the chart?

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Annotations and Axis labels are shown on the chart if there are no data-points on the chart.

Please see our Annotations are Easy example which shows this.

enter image description here

Best regards,

  • Aysan Afrand
    hmm.. i’m wondering why they won’t show for my chart then. Can MvvM affect that?
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    As a first guess, ensure the VisibleRange of axis is large enough to show your annotations. Annotations are not included in AutoRange. As a second guess, I would use WPF Snoop or just plain Visual Studio debugger to check if SciChartSurface.Annotations has any values in it after your chart has loaded. If not, then it could be a binding error. Finally, I would be looking for any errors in the Visual Studio output window. SciChart reports exceptions and errors when SciChartSurface.DebugWhyDoesntSciChartRender = true, and there is an exception handling callback SciChartSurface.OnRenderException as well you can listen to .
  • Aysan Afrand
    ah.. thank you. I had y axis range as null because of no data. Set a default for that and it looks fine now.
  • Andrew Burnett-Thompson
    Awesome! :)
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